When You Are Chilly, Enjoy Some Chili Soup!

Growing up in Texas, we may not have had a lot of chilly days, but we did have a lot of chili soup, especially when my dad was in charge of the meal. See, my dad made a total of two items when I was a kid, both of which he was kind of famous for, actually. He made tacos and he made chili soup. Continue reading

To My Teen: It’s (Mostly) All Good

We wrote this post on behalf of Stop Med Abuse.org but all of the opinions expressed here are our own.

Between the two of us, we have one full-fledged teenager, two angsty tweens, and a six year-old (who thinks she is sixteen), so our houses are filled with a lot of hormones these days.

We think back to the early days of babyhood and toddlerdom and remember how hard it all seemed then. You know the old saying… Continue reading

#ToMyTeen Goes Live…Come Join In!

Since The Dose Girls are the mothers of children ranging in age from 14 to 6, we were beyond thrilled to be asked to join the campaign #ToMyTeen.

We are getting a head start on October today, because we are so excited to share this site with you! We want all our Dose Peeps to get in on the action! Continue reading

Diva Dashing Our Way To Pro-Health

We told you all at the beginning of the summer that we were strongly considering thinking about making this the summer that we contemplated getting into shape. When we commit ourselves to pondering something, we really just go for it! … Continue reading