Nora Ephron Made Me Think

When Nora Ephron died recently I found myself really sad, beyond the normal level of sad given that I didn’t actually know Nora Ephron. At least not in real life. But like so many people who watched her movies and read her work over the years, I felt like I knew her. Heartburn remains to this day one of my favorite movies, and I watched it several times with my mother, so Nora and my mother remain indelibly linked in my mind and in my memory bank.

I immediately wrote my friend Rene Syler over at Good Enough Mother and told her that I wanted to do a piece based on an article I had read about Nora Ephron. It really made me stop and think when I read it and inspired me to want to write my own lists. I would love for you to head over and share your thoughts on what would be on your own lists.


The Part of Oprah Today Will Be Played By Me

Well, okay, so not the part of Oprah, exactly.

More like the part of guest at my friend (she totally told me I could call her that, by the way, even though she is famous!) Rene Syler’s site Good Enough Mother.

She asked me to answer her series of Life Lessons questions, which I have to say was much harder than I thought it would be and now I totally see why celebrities cry when Barbara Walters interviews them.

Special thanks to Lisa for helping me come up with the ten words to describe myself…head on over and read my list, then leave me a comment and tell me what words you would use to describe yourself…it is harder than you think! 😉