“Arie” On The Edge Of Your Seats Like We Are?

Everyone, we have a MAJOR announcement. We honestly can’t even stop squeeing long enough to write a whole new post about it, so we are sharing what (at the time) we believed was the single greatest thing that could happen in 2014. Turns out we were wrong. There was something even greater coming our way.

When we were on vacation, we were contacted by our friend Catherine who knew that we might have missed this very important news. And she was right. We had.

See, ever since our failed Arie as the next Bachelor campaign of 2013 (oh yes, we were TRAILBLAZERS), we have been boycotting the show. Take that Mike Fleiss. As two people who have previously watched every.single.season of The Bachelor (including the horrible Ben Flapjack and boring DeAnna seasons), we were the epitome of loyal viewers. But no more. Mike Fleiss broke us. Hope you are happy Mike.

However, the skies have opened again, because (seriously, sit down y’all), drum roll please…


WE KNOW. It is almost too much to take in, right? But it is true.

And today, while sharing our exclusive interview with Arie himself, we are asking for your help. Mike Fleiss is at this very moment sitting with his minions making the final decision. Surely Dose Nation can sway him *this* time, right?

As promised, if Arie is chosen to be the next Bachelor, we will do our first VLOG and re-cap every single episode of his season. Oh yes, we will.

So, get your Twitter fingers ready, because we are providing you some sample tweets at the end of this post to share with the world. And also, revealing something very personal that we did that has never been shared publicly.

We *LOVE* this month.

Is it the never-ending cold? Is it the string of 101 back-to-back snow days where we’re all trapped inside with hours of togetherness?


It’s because it’s “Febru-Arie”- a month so special it is named after our favorite reality TV superstar.


(Bet you thought we were going to put the kissing video here. Ha! No way. We’re totally doing that at the end.)

During a very important blog meeting where we read Entertainment Weekly’s excellent interview with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler aloud in Starbucks (Totally legit blog work, y’all), we came to a realization…

Ashley: Why don’t we ever get to interview celebrities?

Lisa: I think it’s because we don’t know any celebrities.

Ashley: That seems really unfair and arbitrary.

Lisa: Well, it could also be that we’ve never asked a celebrity for an interview.

Ashley: You can’t just do that…just ask them!

Lisa: Why not?

Ashley: That’s not how it’s done.

Lisa: I bet it is. Let’s do it! OMG…do you know what would be the best thing EVER? Let’s ask Arie! He follows us on Twitter so if we tweeted him about 500 times surely he’d eventually respond, right?

Ashley: Or block us…but we’ve got to go for it.

And so we DID!

After only 23 tweets in which we tagged and hashtagged him relentlessly and several direct messages, he agreed! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?

Dose Girls & Arie!

Obviously he was wildly enthusiastic about the idea!

Now, we offered to do our interview via Skype in which we suggested he attend the interview shirtless. (You see, we’ve never done a celebrity interview before and we’ve been told that it helps if you can visualize your audience is in his underwear)

Unfortunately, Arie’s schedule (and the pesky restraining order) didn’t allow for our Skype session, but he did agree to answer some email questions for us. (But we’re relatively sure that he was shirtless when he answered them).

Here are our probing questions, his answers, and our reactions to them.

Q: Obviously Febru-Arie is our favorite month. We celebrate by photoshopping your head into various pictures with us. How do you commemorate this magical time of year?

Arie: I think the best thing to realize is that chocolate and wine make everything better. Make sure to commemorate FebruArie by consuming these on a nightly basis!

Well if Arie says we have to, we have to! Weight Watchers be damned! On it!

Q: What is your favorite blog? Is it The Dose of Reality or is it our blog, The Dose of Reality? Please elaborate.

Arie: Haha! Well I do appreciate your commitment. I think all of America should get on your level. It would be a better place!

OMG…did he just propose to us? Did he just says he wants a commitment with us? We sort of blacked out and everything just went foggy.

Q: We made a “Flat Arie” and we carry him everywhere. If we made a Flat Lisa and Flat Ashley and mailed them to you, what kind of selfie would you take with them?

