Dirty Dancing: The Next Generation

Last week I was having a conversation with my sister about our favorite 80’s movies. I should note that this is a conversation we probably have at least once every few weeks. We take a little trip down memory lane to when we used to visit the local video store and rush toward the “New Release” section just hoping our favorites hadn’t already been checked out.

We found ourselves reminiscing about Dirty Dancing, which is one of THE movies from our childhood. We saw it in the movie theater on a Sunday with our parents, and we all loved the movie so much that my dad (for the first and only time ever) suggested we go and buy tickets for the very next showing. Yep. We watched Dirty Dancing two times in a row that day. And then, of course, we watched it about a million more times on our VCR.

When we would visit my grandmother in Colorado, we would spend hours practicing “the lift” in her front yard. Thankfully her grass was really soft, so when we would inevitably fail to perfect it, we didn’t injure ourselves. As Laura reminded me in our conversation last week, “the lift” is really best practiced in the water…too bad my grandmother didn’t have a swimming pool, because then we would have totally nailed it…obviously.

Needless to say, when I saw this video earlier this week, I couldn’t even begin to wipe the grin from my face. If I am being totally honest, I cried a little, too. It is just SO perfect in every way.

I can definitely say that while watching this little boy I had the time of my life!

Nobody puts baby in a corner.

Celebrity Baby Name Or Kentucky Derby Winner?

A big congratulations to Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher on the birth of their new baby girl! And now the sweating it out (at least for me) over what they named her begins.

Ever since the Zappa family came along and set the bar for ridiculous Hollywood baby names (a toss-up between Moon Unit and Dweezil for which name is dumber), celebrities just keep setting the bar lower and lower.

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than when I hear that a star has blessed her tiny newborn with a totally stupid name, because it means I get to text Lisa and my sister with the latest atrocity.


So when I saw the video you are about to watch, I absolutely could not wait to share it. If you have ever found yourself just shaking your head in disbelief at crazy celebrity baby names, then this will make you laugh out loud!

***Breaking News Everyone: The Kunis/Kutcher name has been announced. I will present it without commentary (y’all can take care of that in the comments). Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher is their baby girl’s name.***

I Almost Failed The Ultimate ’80’s Kids Trivia Quiz

It is no secret that when I am extremely busy and should be paying bills or doing laundry able to grab a few minutes to myself that I enjoy perusing what the good folks at Buzzfeed have found for me.

Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this gem on Saturday:

The Ultimate ’80’s Kids Trivia Quiz

I immediately rushed over to take it, knowing of course that I would own this quiz.


It turned out to be a bit longer than I was expecting (think more SAT length and less pop quiz in Algebra and you get the idea), but I didn’t care. I could do this all day long.

And then I saw my final score.


If this were a class (and really, honestly, why isn’t it?!), I would have gotten a 72, which is most definitely a “D”.

I had planned to celebrate my perfect score with some New Coke and my 1,000th viewing of The Goonies, while playing MASH, but obviously I did not deserve such luxuries.

Instead, I found myself sitting alone in the dark, drinking some Tang and watching Small Wonder re-runs, while questioning all my life choices.

It seemed a small price to pay for letting down my entire generation.

I honestly don’t even know anymore.

This Post Is Brought To You By The Colbert Report

In case you have not noticed, Fridays have gotten a little different here at The Dose of Reality. Instead of showing up and finding a Pinterest Nightmare, you are finding a random assortment of other topics. Let’s just say that we have decided to switch things up a bit around here.

We know.

Take a minute.

Is there anything more annoying than when something you count on changes? And then you have to get used to the new way, and you are all out of sorts and just kind of hate everyone?

Change is really not our thing, either. However, neither is being stale. And predictable. So, in the interest of fun and frivolity, we are declaring that Fridays will be whatever we want them to be. So, some Fridays you will see a Pinterest Nightmare. Sometimes a Would You Rather will be waiting for you. And sometimes it will be whatever we have decided we want to share with you that week.

For those of you reading this post who are bloggers (bonus points if you have ever done a sponsored post before), we know you will especially appreciate what we are about to share with you.

For anyone who is a casual reader, prepare to get a life lesson in Advertising 101.

What you are about to see is so funny because it is SO TRUE.