Leaving It All On The Field

Summer is slowly, but surely coming to an end. We can feel it. The back-to-school signs are everywhere, and the reminders are coming that we need to turn in our health forms to the school nurses.

Lisa has been especially busy with this because Bobby is going to be playing football for the second year in a row. Kids participating in sports must have everything turned in early, or they can’t practice.

No pressure or anything, though.

In prepping all the forms and chatting on the phone, we got to talking about a post from our friend Chris at The Mom Cafe that we absolutely LOVED reading. If you are not familiar with Chris, let us just tell you how much we adore her. Chris was our very first true blog fan, meaning she was the very first person who started reading us and commenting on us regularly, who was not related to either of us by blood (we feel *insanely lucky* that others have been added to that list since then). She is loyal and supportive and truly the definition of a good girlfriend. We don’t even have to meet her in real life to know how amazing she is!

Her amazing post was about a momentous moment in her son’s life. It happened to occur at his flag football game, but the overall message of the moment was so much bigger than a game. We talked about the post for over an hour and then realized that we needed to share it with all of you. Everyone needs to read this post. It will be one that will stay with you, and if you are like us you will find yourself thinking about it all the time.

We are going to share a little of the post with you here…

Last Saturday, while watching my six-year-old son play flag football…something amazing happened. First of all, you must know that we played him “up” because he is quite the athlete. (To his father’s credit) So my little guy is playing in the big league with 2nd and 3rd graders this fall. He is doing great! He is fast. He is catching balls a field’s length away. He is running in and out and around and down the field like a bolt of lightening that makes me go… “WOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH!” Yeah. I’m kinda proud….
This huge kid, I mean he has got to be about 6 feet tall weighing in at 237 pounds. Yes, this might be an exaggeration. But compared to my little skinny guy weighing in about 40 pounds plus a hair…the other boy is a GIANT to me. As he runs full force down the field, my miniature man goes flying toward him. The giant stumbles and ends up pummeling my baby head on with a nice steamroll slam. I do the mama thing: I hold my breath. I stare wide-eyed and terrified. I can’t see my little man because the giant is too big lying on top of him….

You have to read the rest to see how the moment played out.


We are closing comments here, so that you can all go to Chris’ site and share the Dose love with her directly!

Thank you Chris for letting us share this amazing post and for being such a fantastic friend in the blogosphere!


Chris and her adorable family!

Would You Rather: Be Pregnant Or Be On Crutches For 3 Months?

Have you been pregnant? How did pregnancy go for you? Were you glowing and sporting a tiny little basketball sized baby bump or did you spend the majority of your days with your head hanging over the toilet while trying to choke a couple dry Saltines?

Were you the Kate Middleton or the Kim Kardashian of pregnancy?

Lisa and I were discussing our pregnancies recently, and it turns out that we had very different takes on how well pregnancy worked for us.

Lisa: Let’s see, I spent my entire first pregnancy working. It wasn’t the worst, but Bobby was unexpectedly five weeks early when my water broke as I was seeing a patient. So that was interesting…for the patient!

Ashley: I worked through my first pregnancy, too, but except for the night when I literally ripped the underwire from my bra right in the middle of the nurses’ lounge, I really enjoyed pregnancy.

Lisa: Wait..you LIKED being pregnant? Really? UGH, I would have loved to just be handed my children and been able to skip that whole deal. I was not a good pregnant person. Swollen, achy, peeing all the time…and that was my easy pregnancy!

Ashley: My body does this weird thing when I am pregnant where it loses weight, despite my eating my way through entire Hefty sized boxes of Hostess fried apple pies. I honestly think my stomach’s natural inclination is to be a beach ball, and pregnancy just really smoothes it all out.

Lisa: See, I was the opposite with Bobby, but that was NOTHING to how awful my second pregnancy was. I lost a ton of weight with Lucy, but that was only from the violent vomiting for nine straight months. I even had to go to the hospital for fluids and be on medicine the entire time. Oh, and I had placenta previa! I was a total nightmare obstetrical patient the second time around. I’m sure they stamped that on my chart right next to “advanced maternal age”.

