So this was originally written in 2012. I can honestly say that 2 years later, not much has changed. Number 8 remains my goal (it rolls over from year to year) and number 25 is still true. I know, I know. Be sure to let me know in the comments which one surprises you most!
1. I have been told that I look like exactly two celebrities in my life: Henry Thomas of E.T. fame and Soleil Moon Frye of Punky Brewster fame. As a child, the Henry Thomas comparison was quite scarring to me. As an adult, the Soleil Moon Frye comparison would be quite scarring … to her.
2. I despise eating outdoors. I don’t like bugs near my food or being afraid to drink my beverage for fear that my napkin will blow away.
3. I cannot remember the last time or if there has ever been a time when I have placed an order off a menu that did not require me to change it completely based on my extreme pickiness. For example: “I’ll have a taco. But with the fajita chicken. And hard shell. ONLY. That is it. No cheese, no beans, no rice, no lettuce, no tomato, nothing but fajita chicken and shell.” Bet you want to eat out with me, huh?
4. I have a childhood fear of frogs that I am probably still not over. Growing up in Texas, this was a challenge as frogs were plentiful. I pretty much learned how to levitate from the car to the front door by age five.
5. My hubby and I grew up in the same neighborhood, graduated from the same high school (albeit 5 years apart), but did not meet in real life until I lived in another state.
6. I am obsessed with Twitter. I like it even more than Facebook. You should totally follow me there (@thedosetweets).
7. I cannot stand the color light blue. Which makes typing in Word quite difficult since that is the background color. I find nothing remotely soothing about that color.
8. One of my goals for 2012 is to have Ryan Gosling save my life like he did for that lady in New York who almost got hit by the cab.
9. I love to eat peanut M&M’s in my movie popcorn, since the combination of salty and sweet is just delicious.
10. I always take my own drink to the movies (Ssshhh!) and if I am going to dinner first I bring it in a lunch sack with an ice pack so it stays cold. It is always a can of Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper, depending on what I have in my refrigerator. It is not because I am opposed to paying for a beverage, but rather because I really prefer soda out of a can.
11. I love word games of all kinds on my iPod, but I am especially in love with Skywords. If you don’t have it, get it. It is like Words with Friends, only a million times more awesome.
12. I cannot go to sleep without reading, no matter how late it is or how tired I am.
13. I am OCD about nothing (as evidenced by the state of my home) except for my silverware drawer, which I straighten every time I open it.
14. If there was a job where people would let me name their babies for them, I would totally do it, probably even for free.
15. The same minister who married my parents 30 years previously married Robert and me, and it was by pure coincidence. My parents were married in Memphis, TN in 1969 and we were married in Houston, TX in 1999. I still get goose bumps when I think about it.
16. I have a cadaver ligament in my right knee from a skiing accident that resulted in surgery my freshman year of college.
17. I have had a lot of random celebrity encounters. Most random was Liza Minnelli in Michael’s in Sugarland, TX (suburb of Houston) on Christmas Eve 1993 buying wrapping paper.
18. My high school football team went to the state championships my sophomore year in high school. It still bothers me to this day that we lost to a team called the Kangaroos.
19. I actually require glasses full-time for distance vision, but I only wear them for driving and watching movies, so if I ever see you in Target and don’t wave that is why.
20. I put a ballerina dance magnet over the dent in my minivan hatch rather than pay the money it would take to get it fixed. $5<$500.
21. If I was not a full-time wife and mother I would totally follow Bon Jovi around the country and be a groupie.
22. I wish I knew how to knit so I would have an activity to do while watching TV that was not snacking on large bags of candy.
23. I cannot drive a stick shift.
24. I have never read the book or seen the movie “Gone with the Wind”.
25. Despite the fact that I have my own blog (and love Twitter per #6), I do not own a laptop or a smart phone.
I am sorry to swear on this comment but I am laughing my ass off over here at these. I started with #1 and then I busted a gut at “I am OCD about nothing.” I have never read or seen Gone with the Wind either. I do the same thing at restaurants and I seriously think we are related somehow or the same person. SO MANY of these, I could have written. The only thing I am not that I wish I was is lucky with celebrities. This post was so, so good.
