Pinterest Nightmare #516: Trick Or Treat?


Welcome to Halloween week here at The Dose of Reality. We are bringing you the best (hopefully!) of our Halloween posts through the years here this week, so grab your candy corn and your best costume and enjoy! Here we go…

Lisa is really hoping that when the doorbell starts ringing tonight, she is less disappointed than she was last year. Let’s hope the trick-or-treaters in her neighborhood took a page from this post and turned to Pinterest for their costume ideas this year.

I don’t know about you all, but Halloween was weak sauce in my neighborhood this year.

Nobody brought it-surprisingly not even the 9 year old Glossner triplets who were the talk of the cul-de-sac last year when they got decked out in platform boots and went as the band KISS in full makeup (obviously minus Peter Criss…he gets no respect). Now *those* were costumes worthy of a full-sized Snickers.

This year’s trick-or-treaters were definitely more deserving of a box of raisins or the dreaded American Dental Association approved tooth brush. (That’s not what I handed out of course. I don’t need to be cleaning egg off my front stoop until Thanksgiving.) We had a few traditional witches and cats-and there were enough firemen, police officers, and doctors to start our own disaster response team-but it really felt like everyone was just phoning it in this year.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being too hard on my neighbors. Not everyone on my block has the knowledge, like I do, that the most classy and unique costume ideas are just a click away on Pinterest.

Pinterest Nightmare # 516a: Classic Characters

If you want to pick a costume that’s a sure thing, one glance at Pinterest will let you know that dressing as your favorite character is sure to amaze the neighborhood.

TT Jack & Cigs

as pinned from


Are you not stunned by the littlest Marlboro Man?

What child doesn’t dream of the day he gets to dress as a pack of smokes and take to the streets with his good buddy Jack Daniel’s?

The mom was holding the camera or you would have seen she was dressed as a bottle of Vicodin.

TT Madonna

as pinned from



The Material Girl…er…Dog!

Not just any poodle can pull off a Blond Ambition era Madonna, but if I know Fe Fe, she has the chops to master the extensive choreography.




Pinterest Nightmare #516b: Masks

Nothing says “Halloween” like donning a mask and letting the rest of your costume just take care of itself. Here are two examples executed to Pinterest perfection!

TT Koala Mask

as pinned from



This is what happens when Build-A-Bear employees go bad.





TT Old Timey Halloween

as pinned from Kristin Grondahl



Proof that Halloween was absolutely terrifying in the old-timey days of the Oklahoma Dust Bowl … or this is the youngest gang of bank robbers in U.S. history.





Pinterest Nightmare #516c: Babies Hitting it Out of The Park

You don’t get a free pass just because you’re a baby. Wearing any old get up to the neighborhood stroller parade won’t win you any friends or admirers. If you want your infant to stand out in the crowd, Pinterest has a few ideas…

TT Baby Taco

as pinned from Adnilra Yim


I know it’s not politically correct to eat veal, but I wonder if it’s okay to enjoy Taco Bell’s newest Gordita Supreme if it’s made with free range babies.

This baby will think twice the next time Aunt Edith says she will eat him up!


TT Baby Alien

as pinned from



This baby figured out the secret to the perfect costume. On it’s own, the infant chicken costume is lame and unsurprising. BUT…add some blood, a sucking chest wound, and an alien escaping it’s unsuspecting host and BAM! You have real Halloween magic the neighbors won’t soon forget.

It’s his look of surprise at his current circumstances that really sells it.





Pinterest Nightmare #516d: Celebrities Go For Glamour

Celebrities display a pronounced flair when it comes to their Halloween costumes. You can’t go wrong following their glamorous lead. As Pinterest shows, they really know to take advantage of the moment when all eyes are upon them.

TT Lady Gaga

as pinned from

Here is Lady Gaga resplendent in a whimsical costume that is a modern day interpretation of a ghost or perhaps a victim of consumption. (True artists tend to leave it a bit ambiguous.) Either way, it’s ethereal and edgy, but with a hint of chic…oh wait…never mind. Turns out this is just Lady Gaga going to dinner on a random Tuesday night. Moving right along…

Pinterest Nightmare #516e: Let Pop Culture Be Your Guide

Some of the best Halloween costumes have their finger on the pulse of pop culture. Drawing your inspiration from the movies or television will be sure to make your outfit a bona fide hit as these Pinterest gems clearly illustrate.

TT Hanibal Lecter

as pinned from Mary Emily



Who isn’t instantly transported on a Silence of the Lambs-style trip down memory lane by the sight of this mini Hannibal Lecter?

