Nora Ephron Made Me Think

When Nora Ephron died recently I found myself really sad, beyond the normal level of sad given that I didn’t actually know Nora Ephron. At least not in real life. But like so many people who watched her movies and read her work over the years, I felt like I knew her. Heartburn remains to this day one of my favorite movies, and I watched it several times with my mother, so Nora and my mother remain indelibly linked in my mind and in my memory bank.

I immediately wrote my friend Rene Syler over at Good Enough Mother and told her that I wanted to do a piece based on an article I had read about Nora Ephron. It really made me stop and think when I read it and inspired me to want to write my own lists. I would love for you to head over and share your thoughts on what would be on your own lists.