Would You Rather: Go 2 Weeks With No Access To An Iron Or A Blow Dryer?

Let me preface this topic with a conversation I had with Lisa when I first thought of it.

Ashley: Okay, I have the *perfect* would you rather question for you. You are going to hate it.

Lisa: Ugh, should I sit down? Does this involve carwashes and snakes?

Ashley: No, of course not. I am not a sadist.

Lisa: Fine then. Go ahead, I am ready…I think.

Ashley: Would you rather go 2 weeks (I am picking 2 weeks because I really want it to hurt) with no access to an iron or no access to a blow dryer?

Lisa: Oh FFS, how can you possibly expect me to answer that? Given the current state of my hair length, if I don’t dry it then I look like the little Dutchboy. But, if I don’t have access to an iron I can’t even get dressed.

Ashley: So, which is it then? Naked or Dutchboy?

Lisa: This is so mean! I kind of feel like it might be a little sadistic, actually. This is like asking me which child I love more.

We eventually settled on the fact that she would live without a blow dryer. She wasn’t happy about it, though. I think her exact words were “Oh…um…blow dryer is what I’d do without. I could try to do a form of ponytail or something out of my little dutch boy wavy do. There is no hiding clothing wrinkles. I have never even gone to carpool without ironing my clothes. Period.” [WHAT Y’ALL?? NOT EVEN TO CARPOOL. IT’S LIKE I DON’T EVEN KNOW HER.-Ashley]

Needless to say, we are bringing it you all and posing the question. And by the way, when you answer you have to be answering for 2 weeks right now. Not, like, oh I’ll go with wet hair in the middle of the summer where the only place anyone could spot me would be at the pool or the mailbox. No, no, no.

We are talking back to school events, meet the teacher days, parent’s night, etc. You are showing up in one of two states: wearing wrinkled clothing or sporting unstyled hair.

For me it was actually easy since I honestly don’t recall the last time I even used my iron. I am not even 100% sure I own one, so I would definitely give that up. In fact, I am pretty sure most of my family would argue that I already have.

So, tell us Dose Peeps, which is it for you?

Iron vs Dryer

Would you rather go 2 weeks with no access to an iron or a blow dryer?



Would You Rather: Go 2 Weeks With No Access To An Iron Or A Blow Dryer? — 147 Comments

  1. Iron hands down for me, because I don’t iron. I have always left that to Kevin. Back at my shower, when I got an iron as a present I told Kevin this was his gift. The boy irons jeans for christ sake. Me not so much. So this one was a no brainer for me!! :)

    • Irons jeans??!! WOW! That is someone who takes their appearance seriously…of course, Lisa irons jeans, too! 😉

  2. My clothes always seem to come out wrinkled, and I’ve basically stopped blow-drying my hair this summer, so I’ll opt to go hairdryer-free :-)

  3. Iron, because almost everything we wear around here is cotton, and it could be popped in the dryer for a quick “iron.” My hair, on the other hand (when not in the perpetual ponytail) is pretty wild, and if not properly tamed, makes me look like a mushroom. Or a penis.

  4. Neither would break me. I haven’t ironed since 2006 and I blow dry my hair about 3 times a year, max. Wrinkly clothes pony tail look. It’s all good.

  5. I need my blow dryer so I would have to say iron I hate ironing it’s one of the houseworks that I avoid like the plague.

  6. Definitely an iron. I have two and the only time I used them in the last seven months was for iron-ons, haha! That being said, I’m pretty sure it’s been over two weeks since I last dried my hair. It’s too hot out!

    • It is definitely hard to get excited about blow drying hair in the summer, right?! My children are already dreading back to school when I make them start drying their hair again!

  7. Hahahaha I have to go with the iron (I do currently own one, but that’s because my boyfriend bought it since he needed one at my house, and didnt think lugging his back and forth made sense. He couldnt believe I didnt already own one.) my hair on the other hand- well, lets just say nobody would even notice my perfectly ironed clothes if my hair was allowed to be in its natural state.

    • When you leave us teasers like that Charlotte, we really need photographic proof of what your hair would look like in its natural state! 😉

  8. I haven’t dried my hair or ironed anything in years. This question makes me feel like a disgusting slob. Well to be fair maid services here aren’t expensive so we’ve had help from time to time over the years and they’d always do the it ironing.

    I’ll say hair drier because I could just go to the salon if a hair emergency came up.

