Would You Rather: Talk Santa Or S-E-X?

Warning right off the top: This post is not safe to read with little eyes around! And probably will trigger your work SPAM filters, despite the fact that I swear never to actually type out the word S-E-X. Phew. I feel better now. I don’t need emails later about how I ruined your child’s Christmas or how you now have to attend your company’s “safe internet use” policy and procedure seminar.

It seems you have been using the company computer to read about S-E-X. And I still need those TPS reports, so yeah, I’m going to need you to come in on Saturday.

It has been a while since we presented you with one of our head-scratching Would You Rather scenarios, but we have a doozy today.

It all started with a conversation way back in the fall of 2013. I had thought about making it a Would You Rather then, but those levels of Candy Crush weren’t going to play themselves time got away from me. You get it, I am sure.

It is no secret that I do not think well on my feet, especially when it comes to the tough questions in motherhood. Questions like, “How exactly does the baby get into your tummy?” and “Why does my toy from Santa have a Target sticker on it?”

Look kids, squirrel!

But the tough conversations are coming. And we have to be prepared for them. And by we, I mean Lisa. See, I decided that she is better equipped to handle these situations. She has no qualms about talking about S-E-X (even using correct terminology and everything!), whereas I would prefer to shower with my clothes on. So the mere idea of “going there” with my children tends to leave me rocking in the corner and crying feeling a bit unsettled.

I told her that I would trade her. If she would spill the beans on the whole birds and the bees situation, then I would take the Santa conversation for her.

Total bestie win-win, am I right?

We decided to bring the question to our Dose Peeps and see which option you would prefer.

So here is the scenario: You have to tell your best friend’s child the real truth about the big guy in the red suit OR you have to give the nitty gritty details on just exactly what happens when a mommy and a daddy really love each other.

In both scenarios, the child is of an appropriate age to find out, so it is not like you are having to spill the beans to a 4 year-old or anything. But nevertheless, you will forever be known as the one who gave up the goods on what could probably be declared the two most uncomfortable childhood conversations.

No, you may not. Now get busy answering this question! No pressure or anything.

Would you rather talk Santa or S-E-X? Remember, you have to pick a side. My jeans already don’t fit from the last time I had to eat my feelings.

We’re Having A Frienaissance!

You know us! We waste hours and hours spend entirely reasonable amounts of time Facebooking, Tweeting, and Instagramming every day. We just love social media in all of its forms! (except Google+ because we still don’t understand it). But if we had to pick an absolute favorite platform it would be…PINTEREST!

Yes, that’s right, PINTEREST! We know we have made a habit over the past few years of poking fun at various nightmare pins we’ve found, but we do so with great love (and usually after a dose of Phenergan to stave off nausea).

But lately we just can’t get enough of Pinterest! It’s officially a frienaissance…and we want you to join in!

Wait! Before we go any farther, do you follow us on Pinterest? If you do, then you know we have been pinning like crazy lately. Hasn’t Pinterest just been on fire?

If you don’t… it’s okay. No really, we totally get it. You’re probably really busy. You’ve got lots of things to do. Please excuse us for a minute while we have a little snack.


Okay, now that we’ve collected ourselves with a heaping helping of Chunky Monkey, we’d like to invite you to join us on Pinterest!

Follow Us On PinterestPlease tell us you clicked that button. You did, didn’t you? Sure you did! Now we’re going to preview a few of the 50 (yes, FIFTY) boards we have waiting for you!

The Funny Business Board

Who doesn’t need a laugh or two (or twelve) on a daily basis? What can you expect on the Funny Business Board? Just little nuggets like this…


As pinned from themetapicture.com

We’re so glad it’s not just us, themetapicture.com.

If we see a pin and it makes us laugh, it’s going straight on this board. Woot!

The Feed Me, Mom Board

It’s a well know fact that we aren’t good cooks. In fact, we’re actually kind of terrible. But we appreciate a good recipe (in a theoretic way) and looking at a delicious picture has zero Weight Watchers points, so we’re all in. We have over 800 recipes pinned here!!


as pinned from stepable.com

Did you say hot cocoa cookies with marshmallows, stepable.com? We think we love you!

The Holiday Fun Board

‘Tis the season…and we are prepared! We’ve pinned gift ideas, crafts, and even a few tips that will make the season smooth sailing.


as pinned from…US! thedoseofreality.com

But this is just scratching the surface! We’ve also got boards about school (The “School Daze” Board), boards with helpful tips that blew our mind (The “Who Knew?” Board), and even a board full of adorable things like a baby hedgehog sitting in a coffee cup (The “Squee” Board).

Doesn’t that sound like fun?! Let the frienaissance begin! See you over at Pinterest!!

We can’t wait to follow you on Pinterest! It’s definitely a “the more, the merrier” kind of place! Leave your Pinterest page link in the comments below and we can all follow each other!