Should we be disturbed at all by the fact that nobody else seems to be in a costume? Surely this isn’t just the newest Tiger Mom method of discipline, right?




TT Pug Wrecking Ball

as pinned from




And to think, Pugsley thought he was getting the last laugh when he peed on the rug.






Oh, Pinterest. No…just no.


Pinterest Nightmare #516: Trick Or Treat? — 104 Comments

  1. BAAHHHAHAAAAA!!!!! Do you know how hard it is to contain my outbursts while reading this so I don’t wake-up the boys?? OMG!!! I’m dying over here! The baby’s face with that alien coming out of it’s chest is ridiculously hysterical! Have I told you ladies how much I love you lately? This is awesome!

    • His little expression totally makes the whole photo, doesn’t it!! Poor little guy seems to be sending out a telepathic, “Help me” right through the picture!! 😀

  2. Oh man from the littlest Malbaro Man right to the pug you nailed it today. I wish we had a better Halloween here, but poor Lily got sick with a pretty high fever. So back to the pediatrician’s office for us but thankfully Kevin was home and took Emma trick-or-treating. Of course now, Lily is better or so it seems today! Never fails. Happy Friday to you both 🙂

    • Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! There is nothing…and I mean NOTHING as awful as being a sick kid on Halloween. Oh, that is the WORST!! Poor Lily!!
      I’m so glad she’s feeling better today, though. But still…she missed trick-or-treating. You are so right. It never fails.

  3. I can give the dogs a pass, they can’t control it, and the pug one is cool, but little babies that’s going to far!

    One kid showed up last night in just regular clothes no costume whatsoever and held out a walmart plastic bag! put some effort into it at least!

    Happy day-after Halloween 🙂

    • Oh, I’m totally with you! If you want some free candy, you have to put in the work. No costume, no candy!! Everyone has some sort of costume they can throw together from things at home if they have to!!

      I can’t blame the dogs. Poor Pugsley was saddled with a Miley Cyrus stand-in. He’s suffered enough.

  4. I think this may be my favorite Pinterest Nightmare EVER!! These costumes are truly hideous. Seriously, who dresses their kid up as a pack of cigarettes?! And the look on that baby’s face in the chicken-alien costume says it all. WTF, Mom & Dad, WTF?!

    Halloween was weak in our neck of the woods. WAY too many Duck Dynasty costumes. And not just the kids!

    • It takes um…”guts”?… to stow your child in a pack of cigs, don a Jack Daniel’s outfit, and take to the streets. Yeah, we’ll just go with “guts” and leave it at that.

      But chicken baby with the alien totally wins Pinterest, right? His little face says it all!

  5. Wow. We clearly missed the boat on costumes this year. It poured rain last night so we stayed in and watch The Great Pumpkin while drying our costumes from the Halloween parade. If we had costumes like this, we’d have been in the pouring rain and cold for sure!

    • There were so many rained out Halloweens last night! We were in a lucky pocket that didn’t get the storm. Whew.

      But you are so right, Jennifer. If I had one of these costume beauties up my sleeve, I’d not let a little bit of rain keep me from showing off my prowess to the entire neighborhood!

  6. Thank fully I didn’t see any of these while we were out trick or treating. I just don’t get why that little boy had to be dressed as someone from Silence of the Lambs.

  7. You guys take the cake with this post. I am so disturbed but oddly entertained by the baby taco. But the alien coming out of the baby?! Nonononono. I was one of those traditional cats. Costumes are spensive!!

    • If you have a crawler, it just doesn’t get better than the baby taco. (plus…DELICIOUS!)
      Any mom (or adult for that matter) gets 100% credit for ANY costume!! A grown up putting in the work and donning a costume…that is the definition of bringing it!! 🙂

    • Aw! Thanks, Jennifer! That really made me smile!!
      With such a sweet comment like that and a fist full of bite sized Snicker’s from Lucy’s candy bag, I am going to have a great day now! 😀

  8. Omg to the baby with the steak knife or whatever in him sometimes people go way to far no to that and the cigarettes. The taco baby is cute though I would do that one.

    • You really have to be fearless to dress your baby as the unfortunate victim of an alien. The only think more shocking might be a baby version of a twerking Miley Cyrus. I didn’t see that costume on Pinterest…but you just know it’s out there somewhere!

  9. That Miley dog is hilarious! And I posted that little boy dressed like Hanibal earlier in the month on FB or something and a friend wrote “we call that pajamas in our house!” I totally cracked up. Love the Vicodin comment here, too. Very funny!