Arie: How’s the racetrack? Could you handle the speed?

At the track with Arie


Q: As you may know, we are both in the medical field so this question is strictly professional. Since you have been scientifically proven to be the best kisser in the Western Hemisphere, how do you keep the four muscles comprising your obricularis oris in shape?

Arie: Practice…practice makes perfect.

“We’re so glad you are such a perfectionist,” said every woman in the world.


Q: We are known for two things: our devotion to Arie and Pinterest Nightmares. Of these three Pinterest Nightmares-The Nubrella, Meggings, and The Slobstopper— which would you wear and why?

Arie: Meggings all the way…I mean, I think I already saw Juan Pablo rocking them?

We wouldn’t know because we are boycotting this season. We wanted Bachelor Arie, and we weren’t going to settle for anything less. But…


Arie in Meggings

Now, we bet that some of you reading this probably think we have made up this interview.

Nope! These were actual Arie’s actual answers!! For reals you guys!!

So thank you, Arie, for having a few words with us and for being the subject of our first ever celebrity interview! You’ve totally made our dreams come true. There will be no living with us now!!

As promised above, here are a few sample tweets for you to use to let Mike Fleiss know just how important this cause is to the world. Remember, Twitter moves fast so tweet often. Like 500,000 times if possible. Or until your boss tells you to get back to work.

Are you ready for our secret confession (complete with photographic proof)? We were so sure our campaign for Arie was going to be successful that we submitted Ashley’s sister for the show last fall. Laura, if you are reading this, surprise! We crafted a letter that told the producers that she would *only* do the show if Arie was chosen. And then we included this very special picture, which is being revealed for the first time ever publicly right here on The Dose of Reality.

Laura Gatewood Application Photo

And no, Dose peeps, we’d never forget to include this…

We Had Words With An Actual Celebrity!

We *LOVE* this month.

Is it the never-ending cold? Is it the string of 101 back-to-back snow days where we’re all trapped inside with hours of togetherness?


It’s because it’s “Febru-Arie”- a month so special it is named after our favorite reality TV superstar.


(Bet you thought we were going to put the kissing video here. Ha! No way. We’re totally doing that at the end.)

During a very important blog meeting where we read Entertainment Weekly’s excellent interview with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler aloud in Starbucks (Totally legit blog work, y’all), we came to a realization…

Ashley: Why don’t we ever get to interview celebrities?

Lisa: I think it’s because we don’t know any celebrities.

Ashley: That seems really unfair and arbitrary.

Lisa: Well, it could also be that we’ve never asked a celebrity for an interview.

Ashley: You can’t just do that…just ask them!

Lisa: Why not?

Ashley: That’s not how it’s done.

Lisa: I bet it is. Let’s do it! OMG…do you know what would be the best thing EVER? Let’s ask Arie! He follows us on Twitter so if we tweeted him about 500 times surely he’d eventually respond, right?

Ashley: Or block us…but we’ve got to go for it.

And so we DID!

After only 23 tweets in which we tagged and hashtagged him relentlessly and several direct messages, he agreed! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?

Dose Girls & Arie!

Obviously he was wildly enthusiastic about the idea!

Now, we offered to do our interview via Skype in which we suggested he attend the interview shirtless. (You see, we’ve never done a celebrity interview before and we’ve been told that it helps if you can visualize your audience is in his underwear)

Unfortunately, Arie’s schedule (and the pesky restraining order) didn’t allow for our Skype session, but he did agree to answer some email questions for us. (But we’re relatively sure that he was shirtless when he answered them).

Here are our probing questions, his answers, and our reactions to them.

Q: Obviously Febru-Arie is our favorite month. We celebrate by photoshopping your head into various pictures with us. How do you commemorate this magical time of year?

Arie: I think the best thing to realize is that chocolate and wine make everything better. Make sure to commemorate FebruArie by consuming these on a nightly basis!

Well if Arie says we have to, we have to! Weight Watchers be damned! On it!

Q: What is your favorite blog? Is it The Dose of Reality or is it our blog, The Dose of Reality? Please elaborate.