Ashley: What did you do with Bobby when you were so sick every day?

Lisa: Anything I could to sit still lest I throw up again. I remember once as I was lying on the couch Bobby said, “Please don’t make me watch TV anymore, Mommy”. I then begged him to watch just one more episode of Thomas the Tank Engine so I could work myself up to moving. I would rather do just about anything on the planet than be pregnant again!

Ashley: Really? See, if I didn’t have to actually raise another child, I would totally be pregnant again. All day long, honestly. For years even. It was probably my ideal body state.

Lisa: Not me sister. In fact, I would honestly rather be on crutches for an entire summer with my right leg in a cast than be pregnant again.

Ashley: Not me! I hated crutches. They’re the worst!

Lisa: Oh, I totally hated them too, but that’s still my pick!

So, we’re taking this question to you but kicking it up a notch…

Would you rather be pregnant OR spend three months of the summer on crutches?

Pregnant VS Crutches

For the pregnancy option you can even have the circumstances of a first pregnancy with all the bells and whistles and attention from your hubby. This is just the physical part of pregnancy. Don’t factor in whether or not you actually want a baby in your answer. But you could have stretch marks or extra weight to lose after just like any pregnant person might.

For the crutches option you are totally in your current life situation with your kids (if you have them) and your current job, etc. You have to manage all of those things while you crutch your way through life. Oh, remember it’s your right leg so you can’t drive. After the three months are over you’d have no ill effects or injuries to deal with.

So, what is your choice? Tell us in the comments!



Friendship Is STILL Not Taxing

First of all, you may notice that things look a different around here today. Yes, we are attempting to redecorate our home away from home, and yes, like with our actual homes we are pretty bad at it. If you notice for the next few days/weeks/months (please God, not months!) that things look strange, stick with us please!

Secondly, as I read back over this post in preparation for surprising Lisa with it today (Happy Birthday Lisa!), it hit me all over again how true the words are. Good girlfriends are hard to find, y’all, and so I consider myself incredibly lucky to have found an amazing friend and now blogging partner in Lisa.

Lisa got a little more of a birthday present than she was bargaining for this weekend when she was struck down by the Dreaded Stomach Bug 2013, so it seems even more fitting that I can take today to tell her how much her friendship means to me…and maybe drop off some Saltines and Ginger Ale on her doorstep! 😉

One thing I will say about tax day that I actually do like, is unlike another April holiday that bounces around from year to year, springing up wherever it wants (I am looking at you Easter), tax day is always April 15th.

Lots of time to prepare and plan and be organized with your forms and your money, or if you are like my husband, you can wait year after year until just about the last possible second and squeak in at the deadline. Whatever, it isn’t like your wife will stress about it or anything.

My real favorite thing about April 15th is that it happens to be the birthday of one of my besties. You know the friends who come along in your lifetime, and you think to yourself, well, even if it means hanging on to the bumper of their minivan while they attempt to drive away, I am NEVER letting this person go. The true friend, nothing fair weather about them at all, pure, honest, good girlfriend through and through.

Now, I am super lucky because I actually have a handful of these kinds of women in my life, some going all the way back to high school and some who came along during the baby mommy phase and then my friend Lisa, who happens to be the subject of this post.

Our girls bonded in Junior Kindergarten, thanks to our clicking and have been besties themselves ever since. I think I have told her this before, but Lisa was the chair of the Lower School Parent’s Association when Emma started school, so I first really noticed her at back-to-school night when she introduced herself. I remember leaning over to Robert that night and saying how totally fantastic she seemed and that I hoped I could get to know her. Lucky for me, I stalked managed to run into her enough places that we struck up a friendship.

She and I talk every single day, sometimes multiple times a day, about everything under the sun. We email so much it is a wonder that we even have anything left to talk about over the phone—but we do! Thank God for unlimited text messaging or my kids could never go to college!

I greatly admire the way she mothers her children and since becoming her friend, I look to her for advice at pretty much every turn because I know that she will tell me the truth, but never in a way that would be hurtful or unkind. She is the validating kind of girlfriend, and I cannot say this enough, if you don’t have those kinds of girlfriends, this marriage and motherhood gig is going to break you.