Maybe one day I will do a whole post about my celebrity encounters, most of which are random, one of which could possibly be described as stalking (and I am not talking Angie Harmon on Twitter, by the way). But I don’t want to give away all my secrets, you know! 😉
Casey would totally join you as a Bon Jovi groupie, LOL. Great lists, I love these kind of posts!
Thank you so much! They are always fun posts to write, too! 🙂
This list is hilarious!
The Bon Jovi groupie kills me ..
A smart phone is life changing I just went to the dark side 2 months ago and am loving it! 😉
You know I am still BITTER and HOSTILE about our cheap seats from the concert a few years ago and missing my chance to dance with him!! 😉
I know a smart phone would change my life, but I have a reason…maybe a future blog post in that, too! 😉
There are so many great things about this list! Where to begin? Okay, in order.
6. I still don’t get Twitter. You need to give me lessons. Although, I’m kind of afraid of the level of neglect my house and family will go through if/when I do get it.
8. You NEED to come to NY this August so we can make this one happen!
11. Thanks, just downloaded the app.
12. Me neither. Thank God for hubbies who can fall asleep with a book light next to them!
13. I have ODC envy of people with clean houses. Wish I could trade a few of my other neuroses for this one.
19. I have had to explain to my friends this same thing. If I ignore you, check to see if I have my glasses on before feeling hurt.
24. This makes me cry. Especially knowing YOU. Ashley Taylor, you need to remedy this one NOW. Watch it with your girls (well, at least Emma for now). FANCY LADIES all over the place!!!!
Loved this blog post. Great list!
Twitter is the greatest. Look for a two-part post on it soon. I am not even kidding, that is how much I love it!
Email me your Skywords user name and I will play you! 🙂
we’re like twins on a few of theses 🙂 stick shift & gone with the wind LOL
(ok maybe not twins but I totally feel like less of a loser when I realize I’m not the only person who hasn’t done one of these simple things)
We are totally twins. Maybe we should be WONDER TWINS! 😉
#14- this is excellent. I am having my third girl and mistakenly named the first two with “M” names because my husband and I also have “M” names. However, I hate most other girl “M” names.
Can you think of an awesome “M” name? Preferably with 8 letters. Because I’m a psycho. I can’t pay you in actualy money but I can be your friendly stalker and promote you to the four-five people who read my blog haha!~!
Our #1 contender is Maileigh. Thoughts and judgements are appreciated, because my husband is conviced that Miley Cyrus is now a nobody but I’m not so sure.
You got it! It would be my pleasure, especially because you CANNOT use Maileigh. I am sorry, but no. First of all, no one will ever say it or spell it correctly. Ever. Secondly, Miley Cyrus is a ho. Email me your other 2 girl’s names, and I will get right to work! 🙂
BAHAHA!! I will! Thanks :))
I am going to keep checking my email, you know! 😉
Sorry darling! Emailing you now!
Aloha! In Hawaii we have a lei called Maile (pronounced same as Miley) that is quite fragrant and sought after; used in weddings and celebrations and left in a horseshoe shape instead of tied. Another beautiful Hawaiian name is Makana or Kamakana which means The Gift. My new grandson’s Hawaiian name is Keakuakalikohemelele which means God’s Perfect Child. There are many Hawaiian names that start with “M” and the translation may have a personal meaning to you and your ohana. Best of luck with your new miracle 🙂 Malama pono e a hui hou (take care until we meet again)!
I don’t even know you, but I can tell you that you’ve asked the right person for naming advice. Ashley will not let you down. I have to add that when I saw your girls name, I thought it would be pronounced like melee, as in
1.a confused hand-to-hand fight or struggle among several people.
confusion; turmoil; jumble: the melee of Christmas shopping.
Sadly, I have no suggestions, just an opinion. Sorry!
haha!!! Thanks!! I never thought I would have to name three girls with an “M” name, and clearly I can’t give her a name with another letter, so mad at myself now!
All I can say is Virgos United! While we don’t match on all 25, we are almost neck and neck on most! Love this post…..and we so have to watch Gone With The Wind - that was a shocker to me! The rest, I knew! :)) Love you!
