Sorry Kid, The Role Of The Wild Child Has Already Been Cast

Abby got in trouble at school last week for the very first time.

I should have known her day was coming, especially considering she gets in trouble all the time at home. But, somehow, I had deluded myself into believing that she saved all her crazy for home and made school the place she behaved.

This is just the sort of fun you can look forward to at my house!

This is just the sort of fun you can look forward to at my house!

Her conference reports have always been glowing. She follows the rules. She plays well with others. She waits her turn. And on and on.

Until she decided that she had had enough of that sort of thing and really wanted to take a walk on the wild side.

The first couple reports of her being not her usual Abby self came via Robert, who was off from work and picking her up. He reported that her teacher said that she had been “wild all day and was not listening at all”. I sort of discounted what he was saying. After all, I have picked up this child from every day of school she ever attended and never heard a single word other than, “She had a great day!”, so I was a bit skeptical. I figured he was exaggerating because he is not used to the pick-up process. Or he misheard.

Until last Wednesday when I ran into her teachers personally. These women are without a doubt the nicest, sweetest, kindest people you would ever want to meet. So when I casually mentioned to them that I had heard Abby was having a bit of a rough week, I honestly figured they would laugh it off and say she was fine. And maybe they would have if she had not chosen that particular day to share her real brand of Abby silliness.

Y’all, my child stood up in the middle of the room where they were practicing for their Junior Kindergarten play and lifted up her dress while shaking her hips to the alphabet rap song they were singing. She pretty much just exposed herself to the entire class.


When I heard this story, I honestly just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

How in the world would I even begin to combat this problem?

Do you go with the standard, stern warning about how clothes are supposed to be worn appropriately? Do you warn against the dangers of stripping at such a young age? Does making a big deal out of it potentially lead to a rebellion where more clothes would be shed?

Would saying something about it lead to her doing it again? Like at the actual school play in front of EVERYONE?

I was at a loss.

I did the only thing I could think of and threatened her with the loss of multiple weekend privileges and also told her that if something like that ever happened again she would have to go to the principal’s office at school.

And then I sat back and crossed my fingers as the big day of the play arrived.

Everything went smoothly during the play performance, thankfully.

I mean unless you count the fact that she started off the show looking like a straight-laced, preppy schoolgirl and finished up resembling someone leaving an all night rave.

But no body parts were exposed. This totally goes down as a parenting win in my book.


Sorry Kid, The Role Of The Wild Child Has Already Been Cast — 107 Comments

  1. I’ve always been a proponent of “in trouble in school = in trouble at home.” At the risk of sounding preachy, it doesn’t happen enough these days. That said, while I would have corrected the behavior, I probably would have laughed at the “show” during rehearsal. :-)

    • I am a big believer in that as well…we expect good behavior at school, so if it does not occur there are definite consequences at home!

  2. So the other day, my sweet little boy, comes up to me and says, “Do you want to see a special surprise?” and goes on to pull his pants down — thankfully leaving his underwear ON — and shake his hips. Sigh.

    Personally, at her age, I wouldn’t make a huge deal about it. Maybe a talk about how we don’t show our underwear to friends is worth having, but I know when my girls were her age — my son is on an entirely different planet — making too much of an issue out of something like that would have backfired into a constant strip show. LOL Shake it off, Mom. Tomorrow will bring new challenges!

    • Ha ha ha Addie!! That is HILARIOUS! Did you tell him to save that move for marriage?! 😉
      Yeah, I definitely tried to be firm but not too over the top about it!

  3. So funny!!!!! Sorry:(( Is it weird that I’m actually a bit relieved when my kids get in trouble at school (as long as it is occasionally:) I’ve been to the principal’s office for 4 out of 5… And I’m really worried about the 5th more than the others! Getting in trouble = expressing themselves = teaching moment (also = hilarious:))

  4. Hahaha! My boys aren’t in school yet, but sometimes when I see Lennon acting rascally I think, oh no no! Sorry, the scamp roll is already filled.

  5. My daughter did that around Abby’s age during a church choir performance. It was super special! Especially in front of a crowd. At church. Thankfully, I had a stock pile of bike shorts to go under dresses and (literally) had her covered that day.

    • Ha ha ha! I can totally see that happening! 😉 Sadly, for me, the bicycle shorts do not extend high enough on her body to keep her chest area from being exposed!

  6. That picture with the side by side is hilarious! She really rocked it out, didn’t she? I always hope my kids save their good behavior for school, too. I know I am going to have the same problem with Gia. She is constantly lifting up her dress to show the world her goods and when I tell her not to do that, she answers with, “I’m sweating,” as if getting naked in public will fix that. Might be a long road with that one.

    • God, this comment made me laugh SO HARD!! I absolutely love it! Gia and Abby would be total besties I can feel it!! :)

  7. Good for you! Little Abby sounds like fun. :-) My rule of thumb I learned with my now 12 year old…always make them wear shorts under their skirts! I love that side by side of her at the end. Cute!

