Would You Rather: Be Pregnant Or Be On Crutches For 3 Months?

Have you been pregnant? How did pregnancy go for you? Were you glowing and sporting a tiny little basketball sized baby bump or did you spend the majority of your days with your head hanging over the toilet while trying to choke a couple dry Saltines?

Were you the Kate Middleton or the Kim Kardashian of pregnancy?

Lisa and I were discussing our pregnancies recently, and it turns out that we had very different takes on how well pregnancy worked for us.

Lisa: Let’s see, I spent my entire first pregnancy working. It wasn’t the worst, but Bobby was unexpectedly five weeks early when my water broke as I was seeing a patient. So that was interesting…for the patient!

Ashley: I worked through my first pregnancy, too, but except for the night when I literally ripped the underwire from my bra right in the middle of the nurses’ lounge, I really enjoyed pregnancy.

Lisa: Wait..you LIKED being pregnant? Really? UGH, I would have loved to just be handed my children and been able to skip that whole deal. I was not a good pregnant person. Swollen, achy, peeing all the time…and that was my easy pregnancy!

Ashley: My body does this weird thing when I am pregnant where it loses weight, despite my eating my way through entire Hefty sized boxes of Hostess fried apple pies. I honestly think my stomach’s natural inclination is to be a beach ball, and pregnancy just really smoothes it all out.

Lisa: See, I was the opposite with Bobby, but that was NOTHING to how awful my second pregnancy was. I lost a ton of weight with Lucy, but that was only from the violent vomiting for nine straight months. I even had to go to the hospital for fluids and be on medicine the entire time. Oh, and I had placenta previa! I was a total nightmare obstetrical patient the second time around. I’m sure they stamped that on my chart right next to “advanced maternal age”.

Ashley: What did you do with Bobby when you were so sick every day?

Lisa: Anything I could to sit still lest I throw up again. I remember once as I was lying on the couch Bobby said, “Please don’t make me watch TV anymore, Mommy”. I then begged him to watch just one more episode of Thomas the Tank Engine so I could work myself up to moving. I would rather do just about anything on the planet than be pregnant again!

Ashley: Really? See, if I didn’t have to actually raise another child, I would totally be pregnant again. All day long, honestly. For years even. It was probably my ideal body state.

Lisa: Not me sister. In fact, I would honestly rather be on crutches for an entire summer with my right leg in a cast than be pregnant again.

Ashley: Not me! I hated crutches. They’re the worst!

Lisa: Oh, I totally hated them too, but that’s still my pick!

So, we’re taking this question to you but kicking it up a notch…

Would you rather be pregnant OR spend three months of the summer on crutches?

Pregnant VS Crutches

For the pregnancy option you can even have the circumstances of a first pregnancy with all the bells and whistles and attention from your hubby. This is just the physical part of pregnancy. Don’t factor in whether or not you actually want a baby in your answer. But you could have stretch marks or extra weight to lose after just like any pregnant person might.

For the crutches option you are totally in your current life situation with your kids (if you have them) and your current job, etc. You have to manage all of those things while you crutch your way through life. Oh, remember it’s your right leg so you can’t drive. After the three months are over you’d have no ill effects or injuries to deal with.

So, what is your choice? Tell us in the comments!