Disney On Ice: Winning Oprah Style!

So y’all all know that I love me some Oprah.

And nobody knows how to run a giveaway quite like the fabulous Oprah.

If she were giving away Disney on Ice tickets, it would be far more like, “You get four tickets, and you get four tickets, and on and on until everyone was a winner”.

I wish I was Oprah.

I am going to channel my inner Oprah and try to help more than one lucky person attend Disney on Ice.

This was Abby at last year's Disney on Ice. She said this was her dream coming true.

I am linking up with some fabulous bloggers in the Charlotte area who are also giving away opening night tickets, so you can increase your chances of winning! You can enter here, you can enter there, you can enter everywhere!







A fun coloring sheet you can print out for your kids!

So if you play your cards right you can enter in a total of six places (including on this blog) for your family to attend Disney on Ice. You really can’t lose, right? I mean, technically, I suppose you could, but your odds are certainly increased going through this method!

Good luck everyone! May you channel your inner Oprah audience members and weep with pleasure if you are the winner!

Feld Entertainment is neither a sponsor nor endorser of this promotion. I was provided with tickets to use and give away on The Dose of Reality, but all of my opinions, rules for this giveaway, and references to Oprah are my own!