Would You Rather: Back To School Style

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Welcome to Back to School week here at The Dose of Reality! Other than Christmas, is there any busier time of the year than back to school season? We know that everyone is feeling as stressed and overwhelmed as we are (seriously, between the buying and labeling of the school supplies, we are pretty sure we have a permanent case of hand claw), so we are bringing you a “Best Of” week here at the blog—back to school style! Comments are closed, but feel free to come hang out with us on Facebook where we can share all our best tips for survival together!

Was this post inspired by a search term on the blog?


Lisa: Oh. My. God. Someone just found our blog by typing “husband wearing meggings”. I can’t even make that up.

Ashley: BWAH HA HA HA! That is so awesome in every way.

Lisa: You just have to wonder what sort of desperation would lead a poor woman to search that. Was it a wife looking to find out if her man is fashion forward?

Ashley: I think she wants to know if meggings are legal grounds for divorce!

Lisa: Can you even imagine if your Robert busted out some meggings?

Ashley: Honestly, no. The only thing that might be worse is if he decided to start sporting a Nubrella.

Lisa: GAH! I can’t even decide which would be more humiliating…to me!

Ashley: WAIT JUST A MINUTE! I have got the next Would You Rather scenario. This is PERFECT. Meggings vs. Nubrella.

Okay, y’all, so we know school is getting ready to start all across the country in a matter of days/weeks. Everyone knows that with the start of school comes Parent’s Night (Open House) in the classroom. An evening where everyone scrambles to find childcare and rushes off to hear all about what their children will be learning that year, while throwing in a little mixing and mingling among other parents and the teachers. Add in a few sign-up sheets for classroom events, and you have yourself an evening of elbowing your way to the front so you can secure the paper good sign-ups fun!

More often than not, my hubby has to meet me at these events straight from work, which got me thinking about this scenario:

It is Parent’s Night. You arrive at your child’s classroom and wait for your mate to rush in at the last minute claiming that he forgot it was Open House and spent too much time updating his fantasy football team had a conference call that ran late. You look up as he makes his way in the door to see that he is wearing meggings.


Meggings as pinned from www.fashion.telegraph.co.uk

To meet your child’s teacher for the first time.

To be among classroom parents, perhaps many you don’t even know yet.


You are waiting outside the classroom, tapping your foot impatiently and constantly checking your phone to see if he has texted to say that he is parking and will be there any second. You happen to glance up and see a man walking toward you wearing some sort of contraption on his head. And then you realize. That is your husband. Wearing a Nubrella on his head.

A Nubrella.

The Nubrella as pinned from www.nubrella.com

And it is not raining. He is just wearing it in case the weather turns. And this man is about to go and meet your child’s teacher. And chat it up with other parents. All the while wearing a Nubrella on his head.

So, which is it?

Would you rather have your husband show up to back to school night wearing meggings or with a nubrella on his head?

This might help you make up your mind…

Meggings or Nubrella Roberts

You’re welcome, guys! 😀

We Had Words With An Actual Celebrity!

We *LOVE* this month.

Is it the never-ending cold? Is it the string of 101 back-to-back snow days where we’re all trapped inside with hours of togetherness?


It’s because it’s “Febru-Arie”- a month so special it is named after our favorite reality TV superstar.


(Bet you thought we were going to put the kissing video here. Ha! No way. We’re totally doing that at the end.)

During a very important blog meeting where we read Entertainment Weekly’s excellent interview with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler aloud in Starbucks (Totally legit blog work, y’all), we came to a realization…

Ashley: Why don’t we ever get to interview celebrities?

Lisa: I think it’s because we don’t know any celebrities.

Ashley: That seems really unfair and arbitrary.

Lisa: Well, it could also be that we’ve never asked a celebrity for an interview.

Ashley: You can’t just do that…just ask them!

Lisa: Why not?

Ashley: That’s not how it’s done.

Lisa: I bet it is. Let’s do it! OMG…do you know what would be the best thing EVER? Let’s ask Arie! He follows us on Twitter so if we tweeted him about 500 times surely he’d eventually respond, right?

Ashley: Or block us…but we’ve got to go for it.

And so we DID!

After only 23 tweets in which we tagged and hashtagged him relentlessly and several direct messages, he agreed! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?

Dose Girls & Arie!

Obviously he was wildly enthusiastic about the idea!

Now, we offered to do our interview via Skype in which we suggested he attend the interview shirtless. (You see, we’ve never done a celebrity interview before and we’ve been told that it helps if you can visualize your audience is in his underwear)

Unfortunately, Arie’s schedule (and the pesky restraining order) didn’t allow for our Skype session, but he did agree to answer some email questions for us. (But we’re relatively sure that he was shirtless when he answered them).

Here are our probing questions, his answers, and our reactions to them.

Q: Obviously Febru-Arie is our favorite month. We celebrate by photoshopping your head into various pictures with us. How do you commemorate this magical time of year?

Arie: I think the best thing to realize is that chocolate and wine make everything better. Make sure to commemorate FebruArie by consuming these on a nightly basis!

Well if Arie says we have to, we have to! Weight Watchers be damned! On it!

Q: What is your favorite blog? Is it The Dose of Reality or is it our blog, The Dose of Reality? Please elaborate.

Arie: Haha! Well I do appreciate your commitment. I think all of America should get on your level. It would be a better place!

OMG…did he just propose to us? Did he just says he wants a commitment with us? We sort of blacked out and everything just went foggy.

Q: We made a “Flat Arie” and we carry him everywhere. If we made a Flat Lisa and Flat Ashley and mailed them to you, what kind of selfie would you take with them?

Arie: How’s the racetrack? Could you handle the speed?

At the track with Arie

Q: As you may know, we are both in the medical field so this question is strictly professional. Since you have been scientifically proven to be the best kisser in the Western Hemisphere, how do you keep the four muscles comprising your obricularis oris in shape?

Arie: Practice…practice makes perfect.

“We’re so glad you are such a perfectionist,” said every woman in the world.


Q: We are known for two things: our devotion to Arie and Pinterest Nightmares. Of these three Pinterest Nightmares-The Nubrella, Meggings, and The Slobstopper— which would you wear and why?

Arie: Meggings all the way…I mean, I think I already saw Juan Pablo rocking them?

We wouldn’t know because we are boycotting this season. We wanted Bachelor Arie, and we weren’t going to settle for anything less. But…


Arie in Meggings
Now, we bet that some of you reading this probably think we have made up this interview. Nope! These were actual Arie’s actual answers!! For reals you guys!!
So thank you, Arie, for having a few words with us and for being the subject of our first ever celebrity interview! You’ve totally made our dreams come true. There will be no living with us now!!


And no, Dose peeps, we’d never forget to include this…