    • Hahahahahaha. That’s fantastic, Stephanie! I think that boy’s mom might agree with your friend. On second glance, I’m not entirely sure that IS a costume! 😀

    • You know mothers all over the land are getting out their pads of paper and making notes on how to make this “costume” in the near future for their own little darlings. 😀

  10. Once again you ladies have me in stitches!!! But, I have to say, the baby taco was kind of cute, no? We had some very cute costumes, and I have to say at my sons school the kids were way too cute!!! I think one of my faves was the kid that went as a mailbox, and the teacher who had an umbrella with cats and dogs on it!! Happy Halloween!

    • The baby taco is so adorable that it elicited a hearty “squee” by me when I first saw it. But…not even babies are safe from the scrutiny of the Pinterest Nightmare.
      (the mailbox and the raining cats and dogs…SO clever!!)

  11. I am equal parts mortified and entertained by these costumes! I don’t get the last one. . .pillow dog and naked Barbie?? But the Hannibal Lecter was clever, that parent really just wanted a way to confine that child so he wouldn’t be running around terrorizing the place. Well played. LOL!! We only had about two people who really had great costumes this year, everything else was pretty- blah. . .guess there’s always next year! Have a great weekend ladies!

    • Hahahaha. Well played, tired mom. Well played!!

      That last one is the dog version of the Miley Cyrus “Wrecking Ball” video. Trust me when I say, it will not stand the test of time like the classic TLC videos of our past. (The barbie on the dog’s back is wearing more clothing than Miley did in her video)

  12. I know I’m bad but I had to laugh at Marlboro and Jack Daniels. Talk about all around bad.
    These are good pictures and a good column, thanks.

    • Oh, I laughed for five minutes straight when I saw that one, Bill. Those parents are of the old school variety—like 1960s Rat Pack era old school types (but minus the debonaire air that Frank, Sammy, Dino, Joey, and Peter’s possessed)

  13. I hate when they put kids in ridiculous costumes like the chicken one. Poor kid looks spooked out of his mind! But the wrecking ball one is pure genius, as much as I don’t like to see animals in costumes either. The Hannibal one… kid looks traumatized already! Thanks for the laughs, as always!

  14. Really? Jack Daniels and Marlboro baby? And why would you dress your baby in a costume with an alien coming out of it? I know you two had a great time putting this post together! Thanks for the laugh today!

    • It’s *always* fun searching the Pinterest boards for the nightmares, Carla. You can never predict the weird things that just pop up before your eyes!!

    • Aw! That’s so sweet! Hope you guys had a fun time! (I know you had more fun that the poor little mini Hannibal Lecter!!)

  15. We get to go 2 nights due to weather conditions in our area. As a rule it is done on one night in both little towns in our county.. one decided the threat of bad weather was enough to postpone it and the other said naaaw let the wind whip em all over town. There were not too many good ones out last night. We get to take the grandbaby this night and there will be TONS of pics..

    • That is AWESOME!!! I want to live where you might possibly get two days of Halloween! You guys will have SO much fun. He is the cutest (and most photogenic) baby in the history of babies. Can’t wait to see the photos!

  16. I am feeling dreadful mommy remorse that I never thought to put my darlings into a cigarette costume, a chicken costume complete with sucking chest wound (charming) or dressed them up like sweet Mr. Lecter and then strapped them to a board and went to a convention. Shame, Kelly, shame.

    This post must have been such a hoot to put together - love it.

  17. Halloween was the same here. Not much to talk about. I could not stop laughing at these. It wasn’t so much the costumes as it was your words attached to them. Okay, the dog one was funny even with no words (the Madonna one).

    • That Madonna dog was really awesome. I especially enjoyed the blond ponytail wig. The conical bra was just the icing on the cake.

  18. You two must have been laughing so hard when you put this together! Marlboro kid with Jack Daniels dad…I’m not sure what they’re setting that kid up for. And the infant chicken with the alien coming out of him…that is just awful. Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking!

    • I think “WHAT ARE THEY THINKING” could be applied to almost every Pinterest Nightmare…except for the Ryan Gosling Mini Bust because that is obviously fantastic.

  19. I thought the Hannibal Lecter costume was the cutest! Very creative but I did NOT notice that no one else was not in costume. lol

    And I’ve seen so many Miley Cyrus wrecking ball costumes and I think they are hilarious. Remember that one year that everyone dressed like Amy Winehouse? There’s always going to be someone, huh?