Arie: Haha! Well I do appreciate your commitment. I think all of America should get on your level. It would be a better place!

OMG…did he just propose to us? Did he just says he wants a commitment with us? We sort of blacked out and everything just went foggy.

Q: We made a “Flat Arie” and we carry him everywhere. If we made a Flat Lisa and Flat Ashley and mailed them to you, what kind of selfie would you take with them?

Arie: How’s the racetrack? Could you handle the speed?

At the track with Arie

Q: As you may know, we are both in the medical field so this question is strictly professional. Since you have been scientifically proven to be the best kisser in the Western Hemisphere, how do you keep the four muscles comprising your obricularis oris in shape?

Arie: Practice…practice makes perfect.

“We’re so glad you are such a perfectionist,” said every woman in the world.


Q: We are known for two things: our devotion to Arie and Pinterest Nightmares. Of these three Pinterest Nightmares-The Nubrella, Meggings, and The Slobstopper— which would you wear and why?

Arie: Meggings all the way…I mean, I think I already saw Juan Pablo rocking them?

We wouldn’t know because we are boycotting this season. We wanted Bachelor Arie, and we weren’t going to settle for anything less. But…


Arie in Meggings
Now, we bet that some of you reading this probably think we have made up this interview. Nope! These were actual Arie’s actual answers!! For reals you guys!!
So thank you, Arie, for having a few words with us and for being the subject of our first ever celebrity interview! You’ve totally made our dreams come true. There will be no living with us now!!


And no, Dose peeps, we’d never forget to include this…


“Arie” Ready To Know The Tweeting Champion?

Once again, The Dose Nation really stepped up and helped us out with the quest we hold closest to our hearts. Y’all really know a good cause when you see one!

You Tweeted like crazy to make Arie the next Bachelor just to make us smile. (Okay, winning valuable prizes like your own Flat Arie may have provided some motivation, too).

Well, the wait is over! Today is the day that we reveal all of the prizes in The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack including the mystery video we promised! Who isn’t dying to see that?

Patience, Dose Peeps, patience.

First things first. You need to know our winner.

We have a really scientific formula for picking winners in our totally homemade contests of great importance. It is super complicated, so you probably want to pay close attention.

First, we numbered all the tweets that included Arie, Fleissmeister (that is Mike Fleiss, king of the entire Bachelor fiefdom) and us, plus had the link to the post.

Secondly, we fed them into random.org and waited while the computer worked its magic and gave us this winning tweet:

The Winning Tweet

The winner is Tracy from Crazy As Normal! Your hard work and dedication to this cause really paid off! (It was a sweet, sweet bonus that the tweet made us spit our water all over our keyboards when we read it.)

Well played, Tracy, well played.

But it wasn’t all fun and laughter at Twitter with this post. We did have Twitter heartbreak, too. It left us more downtrodden and hopeless than Darla sitting on the Bench of Sorrow getting dumped by Brooks last Monday.

In spite of the multiple tweets that you all put out in the universe with love and hope, Arie didn’t respond like he did to the last “Make Arie The Bachelor” post.

Nope. He was all full of Twitter silence. Hold us, friends. *sob*

We are forlorn

Was the pink hat a step too far?

But enough of our sadness. Like poor Daria after the excruciatingly long break up session with Brooks (Seriously dude. Dumping someone is like ripping off a bandage. Get in, get out. Swiftness is a virtue), we had to pull ourselves together and soldier on…for Tracy’s sake.

So we will first reveal the MYSTERY VIDEO ITEM in The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack procured from Amazon.com after extensive Google searching….

It’s ROAD SKILLZ, the 24 minute, Arie hosted, action packed, driving video specifically aimed at the 16-25 year-old and novice driver. WOOT!

Road Skillz

You are already popping your popcorn to watch Arie in all his long hair, driving instruction video glory, aren’t you?

By the way, we consider it a feat greater than resisting an open s’mores bar that we did not crack open that DVD and preview it for ourselves!

And now we will reveal the rest of the fabulous items that are coming right to Tracy’s doorstep for her herculean Twitter efforts….

