Goodbye, Sneezy! FRAM Fresh Breeze® Cabin Air Filter Made It Easy!

There are two things I always have close at hand.

No, one of them is not chocolate. (Although that is a good guess!) I always have my phone, and I always, *always* have tissues.

We are an allergy family. One of us is always sneezing and pawing at our itchy and watery eyes. That’s just how we roll. We do a lot of things to help in our home, but one place we’ve found to be the worst for sneezing and general allergy irritation is in the car.

If you’ve ever taken a car ride with me and my sneezing bunch it would not surprise you to learn that the air inside a car can be six times dirtier than outside air. EW! Even though we never, EVER open the windows because of our allergy issues, allergens and dust come right in through the vents and then recirculate all around the cabin.

KaChewTo make matters worse, not only are we combating pollen in our neck of the woods, one of our main thoroughfares is undergoing major construction. We travel those dusty roads at least 32 times a day…and that’s a lowball estimate. Sometimes I can even see dust settling around the car as we’re driving. It’s all just coming right in the vent. Yuck!

We’re so sneezy, I had to designate the main storage area in my minivan for a tissue box. It’s annoying, but necessary for my crew.

Car Tissue BoxSo when BlogHer contacted us to try out a product called the FRAM Fresh Breeze® Cabin Air Filter, I felt like the clouds (of dust) parted, and I heard a choir of angels singing. Would I like to try something that could improve the air quality in my car? Um, Yes!! Yes, I would! (Especially when it filters out 98% of dirt, dust, and allergens using ARM & HAMMER® baking soda to remove odors, too!!) Count me in!

Then I noticed there were installation instructions. OH, NO!

I was worried. You see, I’m not exactly known for my mechanical acumen. It took me three months to work up the nerve to change out my microwave light bulb when it burned out. I was skeptical that I’d be up to the installation process. I don’t even own a ratchet set!

But I love my kids (and tissues aren’t cheap, people), so I decided to give it a whirl.

When I got the filter, the instructions actually looked easy. I figured that had to be a mistake. I immediately went to the FRAM Fresh Breeze website RIGHT HERE and decided to look at an installation video. Huh, it really *did* look simple. Surely, the people in the step by step instructions had engineering degrees. That would explain it. They said it would take about 15 minutes to install, so I set aside an hour and a half for my own installation process. I’m no fool.

From start to finish it literally took me five and a half minutes. FIVE AND HALF MINUTES! And honestly, the majority of that time was spent cleaning out my glove compartment because that’s how you install the cabin air filter. (So *that’s* where my favorite sunglasses went!)

Easy PeasyUnbeknownst to me, there is a little trap door in my glove compartment. You don’t even need two different kinds of screwdrivers to open it or anything. It just pops off kind of like the battery compartment on a remote control. I opened that little trap door, put my filter in, re-organized my glove compartment, and BAM…I was done! It could not have been easier!

But as great as that is, that’s not even the best part. Over the next few weeks, we noticed a big difference in the amount of sneezing we were doing in the car. Nobody came out with red rimmed eyes or a layers of dust all over us as we drove around town. It was amazing!! Even my teenager noticed something was different. And if a teen notices, you know that’s really saying something.

In fact, it was so amazing, I have officially retired my car tissue box! That’s right! It is no longer necessary! Not only is my family traveling easier because they aren’t bombarded with allergens and dust, I have reclaimed that valuable storage space! Hooray!

No Box!Would you like to reclaim some storage space and increase the air quality in the cabin of your car? Just CLICK HERE to see which FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter is right for your car. You can purchase the filters at, Walmart, and several other stores. To make things even nicer, FRAM Fresh Breeze is also offering a $3 rebate to help you get started. To download yours, CLICK RIGHT HERE.

Not only that, but FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters is giving away a $100 Visa gift card to one of our awesome readers. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below! (Entering their giveaway is as easy as installing their cabin air filters!) Yippee!

FRAM Fresh Breeze

So let us know in the comments below your tricks for battling allergies in your family or why you’d love to try the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters!

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This sweepstakes runs from 7/1-7/31/2014.

Be sure to visit the FRAM Fresh Breeze® brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ posts!


This post was sponsored by BlogHer and FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters, but all opinions and children who are now happily not sneezing, are entirely our own. Follow FRAM on FACEBOOK or TWITTER for all of the latest updates and information!




Goodbye, Sneezy! FRAM Fresh Breeze® Cabin Air Filter Made It Easy! — 194 Comments

  1. Yay for no sneezing! I’m impressed with how clean your car is. Mine almost never looks like that, and I can’t even blame the baby for its mess!