Virgos totally rock! 🙂
Having known you since RJ and Emma were in diapers, seeing this list totally made me smile. I was surprised to see frogs on the list vs. birds and will totally check out this immaculate silverware drawer the next time I’m at your house! Love this!!
Oh birds do it to me also. I should have said that, too. Birds and frogs. Clearly, I am very well balanced! 😉
I will happily teach you to knit! Sit by me at the Carmel pool one afternoon, and you’ll be knitting before you go home!
Would love that! Although, I should warn you that I am totally uncoordinated. That could have been #26.
I am a super picky, special order eater, too. We could totally eat out together — without judgment!
And I love the story of the minister who married you. Beautiful.
Stopping by from SITS.
Fantastic! Name the date, time and place and I am totally there! 🙂
Visiting from SITS!
The way you feel about frogs is the way I feel about birds. They freak me out, man.
I used to be on Twitter a lot more than I am now… still love it, though. And I’m now following you! (@NutHouseShannon)
Totally feel the same way about birds, too, actually! Just didn’t want y’all to think I was too weird with too many animal fears! 😉
That was a fun column. Learned some stuff I didn’t know. You do your special orders at the restaurants really efficiently, you know what you want, so that’s all right. I do think you want to cheat the movies out of their soft drink money, and I am totally okay with that.
I definitely have ordering down pat! And your last sentence made me laugh out loud!
Hi. Just found your blog on SITS. Very cute. I use to be a groupie. haha. I use to love Bon Jovi too.
So glad you came over to read and comment! 🙂 And when you say used to love Bon Jovi, you mean you still totally do, right?! 😉
Awesome. I actually didn’t know you hated the color of light blue. Huh. I love it. Not a fan as much of lime green or orange as you are, so I guess our preferences cover the whole of the rainbow.
Still won’t get on Twitter. That’s all you.
Sisters rock. You are so missing out on Twitter, I am serious!
And I am sure laptops are great!
Laura - correct me if I’m wrong - didn’t we wear a semi-light blue dress in Ash’s wedding? 🙂 This article is in the top 10 favorite Ashley blog posts. Probably because I knew most of these things, but had forgotten a few. Oh my word. .. the freakin’ Kangaroos!?!?! LOL!
I looked at a picture today and there was definitely some purplish hue type tone in there, so they weren’t straight up light blue…or at least they weren’t the shade of it I hate! 😉
I love this. You sound like my kind of woman! I would have given my Rainbow Brite dolls to be told that I looked like Punky Brewster as a child. Lucky you. 🙂
Yeah, I would have loved to have looked like Punky as a child, too. Sadly, it was more boy as a kid and Punky as an adult! 😉
You are beyond hysterical! Enjoyed reading this. I can’t believe no smart phone. Must be difficult for you to be surrounded by light blue in the Tarheel State. You’ve convinced me to get a Twitter account and download Skywords, which means the laundry pile will become even higher now!!
Send me your Skywords name so we can play each other! Follow me on Twitter, too! 🙂
I see you found the picture, good for you.
I did find it, and I was so glad! 🙂
I FINALLY made it to my first Bon Jovi concert last year. About darn time!
I’ve never seen or read Gone with the Wind either… probably why I’m still only “sorta” southern!
Ha, ha, ha!! Yeah, I don’t think they let you go full-blown southern without “Gone With the Wind” under your belt! 😉
You are too funny! Especially agree with item #8, totally with you on #10 (I do not like paying a 500% mark up on water), and love #15 and let me just tell you that #18 made me laugh out loud. Going to follow you on Twitter. Found you on SITS.
Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed the list! 🙂
I loved this list, and I also tend to change things up on a menu!
I feel like menus should serve as more of an idea…something tells me most chefs do not agree with me! 😉
{Melinda} Love your list … you sound quirky, interesting and real. My kind of girl. I particularly appreciated the ballerina magnet solution to the dent in your van! Sounds like something I would do. And I think it’s adorable that you grew up in the same neighborhood as your hubby and were married by the same minister as your parents. My husband and I figured out that I ate in a restaurant with my family at the same time he was a busboy there (before we knew each other.) We are ten years apart, so he was probably clearing the dishes off my high chair! 🙂
Cracking up at the fact that your future hubby was probably clearing the dishes off your high chair! That is hysterical! 😉
I am telling you that the magnet solution is the way to go for sure!