The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack

Tracy will be prepared for all dating scenarios with…

  • A clapboard for a dream movie date
  • Glittery sun glasses to protect her eyes in the event of an outdoorsy date
  • A rose because this *is* all about The Bachelor
  • A faux diamond engagement ring just in case the date goes well
  • A flashing tiara for a princess themed date (Hey,don’t snicker! They happen on The Bachelor)
  • A lip shaped bottle opener so she can get soused
  • Tracy’s brand new copy of the epic DVD “Road Skillz”..and of course…
  • A handmade Flat Arie for all her photo op needs

What do you think about that, Tracy?

Tracy was surprised!

Congratulations on your big win!!

Now all we have to do is wait and see who is announced as the next Bachelor. It’s out of our hands now. We’ve made our feelings known. We have expressed all the reasons that Arie should be the next Bachelor. We just have to remain hopeful that good will triumph, and that Mike Fleiss will find it in his heart to give the people what they really want.

Do it for America, Fleiss!!

Be A Patriot, Fleiss



EXCITING UPDATE!!!! (No, no word from Fleiss yet…but still thrilling)

Arie has broken his Twitter silence and declared us “pretty awesome”

Faint Praise

We are pretty excited!



“Arie” Ready To Choose The Next Bachelor Now, Fleiss?!

Dear Mike Fleiss, ruler of our Monday nights, producer of the finest reality programming ever to grace our television screens, and mastermind behind the entire Bachelor empire:

It is time to get serious. No more fun and games.

Time is running out on Denise’s season of The Bachelorette (thank God!), which means that you must choose the next Bachelor right now. It’s decision time, Mr. Fleiss. The way we see it, you have three ways to go here.

1) You can choose the man, the myth, the legend…the one who makes hearts race, lips purse, and who caused the biggest swooning epidemic since Leo and Kate stood on the bow of that ship. A man so hot air conditioners spontaneously combust in his presence, so smart he uses proper grammar (and you *know* how rare that is for someone involved with The Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise), and with such a great sense of humor that he laughs when we take his flat likeness out on adventures!

Yippee ki yay

The choice that any right thinking person would make: Arie Luyendyk Jr.

2) One of the “special” guys currently courting Debra this season. This gives you Chris-a guy who pops his suit jacket collar (something we didn’t even do in the 80’s…we know, we were young back then), Brooks-an adult who has not yet mastered the art of the daily shampoo and sports the Canadian tuxedo look regularly, Zak-who started this show without a shirt and is leaving it without dignity, or Drew-who is handsome, kind, sweet and so obviously gay that we really have a friend who we want to set him up with (Doug? Are you reading this?).

3) Third time’s a charm for Brad Womack.

The third option leaves us feeling desperate, hopeless, and praying for a cable outage.

The second option is the worst possible scenario since Michael Jackson walked Liza Minnelli down the aisle to marry David Gest. Besides being bad dressers and somewhat hygiene challenged, this crop of suitors is BORING. B-O-R-I-N-G. We have already had to endure Daphne’s snoozefest of a season and cannot possibility take another second of these fellas.

That really leaves you with only one clear choice, Fleiss.

Arie for The Bachelor

Surely you are picking him, right, Mike? RIGHT, MIKE?!?

We know you are a busy mogul with lots of things to do, so we took the liberty of mocking up a few potential Bachelor Arie dates using our Flat Arie. We used ourselves as stand-ins for the contestants. (Sorry, we are not actually available for filming…we don’t live near L.A. and our passports are expired). [And, we are married.-Lisa] [Oh yeah, that, too.-Ashley]

Date #1:

Train Date

We think the perfect spot for this would be in Branson, Missouri. That would be a step up from Pigeon Forge where you sent him the last time, right?

Date #2:

Race Track Date

You’ve got to put him in his element, duh! He’ll take the pole position. Oh, yeah.

Date #3:

Western Date

We know you’ve got to have the cross-promotional movie date each season! Hello there Lone Ranger 2!!

See, wouldn’t those be great?

America wants this Mr. Fleiss.

