Once again, The Dose Nation really stepped up and helped us out with the quest we hold closest to our hearts. Y’all really know a good cause when you see one!
You Tweeted like crazy to make Arie the next Bachelor just to make us smile. (Okay, winning valuable prizes like your own Flat Arie may have provided some motivation, too).
Well, the wait is over! Today is the day that we reveal all of the prizes in The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack including the mystery video we promised! Who isn’t dying to see that?
Patience, Dose Peeps, patience.
First things first. You need to know our winner.
We have a really scientific formula for picking winners in our totally homemade contests of great importance. It is super complicated, so you probably want to pay close attention.
First, we numbered all the tweets that included Arie, Fleissmeister (that is Mike Fleiss, king of the entire Bachelor fiefdom) and us, plus had the link to the post.
Secondly, we fed them into random.org and waited while the computer worked its magic and gave us this winning tweet:
The winner is Tracy from Crazy As Normal! Your hard work and dedication to this cause really paid off! (It was a sweet, sweet bonus that the tweet made us spit our water all over our keyboards when we read it.)
Well played, Tracy, well played.
But it wasn’t all fun and laughter at Twitter with this post. We did have Twitter heartbreak, too. It left us more downtrodden and hopeless than Darla sitting on the Bench of Sorrow getting dumped by Brooks last Monday.
In spite of the multiple tweets that you all put out in the universe with love and hope, Arie didn’t respond like he did to the last “Make Arie The Bachelor” post.
Nope. He was all full of Twitter silence. Hold us, friends. *sob*
Was the pink hat a step too far?
But enough of our sadness. Like poor Daria after the excruciatingly long break up session with Brooks (Seriously dude. Dumping someone is like ripping off a bandage. Get in, get out. Swiftness is a virtue), we had to pull ourselves together and soldier on…for Tracy’s sake.
So we will first reveal the MYSTERY VIDEO ITEM in The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack procured from Amazon.com after extensive Google searching….
It’s ROAD SKILLZ, the 24 minute, Arie hosted, action packed, driving video specifically aimed at the 16-25 year-old and novice driver. WOOT!
You are already popping your popcorn to watch Arie in all his long hair, driving instruction video glory, aren’t you?
By the way, we consider it a feat greater than resisting an open s’mores bar that we did not crack open that DVD and preview it for ourselves!
And now we will reveal the rest of the fabulous items that are coming right to Tracy’s doorstep for her herculean Twitter efforts….
Tracy will be prepared for all dating scenarios with…
- A clapboard for a dream movie date
- Glittery sun glasses to protect her eyes in the event of an outdoorsy date
- A rose because this *is* all about The Bachelor
- A faux diamond engagement ring just in case the date goes well
- A flashing tiara for a princess themed date (Hey,don’t snicker! They happen on The Bachelor)
- A lip shaped bottle opener so she can get soused
- Tracy’s brand new copy of the epic DVD “Road Skillz”..and of course…
- A handmade Flat Arie for all her photo op needs
What do you think about that, Tracy?
Congratulations on your big win!!
Now all we have to do is wait and see who is announced as the next Bachelor. It’s out of our hands now. We’ve made our feelings known. We have expressed all the reasons that Arie should be the next Bachelor. We just have to remain hopeful that good will triumph, and that Mike Fleiss will find it in his heart to give the people what they really want.
Do it for America, Fleiss!!
EXCITING UPDATE!!!! (No, no word from Fleiss yet…but still thrilling)
Arie has broken his Twitter silence and declared us “pretty awesome”
We are pretty excited!