It is no secret that when I am extremely busy and should be paying bills or doing laundry able to grab a few minutes to myself that I enjoy perusing what the good folks at Buzzfeed have found for me.
Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this gem on Saturday:
The Ultimate ’80’s Kids Trivia Quiz
I immediately rushed over to take it, knowing of course that I would own this quiz.
It turned out to be a bit longer than I was expecting (think more SAT length and less pop quiz in Algebra and you get the idea), but I didn’t care. I could do this all day long.
And then I saw my final score.
If this were a class (and really, honestly, why isn’t it?!), I would have gotten a 72, which is most definitely a “D”.
I had planned to celebrate my perfect score with some New Coke and my 1,000th viewing of The Goonies, while playing MASH, but obviously I did not deserve such luxuries.
Instead, I found myself sitting alone in the dark, drinking some Tang and watching Small Wonder re-runs, while questioning all my life choices.
It seemed a small price to pay for letting down my entire generation.
I honestly don’t even know anymore.