I did one of these once. They are SO fun.
Thanks for letting us get to know you better. xo
You are quite welcome! This was so much fun! I will probably do another again some day…when I can think of more things! 😉
Oh light blue.
A wedding that I had to stand in had light blue dresses. We all looked like the palest cinderellas ever. Hideous.
And I think I love you because you love Bon Jovi.
Hmmmm…leather pants….wavy hair….swoon worthy vocals.
I’d hit it.
I laughed out loud at the Cinderella comment! That is hilarious!
Right? I mean seriously, no man on the planet EXCEPT Bon Jovi can wear leather pants. But, damn, he sure can.
I came back to see what you replied to my comment…but I can’t find it! Where on earth did I comment? Was it on FB or something? Damn…I’m straight up losing it.
I was really surprised by #1 on your list. I think I knew the others, but since both Punky and Henry Thomas to be adorable, it makes sense. Wait, I didn’t know #24 either. WTH??!! You must read the book. You are missing out. *smh* (The *shm* came in handy!! Woot!)
The *shm* does it come in handy doesn’t it?! Thank you Twitter for that!
I will dig up a picture of me looking very Henry Thomas like, and I don’t think the word adorable will come to your mind. In fact, my uncle once I said I looked like the picture on the front of a paint can. Yeah, still remember that one. I was 10.
Very funny! and interesting! peanut m&m’s with popcorn sounds AWESOME! I will HAVE TO TRY IT!!! I could say something about each thing on your list… lol… but I’d never end! Very cool about you and your husband meeting later in life! Who would’ve thought? Maybe it was meant to be like that … makes you wonder if you wouldn’t end up marrying each other if you had met… weird how those things happen! 😉
so… Happy Saturday Sharefest! Following you now!
Paloma (from The Coffee Shop)
I highly recommend the peanut M&M/popcorn combo…you will never look, I promise! 😉
Thank you so much for coming by and for following me on Twitter! 🙂
What a fun list! Thanks for letting us know those little pieces of YOU! (Thanks for visiting my blog) I am also a big twitter fan!
Isn’t Twitter just the greatest? So much fun! I am in the process of writing a whole blog entry just about my love for it!
How am I supposed to find you at Type A if I can’t text you???
I have texting, for God’s sake. This is 2012, not 1978. I just don’t have a smartphone. So you can text me, but I can’t Google something for you! 😉 I would die without texting. That probably should have been on my list. Maybe even number one. Sorry Punky Brewster.
What an awesome list! Just visiting from SITS and love it!. I won’t comment on all of them although - why would anyone READ Gone With the Wind? The MOVIE is six hours long. And I have the exact opposite OCD - everything but my silverware drawer is organized. It’s some kind of weird psychological block on that drawer. Like I’m angry at it or something.
Ha, ha, ha, I feel exactly like you do about Gone With the Wind, probably why I have not read or seen the movie!
And oh my Lord, I laughed and laughed about your silverware drawer. Maybe we should do a weird version of blog swap/house swap where you OCD my entire house and I just do your silverware drawer. Sound like a plan? 😉
I love peanut M & M’s in my popcorn, too!
and? when i take the kids to the movies, i pack their snacks in my purse. i will let them get some popcorn, but i go to the dollar store or grocery store for candy/a treat beforehand. the prices have gotten outrageous!
i am addicted to words w/ friends, so i should probably stay away from skywards? oy!
I knew I liked you for more than just your awesome writing and amazing Twitter sharing abilities! 😉
Skywords is so much better than Words with Friends, though. You should at least try it!! 🙂
You must master the timed cough at the moment you open the soda can. I trust you’ve done this.
If you wait long enough, Bon Jovi won’t be quite so mobile, and thus easier to stalk. He might even do hearing-aid commercials, like Huey Lewis.