She makes me laugh to the point that if I was not a regular Kegel practicing mom, I would probably need to hit up Lisa Rinna for some of those Depends. Her emails alone can have me sitting at my computer laughing out loud by myself. Someday, when she is not expecting it and I am not actually trying to give her a non-embarrassing birthday gift, I will totally share some of them here. Ssshhh, don’t tell her, let’s let it be a surprise!

More than all of the good times, though, what makes a true friend, well, true, is how they fare when the weather gets rough in life. How when you can be sitting in an emergency room waiting room on a Sunday night, having just been called by your mother’s nursing home because she was found unresponsive and look up and there is that friend to wait with you. How she can know the deep dark reality of exactly how you feel about your mother, so complicated and overwhelming in the complexity of feelings and emotions, and still a year later take you to lunch on the anniversary of her death armed with cards and candy. Because she knows, she knows, that is exactly what you need.

One of my 2012 goals is to tell the people in my life more often how much I care about them, because, you just never know, right? And because honestly, people should hear that they matter, that what they are doing does not go unnoticed, that their presence in your life is essential. So, today, I choose to say to Lisa…Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people on the planet! I hope you know that you are loved.

P.S. In addition to all the other fabulous things about “Miss Weesa”, as Abby calls her, she proofreads all my blog posts to make sure I don’t do something stupid like leave out a comma or forget a word. Since I obviously couldn’t show her this one, I am having to throw caution to the wind and hope for the best!

Obviously, we all know she still does that and more now that I have threatened her enough with revealing all of her hilarious emails and made her officially join the blog! :)


Open Letter To Jessica Simpson…Again

Dear Jessica,

Miss me? It has been a few months since I last wrote you, and I will say that I take full credit for sending you into labor with your baby girl. I mean sure, it might have been a coincidence that I posted my letter and then next thing you know the headlines screamed, “Jessica Finally Gives Birth”, but I like to think it was my letter.

Anyhow, enough about me, let’s talk about you.

I saw you on Katie the other day where you showed the picture of your totally adorable (her thighs are too much!) Maxwell sporting her yellow bikini. I immediately smiled and thought to myself, “Oh my goodness, that baby, her rolls, her squishy thighs….”. You get my point. I know a cute baby when I see one, and you, my friend (can I call you that yet? I like to think we are friends now) have one very cute baby!

Seriously, her thighs, oh my Gosh!

Imagine my shock when the interwebs blew up because you dared to put your baby in and then show a picture of her wearing a bikini. Ummm, what? Since when are babies relegated to wet suits and one piece bathing attire? Did I miss a memo?

I am here to tell you Jessica that I am with you on this one sister (okay, sister may be taking it too far. I’ll stick with friend). Turns out we have more in common than I might have originally thought.

See, I once put my baby in a bikini and dared to take a picture of it. Thankfully for me, I was unknown at that time, so no one took to Twitter to blast me for my attempt at soft child pornography or whatever other nonsense they are saying about your picture. In fact, if I remember correctly everyone I sent the picture to wrote back with laughter and smiles and references to fat baby thighs. And no, they were not in fact calling my baby fat, thus subjecting her to a lifetime of ridicule and therapy for her healthy dose of thighs. That is what they would have done with a picture of ME in a bikini! Ha, ha, ha, just jokes Jess, just jokes!

Because I am a big believer in women validating other women, I am taking to my blog once again to give you a confidence boost. You show off that baby all you want! Don’t feel an ounce of guilt or judgement because your sweet girl can rock a yellow bikini far better than any of the rest of us could ever hope to! In solidarity with you I am going full public display with my own daughter’s bikini past. I hope the world can take two cute babies in two piece bathing suits mere days apart. 😉

Bikinis and crotchet go together like well, babies and bikinis!

You can count on me, Jessica. I am here for you. Real moms protect each other. Real moms stand up for one another. Real moms belong to a club that haters on the internet just wish they could join.

Now go snuggle that baby of yours!

