We Have A “Cat”astrophe On Our Hands

In a moment of mothering weakness, it is possible that one of the Dose Girls (Ashley) may have promised her children that she would consider adding a pet to the family for Christmas.

Of course, the other Dose Girl (Lisa) thinks this is a fantastic idea. After all, why should she be the only one to be aggravated able to experience the joy that comes from having an animal shed all its fur all over the place?

After much discussion about what particular pet may be the best for our family (and vetoing Lisa’s helpful suggestions of a pot-belly pig or a pygmy goat), a cat seemed to be the most logical choice.

Until, that is, we read a certain blog post by our amazing friend Stacey at Nurse Mommy Laughs. Stacey makes us laugh on a daily basis with her fantastic blog. Because of a certain, little book we all happen to be in together, we have actually gotten to know Stacey really well in the blogosphere. She is everything that is wonderful about blogging. Kind, generous, supportive and an all-around fantastic person!

So, Stacey, fell victim to smiling children who beg and plead that everyone should have a pet. She caved and promised her adorable girls a kitten of their very own.

She wound up with two, because of course who can possibly resist the fluff balls of furry cuteness that await you at the animal shelter.

What happened next is the stuff of urban legends, y’all. Except every single word of it is true. After Ashley read this blog post, she immediately called Lisa to read it to her. Together, we cried with laughter and also immediately decided that we MUST share it with our Dose Peeps!

Here is just a quick peak at the goodness you have in store for you…

I have discovered a trait of mine that is not flattering. Shocking, I know.

Whenever a child of mine falls ill, I end up allowing them to eat junk food, and with that said – most of the wicked, wicked comfort food makes it into MY mouth before it hits their sick tray. Why if I know I’m doing this, don’t I stop?! Let me open up a box of Wheat Thins and ponder that…

We know you cannot wait to click over for yourselves and read the rest of her hilarity, so without further ado…


Comments will be closed here today, so you can share the Dose love directly with Stacey herself at Nurse Mommy Laughs!



Pinterest Nightmare #764: The Slobstopper

Yesterday The Dose Girls took a detour to Starbucks before hitting the carpool line. I ordered my usual, a Decaf Grande Skinny Cinnamon Dulce Latte (3 Weight Watchers points), and Ashley got her beloved Venti Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate with Extra Whip and Double Chocolate Shavings (132 Weight Watchers points-don’t judge).

All was well until…SLOSH!

While waving her hands around to make a rather emphatic point about Wednesday’s episode of Survivor (How can she stand Tyson? GAH!), Ashley sloshed a large amount of cocoa down the front of her white t-shirt. My Tide Stain Stick was MIA, and all attempts to dab and wipe the brown stain away with water and napkins just made it worse.

Luckily it was a chilly day, so Ashley’s favorite long, robe-like sweater (our friend Cindy calls it a “swobe”) was on the scene. With a little tucking and pulling, Ashley was able to cinch the swobe tightly enough to cover her torso, avoiding any strange looks in the school pick up line. Whew!

But what would have happened if the swobe had been soiled, too? Would she have had to face the carpool line looking like she’d been on a Starbucks bender? The questions haunted us.

As happens so often, we found the perfect solution while on Pinterest.


Pinterest Nightmare #764: The Slobstopper

slob stopper photo

as pinned from otakku.com










That royal blue fabric you are spying is the first full-body bib made exclusively for adults! It’s the Slobstopper! Thanks to two layers of high quality polyurethane laminate secured by a velcro tab, we grown-ups can now enjoy life without the hassle and pressure of trying to feed ourselves carefully!

Notice how the dude in the picture isn’t even trying to purse his lips around his coffee cup? Aiming for your mouth is for SUCKERS! He can just dump that cup of Joe right in his lap and keep on trucking. That’s what freedom taste like, friends.

Feast your eyes on the Slopstopper in action…

The mom in the video is no fool! She fastened on a Slobstopper the minute her offspring entered the minivan. She’s not even eating, but she knows that kids are filthy. They might just start hurling juice boxes in her direction or, even worse, try to hug her with their sticky little paws. *shiver* Thank goodness she is fully protected.

Not only is the Slobstopper useful for the car, it’s perfect for fine dining, too! Americans are getting ready to sidle up to the Thanksgiving table in a few weeks. If you have to take the time to carefully fork things into your mouth, your Uncle Bill is going to finish off the sweet potato casserole before you even have a crack at a second helping! But strap on a Slobstopper, and you’ll be running with the big dogs, baby. Fast and Furious won’t just be the next Vin Diesel blockbuster, it will be your Thanksgiving motto. Oh…sorry, Uncle John. That was the last of the gravy. And it was delicious.

But most importantly, now that we’ve discovered the Slobstopper, we can whip out this fetching accessory in the car or at Starbucks and unsightly stains are a thing of the past! The Dose Girls will be covered! (literally)

The Does of Slobstoppers



We’ll never be embarrassed again! Whoo Hoo!

Oh, Pinterest. No…just no.