When we posed the question “Who’s that crazy faced baby?” a few weeks ago with the high price of a Starbucks latte riding on the line, you all rocked it.
Your answers were so funny and your reasoning so thorough, you even had us half convinced of the answer-the wrong answer!! We were impressed.
This time we’re taking it up a notch. We know you can handle it.
Not only are we challenging you to put a name to the pictures, we’ve added in a degree of difficulty. You will be finding us in PHOTOS FROM THE ROCKING 1970s!!
Lisa has faith you will ultimately MacGyver out the correct answers. While she respects your abilities, Ashley thinks there is no way that will happen. None. She’s certain she will prevail again.
On the line this time…loser buys the large popcorn the next time we hit the movies. Oooooh, did you hear that? That is the sound of SHIT GETTING REAL UP IN HERE.
For reference:
We know right about now you think this is going to be easy. How hard can it be? You’ve seen our mugs photoshopped on to tons of pictures. Even in 1970’s clothing with a few decades erased, how hard can it be? Oh, just you wait….
Arrow indicates the child you are voting on…
Before you even ask: Yes, we are both in the pictures above…and no, the arrows aren’t in the wrong places. Honestly. WE KNOW, RIGHT?!!
Let us know how you figured it out in the comments. This ought to be good!!
UPDATE! MYSTERY REVEALED: We have laughed more over the past two days than you can imagine. We have loved reading every single one of your comments. You’ll see why when you click for the big reveal. Most of you are going to be…surprised.
As of right this minute the poll shows that you think we are both #4. We appreciate that, since that’s the obvious girl of the bunch. For both of us you have selected #2 as a very close second place guess. As for our popcorn bet, we’ll have to just split one as usual, because it was a draw. You were not totally right, nor were you totally wrong.
(You’re on the honor system!! Don’t click below for the answer until you’ve voted!)
CLICK RIGHT HERE to find out what we really looked like in the 70’s!!
Click here for a bonus picture that *proves* we were not kidding with the big reveal!