Like Mother, Like Daughter

There are many aspects to making a blog post go from an idea in our heads to the finished product you see on the screen. The words are where it’s at, of course, but the images often bring the whole thing to life!

One of my favorite parts of working on the blog happens to be the picture part. I love finding just the right photo to match the post, and writing the perfect caption for it. I especially love when I can photoshop our heads onto various bodies doing ridiculous things (as you may have noticed).

So, the other day when I was busy trying to decide whether Ashley’s head would look better on Cupid or a giant Valentine (check out our FB page next week for the big reveal!), Lucy was sitting across from me tapping around on the iPod.

She said, “Hey Mom, I emailed you some pictures. Tell me if you like them.”

Oh, no!

You see, Lucy ADORES taking candid pictures of me with her iPod touch. She doesn’t really like posed pictures. Oh, no. She prefers photos where my eyes are half closed, my mouth is hanging open, or I just look particularly haggard. You know-the photos where I look the most true to life.

But that’s not what I found in my inbox at all!

Instead, Lucy had emailed me some pictures from her iPod she’d altered with a graffiti app all by herself. You have to understand, she has absolutely NO IDEA that I spend a significant time doing this exact kind of thing for the blog. She doesn’t read the blog at all. Obviously. She just decided, completely on her own, that messing with pictures would be fun!

Here’s what she sent me :

Picture #1

On a photo of herself from a beach trip…Lucy gets punny!


Atta girl!! Exactly the caption I would have written!!


Picture #2

On a photo from the Justin Bieber concert…Lucy gets her Tigerbeat on!

Justin Bieber

Totes adorbs! Love the hearts. Yellow font was the perfect choice!


Picture #3

On a picture of herself…Lucy discovers the full wonders of PicMonkey!

The law

Never underestimate the comedic potential of putting yourself in a mustache. I can’t believe you already know this at age 9.

My heart swelled with maternal pride.

Clearly, genetics are at work here!

Like Mother, Like Daughter



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