So, grab a rowboat and stay tuned to your Twitter feed…it is about to get flooded.


Sincerely The Dose Girls

PSSSSST: Hey Dose Peeps, we need your help now. Remember last time we had an Arie Twitter campaign? You all tweeted your hearts out, and one lucky Dose Peep won the prize of a lifetime for her efforts.

Well, we are doing it again!

All you need to do is tweet this post to Arie and Mike Fleiss, and you will be entered into a drawing for our most exciting prize ever: The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack.

The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack will include (but is not limited to):

  • Your very own Flat Arie for photo ops and wherever else your imagination takes you.
  • A dining experience (if we can find a BOGO entree coupon that hasn’t expired in our Citipass Coupon books).
  • One AMC movie pass and a certificate for 2 small sodas at your nearest Regal Cinema (sorry these are for different movie theaters, but it is all we have leftover from our birthday gifts).
  • A movie so exciting and special we guarantee it will take up permanent residence in your DVD player. We will not reveal the title of this film until we award the prize package because you’d be too excited to tweet properly, but we’ve already purchased it from Amazon.com and it features Arie himself. (Get your minds out of the gutter. It is wholesome and fun for the whole family!)
  • And more, more, more within the confines of our dollar aisle budget and our limited imaginations (Remember, our last actual dates occurred before the Internet or cell phones existed and back when the Model-T was a happen’ ride).

Stumped on what to say? NO PROBLEM!! Here are some sample tweets that you can cut and paste:

~@fleissmeister don’t let America & @TheDoseTweets down. You love America, don’t you? https://www.thedoseofreality.com/2013/07/15/arie-2/ Pick @ariejr to be The Bachelor

~@fleissmeister there is only ONE choice for the next #Bachelor and it’s @ariejr ! Make @TheDoseTweets happy! https://www.thedoseofreality.com/2013/07/15/arie-2/

~@ariejr will make hearts race as the next #Bachelor & @TheDoseTweets are revved up to tell @fleissmeister about it! https://www.thedoseofreality.com/2013/07/15/arie-2/

In case you need any further reason to go on this Twitter campaign with us, you should know that our previous winner Kat Biggie had her life changed forever when she won the Ultimate Kissing Prize Pack…

“When my package arrived from The Dose Girls, and I saw my very own Flat Arie my life truly began. Up until that moment I didn’t really know what happiness looked like. Now, Flat Arie sleeps with me (my husband has fully embraced our new bedmate!), he rides in the car with me, and my daughter wants to take him to school for show and tell (yeah right!). Dose Girls, I will gladly accept a rose from you any day because winning the Ultimate Kissing Prize Pack is better than winning the lottery!” -Kat Biggie**

**Disclaimer: Her actual statement was, “Hey, thanks.” We read between the lines.

Because this Twitter campaign is SO IMPORTANT, we are running it for 2 weeks. So, between right this minute and 11:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23rd tweet as much as your fingers will allow. Each tweet is a separate entry. Go to Twitter jail if have to. Mark it on your to-do list so you remember to tweet it every day. More is definitely better. This mission is just that important.

It’s so important, in fact, that if The Dose Nation makes it happen, we will not only recap EVERY SINGLE Arie filled episode (oh, yes we will)…we will even treat you to our first official VLOG ever! (No, that’s not a threat. It’s a promise. You’re welcome.)

We will announce the winner of The Arie Dream Date Prize Pack in a very special post on Thursday, August 1st.

Stay tuned and tweet like it’s your day job!

No Flat Arie’s were harmed in the writing of this post. Any resemblance to the real Arie is totally intentional because…have you SEEN him?! Wow! All references to the Bachelor empire and its lord, Mike Fleiss, were only meant to entice and encourage Tweeting. The Dose Girls were in no way compensated for their efforts or encouraged by ABC, Arie Luyendyk, Jr. or Mike Fleiss. We have the Cease and Desist orders to prove it. We just love America and want what’s best for Bachelor viewers everywhere!

PS. You didn’t really think we’d leave you hanging without THE KISSING VIDEO, did you? You know we love you more than that!