
AshleyBio3Ashley is a mostly-stay-at-home mom to Emma (10) and Abby (6), wife to her husband Robert (42ish), and an occasional nurse (turns out she would rather just play a nurse on TV). At this point, she stands a better chance of creating world peace than keeping her house clean and organized. She considers it a good day when she remembers to pick up both kids at school and also only raises her voice at bedtime. Her main goal in life is to surround herself with people who are real and tell it like it is.


LisaBlog-200x300Lisa is a 40-something year-old mother to Bobby (13) and Lucy (10), and wife of 19 years to her college sweetheart, Robert. In her previous life before carpool ruled her every waking moment, she was a practicing physician in Internal Medicine. These days the only doctoring she does is diagnosing her kids with “don’t want to go to bed itis” and assuring her husband that man-colds are not fatal. Having realized decades ago that cool wasn’t in her wheelhouse, she happily embraces her ancient minivan and wearing yoga pants as many waking hours as possible.