  2. I will say totally allergy ridden here and even this morning, I woke up and my sinus were acting up from them. So, love the concept and sounds like a winner to me!! :)

  3. I think I would love this! I got allergy shots for 18 years and Lucas has bad allergies. I’m not convinced that the tissues would go away. I must see for myself.

  4. I’m crap at installing things too, but am impressed it took you 5 1/2 minutes! Maybe I could do that after all. I’m the only one w/ allergies in my family (knock on wood) and my trusty Nasonex pretty much saves me daily.

  5. First I was afraid I was terrified kept thinking you were going to “get” me with another product but much to my happy surprise this is something I can use! Well, hubs can (that man has sneezing down to an art form!) Must look into this!

  6. I change my own ail filters and always buy the cheapo brand - I guess that’s why we smell another vehicles gunky discharge before we see it - this is what I would use the FRAM Fresh Breeze® filter to help with! Thanks Dose girls!

  7. Isn’t it great when something actually works like its supposed to? You just can’t believe it.
    Interesting about the trap door in the glove box. I wonder if I have one, but not enough to pull everything out, I wouldn’t be able to get it back in the right way.

  8. is that why my eyes water ever morning on the way to work? hmmmm, may have to check this out….would be nice to still have makeup on when i get to the office

  9. Good for you! Congrats on installing it, but also that you got a product that actually works.
    Also, I would have bought a new microwave if the light went out.

  10. I’ve never lived anywhere like my current neighborhood, where you can actually see the light green pollen dust collect everywhere … on the railings and floorboards of the porch. My daughter gets recurring sinus infections, and I think this might have something to do with it. So I love the idea of anything that will filter the air for her!

  11. I never thought about filtering the air in the car. I have a car spray to combat the stink of teens, but not this - I’ll have to check it out!

  12. I would love to try these in the car they only thing we use to battle allergies is over the counter medicines.

  13. I’m grateful to have never really had allergies, which means that I was blindsided when I found out that T has allergies. They’re bad enough to affect her sleep, and now we’re dealing with multiple daily doses of allergy medicine and several failed attempts at nasal rinses. Definitely interested in this product. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oh my goodness, I NEED this. Thanks for sharing this product with a fellow sneezy family!BTW- I am impressed with how awesomely clean your car is :)

  15. This is so great! I haven’t changed my cabin air filter in quite some time so now I can try this! Thanks ladies and BlogHer!

  16. I NEED this filter. My car is covered in that dusty/pollen-y film both inside and out - my kids and my nose (throat and eyes) will thank you forever for letting me know about these filters. Off to clean out my glovebox…

  17. This is TOTALLY awesome! What a great invention, and your post is hilarious and informative. (The sneeze picture is just too cute!)
    I’m pinning and posting and tweeting this all over!

  18. Ooh, I want one! We are super-sneezy, too. Honestly, I can’t even imagine life without our battered “where-the-hell-did-it-go-is-it-under-your-seat-again?” car tissue box! :)

  19. My son and I both have allergies and living out in the country on dirt roads is the worst. You can not drive anywhere without kicking up the pollen. Genius idea. Not only to stop the the excessive tissue use but the bin to contain the nasty things after, gross. I would love to try this.

  20. I’d like to try them because although I don’t have allergies, everyone wants the air they breathe to be as clean as possible!

  21. My son has allergies. One of the tips his doctor gave us was to have indoor clothes and outdoor clothes. After he’s been outside playing, he changes his clothes once he’s inside.

  22. We make sure to keep up on Cleaning carpets, bedsheets, floors, and curtains at least once a week to reduce pollen and allergies in our home.

  23. I had no idea about this, bur it’s a good idea! In our home, we just try to open windows a lot and let in fresh air. :)


  24. I’m going to have to check these out. I could really use one place that wouldn’t make me sneeze my head off!

  25. I would love to try them because a mouse made a nest inside our van system and even after removing and sterilizing it it still smells and my daughter has sever allergies to it-we can’t run the air or heat at all. We definitely need fresh air in our van!

  26. My tricks for battling our allergies is keeping the windows up on high pollen count days and changing the filter regularly.

  27. Wow - this is so very cool. And yes you had me at not being known for your mechanical acumen. So with you on the delay of microwave lightbulb replacement. I only do that kind of thing when there’s no longer any option.
    So glad your car is now tissue box free.

  28. we change all our filters regularly. I also dust regularly and keep the doors close as much as possible.

  29. This is something we don’t do and should be doing (changing the filters). This would help keep the lungs cleared.

  30. Hubby and kids all suffer from allergies, I would love to try the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters to help.
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  31. I actually learned about the “cabin filter” when I was told I needed to change my air filter, after the scary yellow spring we had (yellow spring so named by me because everything in Houston was covered in pollen so thick you could see it) made such a huge difference! I am just sad I didn’t know about the arm and hammer one(stinky teen dancer feet), but I do now!!!