    • You’re so right! There is always one celebrity that is *the* costume of the season. Miley was it this year!!

      It think it’s a bit disturbing when you realize that nobody else WAS in a costume. Poor little tiny Hannibal Lecter!!

  20. The expression on the kid with the alien coming out of his chest is too funny. Does he really need the chicken costume also? Really funny column, some of the parents need to have a talk with Social Services.
    I didn’t get any really good costumes this year, I was thinking about it last night, so your column is right on.
    Halloween was a hundred times better when I was a kid. No dragging parents around, you could roam for miles, and you could actually eat things that weren’t in factory-sealed wrappers. Really great stuff like homemade donuts and popcorn balls. It all changed when I was about 10 and the first psychos put razors in candy. So sad, at least kids today probably don’t know what they are missing.

    • Oh, MAN!!! Back in the day parents didn’t walk door to door with us. We had the run of the entire neighborhood! (How do kids even get out from the watchful eye of their parents to egg or toilet paper houses anymore?) I remember some neighbors would hand you a caramel apple, and we’d just chop away. No xraying!

      But you nailed it. Today’s kids don’t even know what they are missing. Poor things.

  21. Best Pinterest Post ever!! These made me laugh so much the locksmith came in to make sure I wasn’t having a seizure (dude - just change the apartment locks and let me roll around laughing in peace!).
    That first one is classic - I wonder how that went over for the traditional school parade?!
    I actually really like the baby taco - that picture would be displayed at every event for the rest of his life - good times!!

    • Bwahahahahahaha. That locksmith story is my favorite thing all day!! I love it so much!
      The littlest Marlboro Man at his school parade is my second favorite thing all day. You NAILED IT!! Bwahahahahahaha.

  22. I don’t understand the pug one! Someone please explain it to me! And the real problem with the taco one is if you get a baby like mine who didn’t crawl until ten-months-old. However, say it’s Halloween and he’s only nine-months-old and you can’t resist the costume (because let’s face it - being a slaughtered chicken or pack of smokes isn’t available this close to the holiday) and say you put the costume on him and instead of him posing perfectly like the model, he falls onto his side. Nobody likes taco shells that fall anymore! That’s why we have the “stand and stuff” ones!

    • You know, I never thought of it that way. A taco on it’s side would be a sad, sad thing. It’s not easy being a baby on Halloween.

      The pug is an homage to the Miley Cyrus “Wrecking Ball” video. The pug is the ball and naked Barbie is Miley’s stand in. Check it out on youtube…or actually don’t if you want to keep your lunch down! 😀

  23. Nope… LOVED the Wrecking Ball one. Posted that on FB last week.. almost wet myself I laughed so hard. Then I looked at my dog to see if she was fat enough. And come on.. you have to admit the Taco Baby IS pretty good… 😉

    • If my dog would tolerate a costume, I would have Wrecking Balled her OUT! I thought that was the funniest thing ever!! Unfortunately, she is a chewer and Barbie/Miley wouldn’t have lasted more than 2 1/2 minutes. Even Miley doesn’t deserve that fate.
      Taco baby is adorbs… and probably low fat so won’t mess with your waist line!

  24. These are some, er, festive costumes.Although I do think that that Fe Fe really pulled off the Material Girl look. 🙂

  25. Oh my gosh!! That poor baby! I love costumes and dressing up, but some of these…okay most of these take it a bit too far!

    • One or two of them did go too far. That Baby Taco is pretty over the top and outrageous. But take the Cigs and Whiskey, well… that’s just full of classic good taste! 😀

  26. OMG, I love them all. The sepia one was really creepy. I think my favorite is the koala though alien baby is pretty close. It’s been in the back of my mind to do an alien costume but I don’t think I have the guts. Pun intended! Thank you, I’ll be here all week!

    • Hahahahahahaha. Good one!!
      That sepia was was the creepiest of the lot! It’s the most nightmare inducing of them all!! They were hard core in the olden days! GAH!!!

    • Yes. I think the old timey one is just terrifying. I have to scroll by that one really fast or I start feeling totally creeped out. Freddy Krueger’s got nothing on those old timey kids!!

    • Nobody will judge you for judging someone who bound up their child…or dressed them as a pack of smokes. Pretty sure you get a freebie pass on that one! 😀

  27. So the little pack of cigarettes….so wrong. And the old-school children in masks and baby with the alien coming out of it’s chest and mini-Hannibal Lecter….just plain creepy. But the dog referencing Miley Cyrus’ wrecking ball video? Now that was pretty funny.