    • Ah, man, I want a maid service. Especially one that is not expensive. And they don’t even have to touch the ironing! 😉

  9. I don’t use either. I ironed a shirt for a wedding a few years ago and the one time I used a blow dryer last year, I frightened my youngest because he had never seen one before. My hair is so short it dries on its own in a few minutes.

  10. You know my answer, I’m sure. Hairdryer, no question. It helps that my hair stays in a pony tail year round, but I absolutely could not go without an iron for 2 weeks.

  11. Honestly I own both and never use either! If I was skilled at using a blow-dryer I would say that I would go without the iron.

  12. Finally…an easy answer! I don’t even know where my iron is. My old method was to put wrinkly clothes back in the wash, put them in the dryer for a few min and then hang them up quickly. Now I’ve discovered that Downy spray that takes the wrinkles out…no extra wash anymore!! That stuff is amazing! If anything needs to be ironed in this house, my husband does it anyway. But we’re talking maybe once a year!

  13. I would rather go without an iron for two weeks, because it’s been brought to my attention that I’ve gone two decades without one. No lie. I have no idea how to iron. I tried once. It didn’t go well.

  14. Apparently I’m in the minority but LORD I need my iron. I need every pant to be crisp, I actually iron ALL of my work clothes on sunday (a wonderful habit picked up from my mom)

  15. Neither! Does anyone iron anymore? I think we own an iron, but I have perfected the technique of putting stuff that’s not suitable for the dryer into the dryer just long enough that the wrinkles are gone and then I hang it on hangers to dry all the way. And I am really not sure if we actually have a blow dryer…

  16. Now here’s the deal: I don’t normally blow dry my hair since it takes forever to dry no matter what I do and I can easily braid my hair when it is half dry so the hair dryer is not a big deal. I am also the one that irons the clothes, but most of our clothes are non-iron except for the Sunday clothes which, if I had no access to an iron, I would have one less chore on Sunday morning. So the real kicker is how badly do I want to get out of that one chore and how badly would hubby hate me for not ironing his suit clothes? Hmm…Guess I better go with no hair dryer. :)

  17. Before last night, I had not used either of these items in over two weeks. My husband is the only one with a need for an iron, and he knows better than to ask me to do it! And the only reason I used a blow dryer last night was because I’d gotten my hair colored and I wanted to see the true, dry color right away. But Lisa, I have wavy stupid hair, too. I just let mine dry naturally and then use the flat iron on it! Then again, I’m one of those weirdos that showers at night, too.

  18. Iron, for sure! I own one and it is collecting dust and I think it would seriously blow up if I actually ever plugged it in. I am always in wrinkled clothes or I do the two things I learned: throw whatever I am wearing in the dryer with a fabric softener sheet or hang it in the bathroom while I shower (or with the lucky person that is showering since it is usually not me). Without a blow dryer, my hair looks like Monica’s from the episode in Friends (the one where they were on vacation).

  19. This is an easy one for me. I think I’ve used my iron about 10 times total in the 10 years I’ve been married. I purposely avoid clothes that require ironing or dry cleaning. My blog isn’t called ‘Work in Sweats Mama’ for nothing. I could probably get away without the hair dryer too (unless I’m on a biz trip). My hair is in a ponytail 99.9% of the time. Yes, I know, total slob!

  20. Hee! Thanks for giving me an easy one! I’d go without the hair dryer because nobody can see the mess under my headscarves anyway 😀
    But let’s think like I don’t have that choice….yep. Still giving up the hair dryer because usually wash my hair at night and let it air dry. My hair does not tangle, at all, and it looks and feels best in the morning. I don’t own a comb or a hair brush cos I don’t need them.
    But no iron?! I’m staying in!

  21. This one is easy peasy! You can have both; the last time I used my iron was January (I only remember because unused it to make an iron on short fort daughter’s birthday), and I very rarely use a blow dryer - my curly hair drips dry!

    *not sure if I am low maintenance or just a slob. Probably the latter.

  22. I could go without the blow dryer, definitely. I could probably go without the iron too but my husband would die, he still puts creases in his jeans. LOL!

  23. Easy - I would give up the iron!!! Hello, workout clothes are wash and wear - no iron needed and they are my go-to choice in clothes these days (even if I’m not working out!!!).

  24. I’m *almost* certain I have both of these things in my house….somewhere. So take your pick, because they each *might* get used less than once a year.

