Every now and then you see something online that just speaks to you. It can’t be denied. You can feel it so deep down that you just can’t wait to share it…with everyone.
This happened to us recently when we read a post by our friend The Single Mom in the South. She’s not only a mom and a great blogger, she is also a teacher. One of her colleagues played a video at a faculty meeting.
It wasn’t just any old video. It was a video of a TED talk by an extraordinary educator by the name of Rita Pierson. We played the video not knowing what to expect.
It was the very best way to spend seven minutes and forty eight seconds we can imagine. We laughed, we cried, we both played it several times in a row…and then we called each other to talk about our favorite parts. By the time we were finished we could practically recite the entire talk by heart.
It is just that awesome.
You’ll see.
Her words perfectly exemplify everything that matters in education. She is truly an example of the kind of difference a teacher can make in the life of a child. When you really sit back and think about the incredible power of a teacher to change lives, it is kind of overwhelming and awe-inspiring.
We know just from listening to our children talk about their teachers that they are everyday heroes in their world. Our children share the words spoken by their teachers as if those words are law. We can’t tell you how many times we have heard the phrase, “BUT MY TEACHER SAID…” when we have suggested another course of action. It makes our hearts smile to know that these children of ours are in the hands of amazing teachers who work hard every single day to teach our children.
We both know from our own life experience that when you have a teacher who goes out of their way to inspire you to learn, you never forget that teacher. The lessons you learn from those kinds of teachers extend far beyond the classroom and last much longer than an academic year.
The Best Part is an online community that’s dedicated to brightening your day—every day. How? By spreading optimism, one share at a time. The Best Part posts inspirational stories, encouraging quotes, good news and other upbeat items on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram—and encourages fans and followers to share that optimism with their friends. Because when optimism is shared, it grows, making an even more positive impact on our world. Check out what others are sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.