Does Your House Have A War On Christmas Music, Too?

We are total Christmas music junkies over here at The Dose of Reality. Like, the second the all Christmas music, all the time radio station blasts the first notes of I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas, we know it is going to be a good day.

Our hubbies and children do not feel the same level of love and commitment to carols that we do. Let’s just say that Lisa’s hubby refuses to listen to the same song twice, which makes the holidays a bit tricky for him. And Ashley’s hubby has declared a ban on all carols recorded by wives of famous musicians. Yes, Yoko Ono, he is looking at you.

So, needless to say, when we read this post by our friend Kathy Radigan at My Dishwasher’s Possessed, we called each other immediately to laugh over our favorite parts (spoiler alert: it was all of them).

Before we share with you the fantasticness that is Kathy’s ode to her love of Christmas music, we want to tell you a little about how amazing she is. You know those people in the world who just exude kindness and generosity? If you look up those words in the dictionary, you will see Kathy’s picture. She goes out of her way to spread the blogging love, and her love of this community shows in everything she does. We feel so lucky to call her a friend.

If your family is giving you fits about wanting to crank up All I Want For Christmas then you will not want to miss this post! Conversely, if Rockin Around the Christmas Tree is not exactly your idea of a good time, you will laugh relating to how Kathy’s family feels. Either way, this is a win-win for you!

Just to give you a quick taste of what you are going to read, here is a snippet.

November 1 starts the annual “War of the Christmas Music.”

Each year, it’s me against my husband and the three little darlings that I brought into this world, I should add after a collective 36 hours of labor and three C-sections.

This year, I’m taking a proactive stand. I’m taking my case to the people (or at least the few wonderful souls who take time out of their day to read my blog).

Mommy wants to listen to “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” without the groans and moans from the back seat of the minivan. I would like to enjoy all 55 versions from 55 different artists of, “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” without hearing Joe call me a “Lame-o.”

I’m listing 10 reasons why my family shouldn’t give me a hard time listening to the holiday music that gives little old me such joy:

Let us just warn you that each reason is laugh out loud funny! Comments will be closed here today so that you can all head over to Kathy’s place and bust out a little 12 Days of Christmas while you leave her some Dose Peep love!


Can’t you just tell she is the nicest person ever?!


Ebola…More Like NObola

Lisa and I decided recently that we wanted to do a post about Ebola. We talked about it extensively on the phone during a very important blog meeting. We even realized that we have actually talked about Ebola on the blog before (we think we might be psychic now). We figured out exactly what we wanted to say (but didn’t actually type it out as we talked) and then before we knew it, it was time to leave for carpool.

By the time we got back home and monitored homework, oversaw dinner and negotiated bedtime it was too late. After all, The Voice battle rounds weren’t going to watch themselves.

We briefly considered trying again the next day during another very important blog meeting, but then we got sidetracked by how much we love Pharrell Williams (SO SO MUCH) and whether or not Blake really has a cocktail in his cup (we totes think yes).

It doesn’t even matter anymore, though, because our friend Tara at You Know it Happens at Your House Too totally did it for us. And she did it far better and far funnier than we could have ever hoped to! We read it together in our third very important blog meeting of the day, and we were both crying with laughter. We knew immediately we had to share it here and sent her messages on every form of social media as quickly as we could type! It is possible that we might have used words like “stalking” and “please don’t get a restraining order against us” when we begged her to let us share it with our beloved Dose Peeps.

She graciously agreed, probably mostly to get us to stop tweeting her every five seconds!

So, without further ado, we present to you just a tiny snippet of her post…


It’s everywhere. On the news, in the newspaper, Facebook news feed everywhere, the Twitter.


We were laughing already, but when we got to this part we honestly had tears streaming down our faces…

Things that scare me more than Ebola:

  • Head lice

  • Twelve-year-old girls

We won’t give anymore away, because y’all need to go read the rest of the post yourselves…and we promise you will be CRACKING up, too!

Ebola, You Don’t Scare Me

We are closing comments here today, so that you can all share the Dose love with Tara directly.





There Is A First Time For Everything

It is no secret that Lisa and I are not exactly what you would call “daredevils”. We are pretty happy to stay in our comfort zone, which includes firm ground, yoga pants and yummy snacks. Taking a risk for us is less like skydiving and more like buying the grocery store brand of cheese.

So when we first discovered the blog of McCall Humes, we were hooked immediately! See, she is trying all of these amazing “firsts”, and we get to sit back and live vicariously through her experiences (that is practically like doing them ourselves). And we might also be doing some serious laughing at her description of those experiences. Y’all, she is RIDICULOUSLY funny! Like makes us feel like we might need Depends funny!

We talk all the time about her blog, so we decided that rather than selfishly keep her funny to ourselves we would graciously share it with our Dose Peeps. We are givers, we know.

One of McCall’s firsts was riding a real bobsled at the Olympic Park in Park City, Utah. Oh yes, she did. And the re-telling of her experience was glorious and not to be missed. Here is just a brief snippet of what happened to her that day…

In the museum lobby there is a bobsled anyone can climb in. For a minute there, while trying it out, I wondered if I might just need to tell them to strap this one behind their shuttle and tug me up the mountain, ’cause getting in and out of that bad boy took effort. Seriously. It’s like climbing out of a tube of toothpaste. How do the pros get into those things so fast? Those guys are pretty much the tallest and heaviest athletes in the Winter Olympics. Some of them were football players in their previous careers and yet they are able to mount this sardine can in seconds flat. I, on the other hand, had to try three times before successfully getting out. And no one else was sitting with me. And there was grunting.

Trust us when we say that the above paragraph is really only the beginning of the adventure and what follows will have you crying with laughter!

First Time Bobsledding: Alternate Title: Last Time Bobsledding

We are closing comments today so you can go and share all the Dose love directly with McCall herself!


You are laughing already, aren’t you? But with her, not at her, we know! Fine. At her. We totally get it because we were, too! We love you McCall!


Want To Laugh Today? Of Course You Do!

You were all so incredibly kind to us last week when we came clean about the mess that is our lives this blog and from the bottom of our hearts we thank you. Your comments totally lifted our spirits, reminded us that the world is good and pretty much sent us into the Oprah ugly cry for hours!

We decided that the best way to show our appreciation would be an attempt to make you laugh.

Let’s just say that I might have showed the video below to Lisa after her surgery, and it is possible she ruptured a suture or two from the hysterics that ensued. Needless to say, her surgeon loves me. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t test the strength of her stitches?

So do you want to laugh today? Of course you do!