  25. I, sadly, don’t really use either. Since I quit the lawyering, I only have a few things that even need to be ironed. I studiously avoid wearing them, so any need for the iron is eliminated. And I rarely blow dry my hair - which my friends would probably suggest I start blow drying my hair. So, I guess if I had to pick, I’d forego the iron. Now, pick something like my cell phone or my running shoes and I’d be hardpressed…

    • Well, Amy, look at you giving us inspiration for the WYR series…don’t think I am not SHAMELESSLY stealing that idea!! 😉

  26. Phew, if this question had been posed a few weeks ago, before I chopped off my hair, it would have been much tougher. But I haven’t used a blow dryer on my new ‘do - not even once! So I’d keep the iron and ask if I could possibly upgrade to a standing hand steamer. Just askin’…

  27. I could probably go without either for the rest of my life. I have very short hair that requires about 5 minutes of putting gel into it. If heat touches it, I turn into a small, ugly, poodle. And ironing? What’s that? My hubs, on the other hand, irons EVERYTHING…and very slowly. So if my iron were to disappear it would only improve my life but he would be a wrinkled mess!!

  28. My hair is curly, so I only use the blowdryer for 15 seconds to smooth it out a bit. But I NEVER use an iron - my preferred method is spraying with a spritz bottle of water and smooth out with a heavy book. Now if I worked outside the home, I’d need the iron…but yoga pants come out of the dryer wrinkle free!

    • Yoga pants are just the best for everything, right??!! The non-wrinkle status is just one of the many reasons I adore them! :)

  29. I’m with Ashley, what is this “iron”?
    Believe it or not Ashley, when I was little I had to iron pillowcases. Finally somebody - probably me - woke up and said why?
    I like Lisa’s joke about ironing clothes for the carpool. That’s a good one Lisa.

  30. I read this before work and forgot I hadn’t left a comment. I know I have to pick one but…I can live without either. Forever. I hope that doesn’t make me less of a woman. :)

  31. I bought an iron once. My husband informed me we already had an iron. Who knew? I never used it. He uses it occasionally, and will iron if I really need something (which is almost never!)

  32. this one is so easy for me :) I could totally go without both. If clothes are wrinkled (and I didn’t fold/hang them correctly) I just wet my clothes and throw them in the dryer under “fluff” until they are fine.

    I have been letting my hair dry naturally, with a clip to keep the bangs out of face. After a few hours, my hair is perfectly curly and bouncy.

  33. Oh sh*t!

    After I BLOW DRY my hair, I IRON it.

    NOW what?

    (ok, just kidding, but when I was a teen, my sisters and I DID try ironing our curling locks with an iron!)

    but these days, I love the curly locks and we only buy NO IRON clothes — so no need for iron! if it’s super fancy clothing, it does to the dry cleaner and THEY do the ironing! So I say, toss the iron and keep the blow dryer!

  34. Finally! An easy one! Muahahahha. I never blow dry my hair. I bought a hair dryer last year for the first time in my life. What I’m saying is, my hair ALWAYS looks like crap, so people have come to expect it. In fact, they’d be more weirded out if it looked GOOD. But, to be nice, I’ll play along and pretend it’s the middle of winter in which case I would like to have a hair dryer because wet hair + cold = popsicle hair. I wonder if me looking like a slob all the time will get me out of PTA duties once I have kids…..

    • LOL Tara! This whole comment made me totally laugh forever and then I called Lisa and read it out loud to her! :)

  35. Umm, I wear wrinkled clothes all the time but my fine, straight, limp hair requires a blow dryer. Seriously. You don’t want to see what I look like without hot air. The only thing that would make it difficult would be if I was wearing something denim and the seam at the bottom of the skirt/jeans/etc. was flipping up. THAT would make me insane.

  36. This is a no-brainer…give up the iron! I do everything possible to avoid the thing as it is. But take away my hairdryer and you’ll see all the dorky curls and waves. No thank you.

  37. My mom ironed everything, even our underwear and sheets. I missed the ironing gene (maybe it skips a generation?). My iron has the same water in it from when I used it last in 2007. My daughter had no idea what it was and probably never will!

  38. Honestly, I don’t use either so I wouldn’t miss them.

    I’ve never ironed a day in my life and I don’t bother with hair dryers. I always just air dry my hair. It’s thick and long so my arm would fall off if I tried to blow dry it.