  32. My own way of dealing with the issues involves lots of cleaning, using allergy mattress protectors and opening the windows for fresh air.

  33. it is important to keep the air in the car clean because i’m in there often and there are already enough fumes out there. also, i try to sweep up dust and pet hair to keep the house clean.

  34. I’ve suffered from seasonal (and other) allergies my ENTIRE life. I thought I’d tried everything! This is exciting news for me (and my allergy prone son). I have a wadded up roll of tissue sitting next to me right now!

  35. I have terrible allergies, and it can really mess up my day if they get aggravated. I definitely appreciate good quality air filters!

  36. We dust and vacuum a lot and try and keep the door/windows closed as much as possible.

    cshell090869 at aol dot com

  37. FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters would give the air inside of my car would allow my family and I to breathe better air that is not full of allergens.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  38. We make sure that our pets are properly groomed often and we vacuum a lot to pick up dirt, dust and of course fur during shedding season which can get all over. We also make sure to change out the air filters and have an air purifier in the bedroom of the person with allergies in my home to keep the air fresh. As for the car, no one wants to breath in outside pollutants so having a clean air filter in your car is important.

  39. I try to help my family with their allergies by constantly dusting/vacuuming/moping. I also use allergy free bedding and use an air purifier.

  40. my family has had to undergo allergy shots to help with allergies so i try to keep everything dusted and clean

  41. Luckily there are no allergy sufferers in my family. I didn’t know about changing my car filter. I watched the video for my car and I have to remove the glove box to do it.
    Thanks for the contest.

  42. For those bad days with itchy, watery eyes, I find a cold, wet rag laid on your eyes for a few minutes really helps!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  43. I have to try to keep my car as clean as possible because it doesn’t have a cabin filter. I have massive allergies and I hate to get started coughing and sneezing while I’m driving. Not too safe.

  44. I installed a FRAM air filter a couple of weeks ago. It did a great job and was much less expensive than the dealership offering.

  45. I had the cabin filter changed when I went in for an oil change. They showed me the old one and it was nasty, had parts of leaves in it.

  46. To fight allergies I vacuum a lot and we have two air filters. The truck could use the frebreeze because my boyfriend likes to go hunting and it smells like it when he comes home.

  47. My sons and grandsons are riddled with allergies. I dust and vacuum frequently and use air purifiers. I will have to try this.

  48. I hadn’t even thought about this. It’s important for everyone’s health because in CA you are always in your car. To help reduce allergies I clean and dust, have hardwood floors.
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  49. I never thought about filtering the air in the car. I have a car spray freshener (citrus) to combat the stink of pets, but not this – I’ll have to check it out for sure.

  50. I guess I don’t really have any tips for reducing allergies for my family, except to close the windows on high pollen days. :) I’d love a filter just for the benefit of having fresher, cleaner air blowing in at us on our car trips around town :)

  51. Before this post, I never thought of the air quality in the car. This makes me realize that it is important, so I want to try this to improve the air quality. I want everyone to be the healthiest they can be!

  52. I have allergies and the best thing i can do for it is to always stay on top of my house cleaning, especially the dusting. Lots of does can really cause a flare up so this is important to do.

  53. I’d love to try them because I feel like the worst mother ever. I had no idea there was even a filter to clean!

  54. My allergies only act up in the car and in the bathroom, I would love to try it to see if it helps reduce the watery eyes and sneezing. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

  55. We do have allergies in my family. Summer is the worst. Mostly we try to keep the dirt and dust out by keeping everything clean!

  56. To reduce our family’s allergies, I use HEPA filters in our home-I was not aware of the filters for our cars!

  57. I have asthma and would love to try the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters in my car. It’s surprising how dirty our air is. Thanks for having this contest.

  58. We don’t have any allergies in my family (knock on wood!) so I don’t have any tips in combating them.

    I definitely want to try out a new filter in my car, since I was unaware it existed, I’ve never changed it and the car is 12 years old. Might be about time to get that changed out.

  59. I would love to try the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters because my family and I spent a big amount of time in our car and clean and fresh is always needed.

  60. I have bad allergies so it is important to keep the air clean in my car and then I have a brand new baby that needs to breath fresh clean air

  61. My family is full of allergy sufferers. We keep air purifiers going at all times to help keep pollen in the air low.

  62. My son has pretty bad allergies, and sometimes they’re worse when we’re traveling, so it would be helpful to have clean air in the car.

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