Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day everyone!


Isn’t that great?!

Just try not to think about the fact that the next holiday is not until Thanksgiving!


Happy Labor Day! — 32 Comments

  1. I laughed out loud big time on this one! I focus on all there is to celebrate in fall to get me through — apples, Halloween, first fire in the fireplace, etc. And, fall is a great season for organizing inside spaces, so that makes me happy:)

  2. You totally forgot about Halloween, girls! I believe that calls for a celebration.

    BTW: I’m loosing my pants now. LOL

    Have a great Labor Day!

  3. Really? Yikes - I don’t think I ever realized how long the stretch is for another holiday!!
    Well, I counting my birthday (9-16), some day in October (it can be random if necessary), Halloween (even though it’s not my favorite), my oldest son’s b-day (11-10) and I think President’s Day (or something similar) is around the 10th or 12th of Nov - I feel much better with my “holidays” for the next few months - feel free to celebrate any or all of them, too!!!

  4. We’ve got a major celebration in less than 2 weeks when my oldest turns 4! It’s not a designated holiday, but I could sure use a vacation after all the party planning and family in town!

  5. haha! I didn’t even wear my bathing suit this summer. Lame on my part! Next year remind me to get one that isn’t as sexy as my current one. It worked well years ago, but now I just feel funny considering that my bathing suit times involve children.

  6. I never put on a bathing suit all summer….which is probably a good thing. I haven’t gained much weight over the years, but every pound I have gained seems to have placed itself in the same spot. Ugh.

  7. Oh, so true! My closet is all ready with cold-weather clothes….even though we won’t be seeing any for another 6 weeks or so. Hope you enjoyed the holiday. Kids go back to school tomorrow!

  8. Happy Labor Day! I’m ready for the cooler fall weather… and the baking and soup making. Fall is my favorite time of year!

  9. Living in MN, I find it hard to celebrate anything at all the comes at the end of No-Snow season. :( Now only 9 more months until it’s warm again!

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