Yes, That Is Really What We Looked Like

When we posed the question “Who’s that crazy faced baby?” a few weeks ago with the high price of a Starbucks latte riding on the line, you all rocked it.

Your answers were so funny and your reasoning so thorough, you even had us half convinced of the answer-the wrong answer!! We were impressed.

This time we’re taking it up a notch. We know you can handle it.

Not only are we challenging you to put a name to the pictures, we’ve added in a degree of difficulty. You will be finding us in PHOTOS FROM THE ROCKING 1970s!!

Lisa has faith you will ultimately MacGyver out the correct answers. While she respects your abilities, Ashley thinks there is no way that will happen. None. She’s certain she will prevail again.

On the line this time…loser buys the large popcorn the next time we hit the movies. Oooooh, did you hear that? That is the sound of SHIT GETTING REAL UP IN HERE.

For reference:


We know right about now you think this is going to be easy. How hard can it be? You’ve seen our mugs photoshopped on to tons of pictures. Even in 1970’s clothing with a few decades erased, how hard can it be? Oh, just you wait….

Arrow indicates the child you are voting on…

Which ones are Lisa and Ashley

Before you even ask: Yes, we are both in the pictures above…and no, the arrows aren’t in the wrong places. Honestly. WE KNOW, RIGHT?!!


Let us know how you figured it out in the comments. This ought to be good!!


UPDATE! MYSTERY REVEALED: We have laughed more over the past two days than you can imagine. We have loved reading every single one of your comments. You’ll see why when you click for the big reveal. Most of you are going to be…surprised.

As of right this minute the poll shows that you think we are both #4. We appreciate that, since that’s the obvious girl of the bunch. For both of us you have selected #2 as a very close second place guess. As for our popcorn bet, we’ll have to just split one as usual, because it was a draw. You were not totally right, nor were you totally wrong.

(You’re on the honor system!! Don’t click below for the answer until you’ve voted!)

CLICK RIGHT HERE to find out what we really looked like in the 70’s!!

Click here for a bonus picture that *proves* we were not kidding with the big reveal!

Who’s That Crazy Faced Baby?

We need you to settle a disagreement for us today.

One of us came across this picture in a shoe box recently. (Don’t judge, we never were good at scrap booking). This gem was taken of one of our children at the tender age of six weeks old. The mother of this baby looked like a zombie while the baby looked like…well…THIS….

One crazy baby

Baby pictures of this infant at this age show variations of this totally cracked out expression. No joke. If the mother of the infant hadn’t been so deliriously tired from lack of REM sleep, she probably would have cried that her child looked like it was on a Jolt Cola bender in every.single.photograph.

Here’s where we need your help.

One of us thinks that, although the child thankfully grew out of the crazy face phase, the child is easily recognizable in that photo. The other of us thinks there aren’t any traces of the crazy faced baby in the child that baby has grown up to be.

As usual, we’re both entirely sure we’re right.

We are turning to y’all to settle this one.

Which child was once that crazy faced baby?

Which one was crazy faced


Choose wisely…we have a Starbucks riding on this one!


Let us know how you figured it out in the comments.

UPDATE: MYSTERY REVEALED: We are totally impressed with the way you sleuthed it out! Many of you were convinced the answers was all in the dimple. Others zeroed in on face shape and facial expressions.You guys are thorough and clearly love a challenge!!

It was Lisa who thought the answer would be obvious to all, and Ashley who thought it would be difficult. Clearly, it wasn’t a slam dunk even for most who got the correct answer. So…Ashley wins delicious Starbucks goodness, while Lisa lives to latte another day!

CLICK HERE for the identity of the crazy faced baby!!




Would You Rather: Kick Up Your Heels or Sing For Your Supper?

Earlier this month, while our husbands took Lucy and Emma on a Y Guides beach weekend, those of us left behind decided to go on an outing of our own.

Fortunately, we had the perfect place to go as there was a festival in town featuring delicious fried food and folk art from the area. Bobby even had a drawing from school featured at one of the booths. After we paid a local resident $10 to park in their yard (whatever, you would do it, too!) we set off on foot to find the nearest funnel cake.

Little did we know that we would also encounter Lisa and Abby’s dream show on the rickety main stage. For when we got there, Scottish lads and lasses were dancing to wailing of a bagpipe. Picture River Dance except with kilts made lovingly by hand.

Lisa and Abby were immediately transfixed and began to get their Scottish groove on by immediately dancing to the music and singing to themselves the surrounding crowd.

Ashley and Bobby were mortified, not only for the company they were keeping, but also for the dancers themselves. Wishing to preserve their dignity, they could not escape fast enough to the nearest corndog vendor.

This led to a discussion during intermission about which of these we would rather do. dance in public or sing in public? Our crew at the splinter-filled picnic table was split, so help us decide.