  28. These are truly awful! How can parents do that to their children?!

    I’ll never forget the mom that showed up for a school event on Halloween as a bride covered in blood with her children also covered in blood. Our school is a primary school and there were some children who started crying when they saw this family.

  29. Oh My GOSH! I don’t know how to respond. Did you see the face on that baby with the bloody alien shooting from his body? My God, his eyes were so big and scared. I kept waiting for the nightmare to end but the pictures kept coming. OH NO… OH NO… sigh.

  30. Bwahahaha. Some of those are downright effing hilarious! I’d so dress my kid as a taco or even Hannibal Lecter. And that last one with the pug and Barbie doing a Miley Cyrus? Piss my pants hilarious!

  31. Okay, these had me laughing. Some of them are brilliant though-I mean c’mon, Hannibal Lecter?!? Nailed it. Pack of smokes? Not so much. But the taco baby was cute. Our neighborhood went all out this year and we had some pretty good costumes. Crazy aliens and whatnot. Then again, our neighbors give out candy according to the creativity of costumes so it’s always a competition. I just want them to start handing out wine and beer like some other neighborhoods. THAT would rock.

  32. I need to move to where ever the kids in those nightmares trick or treat. My neighborhood was straight weaksauce too. Every boy was a superhero and every girl a princess…including mine.

  33. I’m glad someone in one of the comments explained the last dog; I had absolutely no idea what it meant.

    I’m having fun imagining how well the Marlboro and Jack Daniel’s costumes would go over in our Mormon neighborhood. I’m thinking there might have been some calls to DCFS if it happened here. Definitely child endangerment.

    Great pics!

  34. I know these are horrible costumes because they are inappropriate for innocent kids and pets, but secretly I kinda admire the creativity and guts of these people to do something so Pinterest worthy. Is that wrong?

  35. I love the baby taco! So adorable 🙂 So is the little one in the baby chicken with the alien thingy coming out costume! Haha! His expression goes so well with his get up!

    The little Hannibal is creepy. Especially after you’ve pointed out that no one else is wearing a costume!

  36. So funny!! You guys continue to impress with the Pinterest nightmares, and this one reminds me that crazy people really are the most creative. Thanks for the laugh!

  37. Speechless about the Marlboro man and JD. Although it’s really really funny! I kind of feel guilty for laughing at it so much because it’s just SO WRONG!

  38. Those are some pretty creative costumes! I don’t think I dress a kid as a pack of cigarettes though. The surprised baby’s face made me laugh. Halloween here was wet and chilly but it didn’t keep the kids from coming out. For the first time ever, we ran out of candy and I almost had to give up my Reese’s peanut butter cups! :-0

  39. Oh my gosh, I thought that old-time photo was horrifying, but they just kept getting worse and worse! And the baby costumes! No, no, no, no, no! (it also doesn’t help that whenever I think of tacos, I think of the meaning a la Rants from Mommyland).

  40. YOU had weak-sauce. I had NO sauce! I trick-treaters, no noises… And I was in my PJs at the ripe hour of 7pm, ready for bed! BAH AH HA! My Facebook was TOTAL weaksauce… I saw a few sexy bumble bees, maybe one Miley Cyrus and one 50 Shades of Gray. SNOOOREEEE!! Thank you for the amusement. I needed that!

  41. i agree that people phoned it in this year! i do have a friend who dressed up as
    ricardo montalban and his son as tattoo. but he said that nobody under 30 got it and everyone over 60 though they were cruise ship directors.

  42. Such a classic repost! Thank you for bringing it back. For me it’s the littlie dressed as a pack of cigs. Why did I not think of that back in the day? Mine went out as pumpkins, elephants, Minnie Mouse. Fool me.

  43. Ha!! I can honestly say there was not much exciting for the kids around here this year either… sighs.. Kids today have no imagination and based on some of the costumes adults above chose for their kids their imaginations can lead to CPS calls.. just pointing that out..

  44. Oh Pinterest, no, no, NOOOOOO!! You just can’t make this stuff up people these are prime examples of real life being weirder than fiction. Thanks for the laughs and a very spooky and Happy Halloween to you 🙂 Hopefully bring the good stuff in your neighborhood this year!

  45. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the wrecking ball!!! Lady Gaga just on a random night out! You guys crack me up - seriously! I love the little taco, but the creepy alien hand is too freaky! Scares me, which I guess is the point??

  46. Those costumes on the babies are the worst! I also don’t understand the “dress up your baby like a lobster then put her in a pot like you are boiling her for dinner” costume.

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