  39. Finally an easy question!! I don’t care! I don’t actually know where my iron or my blow dryer are! I never use either! :)

  40. I’d have to agree with your take on the iron. I’m not even sure where mine is. We are primarily a blue jean and shirt kind of family so we don’t really ever use it unless it’s a special occasion (and really, who irons their blue jeans?).

  41. I don’t use an iron or a hair-dryer…I’m too lazy to iron, and the hair-dryer makes my hair look even worse than it does if I let it air dry.

  42. BWAHAHA! About 3 years ago I gave my iron away to my fashion-conscious gay brother. I have no idea how to even use one! I prefer the old wet washcloth in the dryer with the wrinkled shirt approach. Or the shower steam. My hair dryer on the other hand, is essential. I mean, why would I even get out of bed in the morning?

    • Laugh out loud funny Stephanie! Does that wrinkled shirt with the wet washcloth really work? I need to try that! :)

  43. Brace yourselves….I never use either! I know I have an iron somewhere in the house but I haven’t seen it for months. The only blow dryer in the house belongs to my husband and I am pretty sure he only uses it to warm up the bedroom closet in the winter…I loved this one, so easy to decide!

  44. Thank you DGs for making it easy this time! You can have both my hair dryer AND my iron. I’ll also throw in my vaccuum cleaner, straightener, and mop. It feels so good to get rid of stuff…like a cleanse. :) hehe

    • Oh my Jesus, this comment made me cry with laughter and then I called Lisa, and she cried with laughter, too! 😉

  45. I only use a blowdryer every two weeks, so no big deal on that end. I try to avoid fabrics that need and iron, so just to give me an excuse to wear sweatpants I’ll gladly ditch the iron. So long sucka! Now if we could just get rid of the dishes we’d be close to hitting a home run!

  46. Are you ready for this one? I don’t use either! My hair is naturally curly, and even with a diffuser, if I use a blow dryer I get one massive fro. I have to let my hair air dry. And an iron? What is this iron you speak of? Isn’t that what an extra cycle in the dryer is for?

  47. I’d ditch the iron, no contest. My hair has this “naturally wavy but not in a cool way” thing going on, so unless I blow dry and style the bejeezus out of it, it comes out looking like I used an Ogilvy Home Perm. From the clearance bin.

  48. Having lived in England for 5 years where sending dress shirts to the cleaners required a second mortgage and for the fact that we didn’t have a dryer so everything down to underwear had to be ironed to soften them up from the line… I DETEST IRONING!!!!!

    I had some grand idea that when we moved back to Texas I would continue the mundane task of ironing my husbands shirts for work (we were going to have a dryer, so at least I could cut out the boxer shorts!) I bought a very fancy cordless iron… then the first coupon came in the mail for $.99 per shirt at my local cleaners that also has a drive thru! Well it was all over! I think my neighbor borrowed my iron a year ago and I haven’t missed it! I keep a spray bottle with water and if something actually looks to wrinkled to wear a few spritz and a quick tumble does a good enough job!

    • I totally miss the drive-thru dry cleaners in Texas…fortunately, here in NC we have the pick up from our home kind..of course, it is not as cheap, but still worth it for my laziness! 😉
      I cannot believe that you had to iron everything for 5 years…you totally win the best wife ever award!! :)

  49. Oh I absolutely LOATHE ironing…so most of my clothing doesn’t wrinkle or I take it right out of the dryer and hang it up. And if it’s too hard to iron or not worth my time I’ll take it to the dry cleaners. So I would deal without the iron…but honestly most of the time I don’t blow dry my hair either GASP. I usually let it air dry then I’ll straighten it after that. Now if you wanted me to go without my straightener…well then we would have problems!

    • So impressive Natalie! I wish I had the kind of hair that could air dry! LOL on trying to go without your straightener!

  50. Considering several factors…1. like many of the above I don’t know where my iron is, 2. I don’t own an ironing board, so I’d have to clear a spot on the dining room table and lay a towel down…too much work before even ironing, and 3. the last time I tried to iron I burned myself, and motherhood has only increased the clumsy and the sleepy. So, yes, I will give up my missing dangerous iron.

  51. I could actually easily go without access to either, but if I were picking, I’d say iron. I do use my hair dryer most days, even though I can go without it. I iron a grand total of twice a year, so even though I technically HAVE access, I regularly go more than 2 weeks without using it.

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