The Family Who Runs Together Capri Suns Together

We are both “all in” kinds of families. Go big or go home we say. If you are going to do something, then do it right. You get the idea.

If one sibling has a dance recital, everyone is showing up. Don’t feel like sitting outside on a hot summer afternoon while your brother has football practice? Too bad. Being in a family means supporting each other, especially when we are taking on exciting new challenges!


Last spring, Emma and Lucy decided to do Girls On The Run together. We could not have been more proud of them because not only were they learning about the importance of fitness, but they were also learning about female empowerment. It is never too early to start that lesson.

Girls On The Run caps off the season with a giant 5K race, where every participant is given a bib with a number one on it. We know, right? It is simply made of win.

One little sister and two moms made signs to hold up during the race and stood on the sidelines cheering on our running crew. Two dads, one big brother, and a couple of BFFs lined up at the starting line ready to go!

As we watched the hundreds of people start the race, we were so proud and excited to be a part of this amazing accomplishment for our children.

We found ourselves with wet eyes as we watched Bobby and Lucy crossing the finish line holding hands. After all, what more could we ask for from our families than this kind of support for each other? It was the kind of moment where you feel your heart squeeze, and you take a mental picture so you will never forget it.


The girls were thrilled when they were finished and immediately rushed over to show us their medals. And then of course, declared that they were SO THIRSTY, they might faint if they did not immediately get something to drink!

Moms to the rescue.

We were waiting with Capri Sun Super V fruit and vegetable juice drinks. Here is the cool thing about this drink…it is made up of both fruits and veggies, which is perfect for Lucy and Emma. Lucy is not a fan of eating fruit, but will chow down on vegetables. Emma, on the other hand, loves fruit but would rather starve than have a veggie in her mouth.

However, the beauty of this drink is that we know they are both getting fruits and vegetables without even realizing it. They gulped down the juice pouches and then asked for more!


As moms, we knew we had hit a home run with this product and high-fived each other on our way back to our cars. Girls feeling proud and accomplished. Check. Two families spending quality time together. Check. A wholesome, yummy drink to finish it all off. Triple check!



The Family Who Runs Together Capri Suns Together — 55 Comments

  1. Girls on the Run is an amazing program!! Your girls rock…of course…and what a moment with them crossing the finish line holding hands!!! Love it!!! Oh and yes, Capri Sun is amazing too:-)

  2. Oh I loved this and seriously might have to look into something like this when my girls get a bit older. Thanks for sharing and your girls are too adorable!! 🙂

  3. that is beyond awesome and amazing…what a great spirit those girls have. Love that you all support each matter what…that’s what family is…wiping the tears away.

    I haven’t seen that capri sun one before…will have to check for it next time I’m at the store.

    • Definitely check it out Karen! It will be a total hit with Dino we promise! 🙂
      And thank you so much for this very sweet comment.

  4. I am so behind on reading and writing blogs.. shoot me now. Ok first of all that program sounds awesome and it saddens me to think we don’t have things like that around here for our young kids. Seems like they keep removing things for the kids to do in my area, then wonder why they are turning into lazy bums who want to sit on video games. That is one thing I wish we had more programs for, activities for the kids. I did not know that Capri sun made the fruit veggie drinks.. hmmm.

    • I wish you had the program, too…it is amazing! Definitely check out the Capri Sun drinks…they are awesome! 🙂

  5. My last comment got eaten up. Glad they are doing this together so cool. I don’t drink Capri suns anymore after I heard that scare with mole. Never seen that kind though

    • Haven’t heard anything about any Capri Sun troubles…but am pretty sure they are good and safe now! 🙂

  6. I wish we had that program here - I’ve heard such awesome things about it! We are an “all in” kind of family too. I think it’s so important to support each other, invest in each other, follow each other’s interests. It teaches them how to be the kind of supportive partner I want them to be one day when they are older!

    • They are the PERFECT drink for school lunches, because you feel good about sending them for your kids! 🙂

  7. I’ve never seen this kind before!! Looks yummy. That story made me tear up, holding hands across the finish line…*swoon* Such an amazing experience for the kiddos!

  8. I have not seen these yet! That’s very cool! I will have to look for those. My kiddos love Capri Sun and tend to love veggie/fruit drink mixes, so this sounds like a win to me! 🙂 Oh, and congrats to your girls! That’s awesome that they did that!

  9. I remember the first time I watched my son complete a 5k. We are not runners in our house, but he’s big on sports. The week before the basketball coach said there was this 5k the next weekend in honor of the daughter of one of the coach’s daughters who died and it would be great if the team would support him. My son was in. No prep work, just signed up and ran. The whole thing. In pretty good time. I was proud and a big jealous that he could just decide to run a little over three miles on a whim and live through it. It’s been a long time since I could do that.

    I keep thinking I’ll walk one some day.

    Your daughters are adorable and it’s a wonderful thing they did. What great family support. Something to remember.

  10. Wow, I’m all teary and weepy with joy at reading such an inspirational blog. Thanks so much for sharing. Support like that is awesome. Very inspiring. Followed you from SITS. Have a blessed day!

  11. I love how they finished holding hands! That is priceless! Caprisuns for the finish, yes that tops it all off!!!

  12. How incredible that the girls did.this together. I love it! I did not know that there is fruit and veggies in the Capri Sun. I might have to pick some up?

  13. You go girls!! Congrats to Emma and Lucy ( and Bobby and dads, too)! And I think I’m going to get some of that Capri Sun for my refrigerator because we can all use more ways to conveniently get our fruits and veggies!

  14. It’s so awesome that the kids are involved in fitness at such an early age and very sweet that her and Bobby crossed the finish line together! Kayden loves Super V, but Kami doesn’t really care for it! I love the Apple Juice one…that’s my favorite!

  15. What a fantastic program and major accomplishment for the girls! Good for them! I’m so happy to hear of uplifting programs like that.

    I’m definitely going to have to check out that new Capri Sun. I know I could certainly use more fruit and veggies in my diet.

  16. Congrats to your girls on a fantastic accomplishment…not just in completing a race, but in sticking to a program. We’re also an all-in family as much as possible. We’re the family with 30 people there for a baptism and a crowd of 10 for the dance recital!

  17. That’s so awesome! Good for your kids! Running races is so much fun, but can be so intimidating so that’s so neat they did it. Also, I am so on board with the “all in” family mentality-I want my kids to support each other and know that the whole family will always be there!

  18. I have heard such great things about that program!!! Good for those precious kiddos of yours!!! Such a “moment” at the finish line!! Ahh… take it in Lisa!!

    I love those capri suns!! At least we can get the vegies and fruits in them some way!! 🙂

  19. I used to have this with my lunch in school! Aahh! Memories 🙂
    I’ve never had this flavor though. Never even knew that they made a fruit n veggie mix.

    Girls on the run sounds great! Love the picture 🙂

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