If I were governor, I’d make it a requirement for all salty snacks to come with something sweet. The other way around, too. Can I do that and still be considered a registered independent who leans right?
LOL! I would definitely vote for that!
You seriously don’t have a laptop or a smartphone??? My mouth is hanging open. I also love the story about the same priest marrying you and your parents!? That is beyond romantic!!
I seriously do not. I have an iPad, so every now and then I will attach the keyboard to it, but if I am writing something it is at my dining room table on my PC. I know, right?!
I have never seen or read Gone with the Wind either! Glad I’m not the only one out there. And I am REALLY impressed that you still don’t own a laptop or smart phone. Sometimes I would love to get ride of my smart phone. Two years ago I was without one for a couple weeks, and it was so freeing!
Yeah, I could honestly probably write a whole post about my reasoning for the no smartphone. I might sometime! 😉
Sorry, I have seen Gone with the Wind, but never read the book. And got to ask, did you ever get a smartphone? Great list and loved learning more here about you today 😉
Still don’t have a smartphone Janine! Not really in the plans either. It is only mildly annoying about half the time!
Love that you and your hubs went to the same school that means it was meant to be. Knitting you can have it I don’t have a craft bone in my body. I am obsessed with twitter also it’s so much fun and it’s in real time. I think the reach is bigger on twitter than FB
Love Twitter so much! It is just the best! 🙂
You do need a smartphone. It took me forever to get one but I’m glad I did.
Gone With The Wind rocks. It’s long, but I enjoyed both the book and the movie. Fiddle-dee-dee.
And I don’t care to eat outside either.
I know I need a smartphone. I know, I know.
Hahaha, how can you not have a smart phone when you blog? How do you stay on top of things?! That is so eerie and cool about the whole pastor and marriage thing! Liza Manelli in Micheals? Now that is awesome! I wonder if she was wrapping presents for MJ and Bubbles.
HA HA HA!! I did not ask Liza who she was buying the wrapping paper for! She was super nice, though…just wanted to stay under the radar. Not having a smartphone does make blogging harder, but I just text Lisa stuff to email me! 😉
Right now I’m thanking the Good Lord that there are no light blue frogs in existence.
And I’m sort of wondering if 2 years later you have a smartphone? I think I got mine in December 2012 and I haven’t looked back, so I’m curious if you jumped on the bandwagon, too.
OMG, blue frogs would put me over the edge!
Nope, still no smartphone here. 🙂
No.s 5 & 15 - those are just so goosbumpily sweet! And yup, I would join you to do No. 21 - that Bon Jovi is a hunk!
So glad y’all posted this - I wasn’t blogging in 2012 and would have to have done some serious stalking to have found it on y’alls site!
We welcome stalking Shashi…it creeps some people out, but for us it just makes us feel special! 😉
No smart phone or laptop? GASP!!! And nothing wrong with sneaking in a little something into the movies…but you didn’t hear me say that ;)Oh wait! If you don’t like blue how do you feel about a sunny sky or the ocean?
I do enjoy the sky and the ocean, but just not the actual color on stuff if that makes sense…which I am sure it does not! 😉
I still like this picture, you were (and are) so cute. Forgot about #2 this summer. No bugs but sure enough a napkin blew away.
That was actually really funny! I am glad we ate outside because otherwise we would have missed the police action!; )
I loved you already. But now I love you more. Could y’all just move to Vegas so we can be besties?
I would totally move to Vegas…although, I would definitely need to win the lottery to fund my adult trike lessons! 😉
I laughed out loud at with #20! And boy did I need a laugh… Figuring out all the tech stuff with my blog is enough to make me have a cocktail for breakfast! But I so did the magnet thing for my out door refrigerator…except I made one big enough that reads, “cold drinks” as if it were intentional!
Now what to do about that ding in my stainless steel fridge from an errant champagne cork!
Aw man! A dent from a champagne cork…I would celebrate that one with pride…that means fun was had by all! 😉
I’m totally with you on #21. How do you not have a smart phone?!
Because Bon Jovi rocks, right?! I just don’t. I wish I had a good reason (I mean I kind of do, but not really) for not having a smartphone.
