Sometimes A Phobia Is Actually Funny

I have a ridiculous number of few phobias. Some of them are totally obvious, like how I am pretty much deathly afraid of snakes. And by pretty much, I mean even typing out that last sentence made me have to go rock in the corner for a while. When you tell someone that you are afraid of snakes, they are usually like, “Well, duh, who isn’t afraid of snakes?”

The same cannot be said of one of my other phobias (I have a lot of them, but since this is not therapy, and I am not paying you people to listen to my innermost fears we will just focus on the one for now). I tend to prefer to focus less on thinking of it as a phobia and more on thinking of it as a totally normal, healthy appreciation for the fact that this animal could cause my heart to stop beating forever.

The frog.


Yep, your eyes did not fail you there. I said the frog.

I do not enjoy frogs in any way, shape or form. I do not enjoy them hopping anywhere near me, especially in the dark. Growing up in Texas this was a bit of problem as frogs were quite common. I learned from a very early age how to basically levitate from our car to the front door. Everyone teased me mercilessly about my fear of frogs. I did not care. I know danger when I see it.

This is all leading up to me saying that when I hear about phobias for creatures that most people tend to think nothing about, I feel sympathy for the person with the fear. Who am I to point fingers at the kid who freaks out when he sees a goldfish (the animal, not the cracker) or the grown-up who would prefer to steer clear of all species of birds (oh wait, that grown-up is me).

However, when my sister sent me this video recently of her co-worker’s son, I cried with laughter. Let’s just say that poor Matt is afraid of a rather random animal. I knew immediately that while I could totally relate to Matt’s plight, I still had to share this video with you all here. Because sometimes a phobia is actually funny.

5 Signs You Are A Halloween Weight Watcher


Welcome to Halloween week here at The Dose of Reality. We are bringing you the best (hopefully!) of our Halloween posts through the years here this week, so grab your candy corn (or in the case of this post your celery sticks) and enjoy! Here we go…

We are officially entering into the holiday eating season, which in real life lasts until New Year’s. In our lives it has been known to last until the first time we have to put on a bathing suit.

But not anymore y’all.

We are in Weight Watchers mode, because we have been doing the program since yesterday June of 2013.

One of us Lisa is doing really well on the plan. We’ll just leave it at that.

So, chances are if you see both of us Lisa Friday night you can expect she will be doing this!


School Breaks Are The Best-Said No Mom Ever

Having the kids back in school has really increased my productivity. No longer do I have to let weeks worth of Keeping Up With the Kardashians build up on my DVR because the kids are home and therefore my daytime TV watching hours are gone. I am officially caught up on all of my back issues of US Weekly (did y’all know that Brad and Angelina finally tied the knot??!!) because I don’t have to spend my days playing 8,700 games of UNO.

With Lisa back (as long as I don’t mind her sans pants), the old blog is finally dusted off and we are able to get some real work done.

We had one of our first “blog meetings” in a while on Thursday.

Lisa: So, what is your schedule like for next week? Can we get together Monday and do that awesome post we have been talking about?

Ashley: Monday is out because the kids don’t have school.

Lisa: No, you are thinking of 2 weeks from now when they are out for school conferences.

Ashley: Yeah, they are out then, too. But they are also out on Monday for Fall Break.

Lisa: I had absolutely no idea! That certainly would have made Monday awkward when I pulled up to an empty school for drop-off.

We both decided that it made perfect sense for them to have a break, what with them being in school for 8 weeks already. Phew. That is a lot of learning. Time to kick back and relax for a well deserved break!


We totally complained to each other for an hour on the phone about how these random days off really are a buzzkill…FOR US.


Hey Holidays, One At A Time!

Hey holidays, one at a time, m’kay?!

It all started for me when I was grocery shopping the last week of August and noticed something strange. No, it wasn’t the fact that I was *finally* pushing the cart solo with no child hanging off the side or asking when it would be her turn to push the cart (thank you school for starting again). Or the fact that I was shopping for my groceries at 7:57 a.m. which meant it was basically the lone checkout lady and me in the store.

Right in front of me was a Halloween candy display.

I immediately texted Lisa (moms can totally text each other random thoughts at super early times of the morning without it seeming weird as we have all been up since dawn) and asked her if perhaps I had hit my head and missed all of September or something.

I then came home and Facebooked about it.


After all, if it doesn’t go on Facebook, then did it really even happen?

We had barely finished the school supply shopping and then immediately found ourselves thrust into a holiday that was *literally* more than two months away. Our pool was still open for God’s sake. It was not time to start thinking about whether or not I would rather hand out Skittles or M&M’s. And let’s be honest here and say that the only thing that would happen if I purchased Halloween candy in August would be that I would eat it all by the first week of September.

I decided to channel my inner Elsa and “Let It Go” until this happened.


Thank you to my friend Robin for letting me use her photo as a visual aid.

Here is the deal, y’all. Unless your Halloween costume is going to be actually wearing Christmas pajamas, there is absolutely NO reason for these items to be displayed next to each other. You know what Christmas? Your turn is coming. Relax, why don’t you?

Apparently, I barely have enough time to recover from school starting before I am hounded to purchase my Halloween treats before I am confronted with how many more shopping days are left before December 25th. It just seems like too much, you know what I mean?