3 Unusual Items To Donate To A Food Bank

Today is December 1st and that means that the holiday season is upon us in full swing. Those of you who chose to stay at home in your comfy jammies on Black Friday (like us!) may be busy this morning scouring the interwebs for Cyber Monday deals (like us!). Did you also know that tomorrow is Giving Tuesday? It is a movement designed to encourage people to give back during the holidays.

In honor of Giving Tuesday and in the spirit of wanting to really use the holidays to teach our children about the power of giving, we decided to see if we could find some suggestions of ways to help out that anyone can do.

We have talked about hunger on this blog before, so it is fitting to kick off the month of giving by talking about it again.

We are talking about food banks and pantries and the items they so desperately need, especially during the holiday season. We all instinctively reach for the canned goods at the grocery store when preparing a box to donate, but there are many items that are just as needed but often overlooked.

When we found a post listing the 10 things that food banks need but don’t really ask for, we knew we wanted to share it here. We are highlighting three of them here and will send you over to the post we found to read the full list.


1. Spices: Seems so obvious, right? I mean, when we cook at home (yes, it does happen on occasion, we swear!), we would be lost without spices. We aren’t even talking crazy things like marjoram (what even is that?!) or fennel (sounds like the place you take your pet when you go out of town!). We mean basic things like salt and pepper. Or even spices like cinnamon and oregano. So, the next time you are in the grocery store, grab some extra spices to donate to a canned food drive.

2. Toiletries: So, grocery stores will often donate surplus food, but they really have no reason to donate unsold toiletries, which means they are often in limited supply at food banks and food pantries. Items like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and toilet paper can genuinely make a difference in the life of someone who is struggling.

3. Socks: Gut punch moment, right? Hard not to immediately picture yourself when your toes are cold and you slip on a nice pair of cozy socks and instantly feel better. We know. Seems like something so small and insignificant, but yet, it can mean a truly good night’s sleep for the recipient.

We have already decided that we are going to take our kids one day after school to the grocery store with the full list of all 10 things needed and let them fill up the cart. We will then deliver them together to the food bank, so that our kids can be a part of giving back. Go check out this post for all the suggestions and let us know in the comments what items surprised you most!

10 Things Food Banks Need But Won’t Ask For



Black Is My Heart

Y’all, as I write this I am sitting here stuffed from a ridiculous amount of food. I am pretty sure I will be back for fourths any minute now never eat again. Football is playing on the TV, and the children are being unbelievably loud and energetic given that all they consumed were a few bites of turkey and the chewy insides of about 4 small sized dinner rolls. (Kids and their high metabolisms just don’t fully appreciate the Thanksgiving calories-don’t-count-today free-for-all).

As I lay like a beached whale on my couch tonight, the mere thought of re-buttoning my jeans and venturing out to stores is enough to make me reach for another plate of sweet potatoes. Which I will do, as soon as I have switched into my stretchiest, or “most enabling”, pajama bottoms.

When I saw on the news this week that there were people who had been camped out in front of Best Buys across the country for days on end, I honestly thought the Mayans might be right. Maybe the world is ending after all. Because, y’all, seriously, what kind of deal on a flat screen TV would be so amazing that you would voluntarily miss pumpkin pie? Are people getting them for free or something? Does sleeping on the cold, hard concrete come with a year’s supply of canned cranberry sauce and a 55 million inch plasma screen?

Before the invention of internet shopping from the comfort of your own pajamas, I could *almost* understand why the 4 a.m. door buster sale might be an option. I mean, maybe you are sick and tired of the latest story of Aunt Sally’s bunions, so you use the excuse of needing to be at Toys R Us before the doors open in order to grab the latest Rock-N-Roll Elmo for $1. Perhaps there is the thrill of victory knowing you beat a thousand other people to the five remaining Cabbage Patch Kids, and your little angel will be the chosen one come Christmas morning. Running through the aisles of Wal-Mart while the rest of the world sleeps seems like the perfect way to burn off all the extra calories from the gravy.

But, here is the thing…These days you can accomplish the same adrenaline rush with the click of a computer mouse while wearing your coziest socks and sipping from a hot cup of coffee. If you are lucky enough to have a laptop, you can probably even do it all from the comfort of your bed.

So, I wonder then, what is the appeal? Now that you can shop online, why bother ever going to a store again? Especially on the day after the most filling meal of the entire year. Am I missing something here? [Don’t look at me! I even buy my laundry detergent online. I’d rather give up Starbucks than shop on Black Friday. -Lisa]

No really, feel free to fill me in if I’m not seeing the obvious benefit to battling throngs of people in the cold for the best deal on an X Box 360. But use small, easy to understand words, since the tryptophan has kicked in.