Is there a story with the Henry Thomas thing? There has to be a story there.
And Cassidy loves peanut M&Ms and popcorn together. With me, it’s one after the other. Mostly sweet first.
I hate frogs a little because they rained from the sky in Maine once..
#19 and #23 - me to a “T”!
E.T. came out when I was about 5. The above photo is from the same age. That is pretty much the story. 😉
I now have to go rock in the corner about the raining frogs thing.
HAHAHA these are amazing- especially #14!!! I WANT THAT JOB. I would do it for free, or even pay someone to let me name their child. I now know what i want to be when i grow up, excuse me while i edit my resume.
We should totally go into business together Charlotte. People will honestly pay for anything these days! 😉
Okay, so first of all, I hope somebody has told you that you can get rid of the blue background in Word and choose a color you love. Second, sweet and salty really are a delicious combination. Now that Fall is here I REALLY want some salted caramel. And third…no smartphone?!?! …….How?
No one has told me that Leslie! You mean I don’t have to use the blue background??!! Off to change it right this second! Thank you!
I cannot believe you still do not have a smart phone!! Come on!! Everybody’s doing it!! LOL!
HA HA HA HA! You would really think that peer pressure would make it happen, right??! 😉
Do you KNOW how much I ADORE YOU!!!!!!!!! I love this so freaking much Ashley!!! I picture you in the kitchen opening up your silverwear drawer and quickly arranging the spoons back into their place while cooking….
I see you at the movies with your sack bag stuffed into your purse with your diet coke/Dr pepper and I would gladly join you with a snack stuffed in my purse!! Perhaps Peanut M and M’s and microwave popcorn in a ziploc?
We all had boy hair cuts too!! Four girls- with that short hair and ugly 70’s clothes are pics worthy seeing. 🙂
The stories about you and your hubs meeting and the same pastor marrying both your parents and you gave me tears and goosebumps at the same time. Just amazing!!!!
You are just the BEST Chris! How fun would it be if you were here and could come to the movies with us?! So awesome! 🙂
And yeah, I do rearrange the silverware, but usually when I am unpacking the takeout for that evening’s meal! 😉
You are awesome and this is why I love (need) my Dose ladies 🙂
Only celebrities I have ever met are ones at Disneyland, oh and my daughter did climb up on the lap of a pretty well known Senator once and patted his cheek, um embarrassing!
BWAH HA HA HA! I do believe you will need to tell us who the Senator was, just so we can fully picture it! 😉
I cannot believe that child in the picture was you! Peanut M&M’s are my favorite! I am surprised you’re THAT picky of an eater. I guess what surprises me the most is that you don’t have a smart phone. I just got one and I really thought that I was one of the only people in the free world (next to my husband), who didn’t have one. Thanks for sharing! I love getting to know you guys!
Super picky. I am honestly probably worse than I described. I wish I wasn’t. Not having a smartphone is shocking to people…good for you for holding out so long! 🙂
I am really disliking Facebook but I don’t take the time to learn Twitter the way I should. I post articles on there but I don’t have much time to communicate with people. I am missing a key component there!
Asking for chicken only in a hard taco shell isn’t too bad. It is a lot easier than some of the things I have heard. Please substitute the regular onions for red onions and I only want green bell pepper, no red. And a teaspoon of sour cream with guacamole on the side. hahaaa
HA HA HA! I definitely substitute stuff out all the time, too! I am the worst…but a good tipper! 🙂
Was that ballerina dance magnet one you had on hand or something special you bought to match the color of your minivan? Just curious. 😉
I paid a good $5 for that magnet…and of course I made sure it matched! 😉
These are some really interesting facts for sure. I love that you and your parents got married by the same preacher. I love the idea of a magnetic to cover up a dent.
It was really cool Crystal! 🙂
I’m sad as I love a good fountain drink—then a can-then plastic.
Everyone I know loves fountain drinks, too Natalie…they think I am insane!
I’m going to the movies to see Gone Girl soon and now I can’t wait to throw chocolate in my popcorn! Genius.
You will love it!! The popcorn and chocolate, I mean. Super jealous of Gone Girl…am dying to see it!