    • Abby is LOADS of fun and definitely keeps us on our toes! She did have shorts on under her dress…sadly, that did not keep her entire chest area from being exposed! 😉

  8. That is hilarious! We’ve all been there with something our kids have done! Don’t you wonder sometimes where they get their ideas? Or if they even think before they do something? Just think, you can hold this story over her head for the future…hahaha. Just kidding…us moms don’t do that, right? :) I think you earned the parenting win!

  9. Oh.My.Word. That would’ve been a red faced moment for me as well! I think all kids do similar types of things at least once (to varying degrees of inappropriateness) just to see what will happen, just to try it out, and sometimes simply because they have no clue that it is inappropriate. Whenever my kids have done something that is inappropriate, I have always explained to them the why of why we don’t do that, and that there may be a time and a place for it later if it applies to the situation (which wasn’t the case with your situation), but that you can’t just do it because you feel like it because there are consequences to everything, and they need to keep those in mind before doing anything. Then, of course, there is the discipline aspect of it all to make sure the lesson sticks, and that varies according to the child. Sometimes a stern talking to with the “this is why we don’t do this” explanation is good enough, sometimes you need to be more stern. It’s just as much a “learn as you go” thing for us as it is for them. I think you handled it the best you could, and that she was fully clothed by the end of the play shows she got the message. :) Let’s just pray it sticks! Best of luck to you, my friend!

  10. Ah, the things I get to look forward to :-) I believe I did something similar to Kim’s daughter at synagogue. All the kiddos go up on the stage for the last prayer, and I decided to show my undies to the entire congregation. I think I was young enough that I wasn’t doing it to be a bad-ass, just didn’t know any better, but I’m sure my parents were just as embarrassed!

    • Ha ha ha! I bet every parent in that synagogue (except for yours) thought that was the highlight of their day! :) Too funny!

  11. That is really funny! Funny in junior kindergarten, that is. Not so much in junior high. My daughter is a princess at school and the wicked witch at home! Well…sometimes. I keep waiting for the teachers to tell me she said “D-bag” but saying out the whole word if you know what I mean..

  12. So funny! And I feel your pain. My youngest is the last kid for a reason. At her kindergarten Christmas program she dove into the center of the stage in lieu of a simple, professional bow. But at least she did keep her dress on.

  13. Hahaha! I love this so much. She is adorable, and I can just imagine your face when you heard about the dress incident. I wouldn’t think it was nearly as funny if it were my child, of course! :)

    • Yes, nothing is ever as funny as when it happens to someone else’s kid! 😉 She is very cute…and also very crazy!

  14. I had a similar incident with more body parts shown. My well-behaved 3M got buck naked- BUCK. NAKED- in front of the whole class. When told she had to put clothes back on she said, “but mommy lets me be naked baby!”

    • This comment made me BURST out laughing!! That is absolutely AWESOME and certainly a story I hope you share at her rehearsal dinner someday! :)

  15. We had a similar issue with FJ, but she was older. Old enough to know waaaaaay better! She got in major big time trouble at home for it and we had a BIG talk. I think that did the trick. *fingers crossed*

    • I bet it did! I do think when they know better and then get in trouble for it at home they pretty much don’t do it again! :)

  16. Well, at least you got a good couple of years at school in. I’m sure you guys are handling it as well as anyone could. What’s the saying? History is never made by boring women.

  17. At first I giggled lots, but then I think of my own wild child and I completely understand the mortification! EVERY single day I pray that we get a good report from the daycare, most days are bad and its so hard! Often times I think we take total responsibility of our children’s behaviors like we have done it ourselves. it is NOT fun. I hope its a short phase!!

    • Could not agree with you more Nellie…we take it so personally, don’t we?! It just feels like a reflection on us!

  18. {Melinda} Oh my goodness. I have a “wild child” as well. Middle school was well …. interesting. She has mellowed out some now and is well-liked and well-behaved at school. But she’s still mischevious. Mostly in good ways. And boy does she have a wicked sense of humor. Love my wild child! :)

    • I definitely feel like these “wild” kids have great senses of humor…and their spirit will only serve them well in life, but we will wind up with lots of grey hair in the process! 😉

  19. BWAHAHAHAHA that’s awesome babe, and what a memory it will make. LOVE IT…my son is usually the wild child…so this is cute. Love how she gets into what she is doing and her hair is all ruffled.

  20. When my middle son was in kindergarten, two years ago, he decided he was going to show how boys are different than girls. In the classroom. I was mortified. We had to have the big discussion about privacy and private parts. I also really wanted to laugh. Because, really, it was funny! He hasn’t done it again, so I count that as a parenting win!

    • Well, honestly, who could really blame him?! 😉 How else are they supposed to learn?! Love this story so much! :)

  21. Yep, I see those moments in our future. The 2yo loves to be naked. It took me 10 minutes to assure her that the diaper was only coming off if she started using the potty. So she relented. But I’m glad you back up the teachers. Although I still love her rave hair. :)

    • I am sure it shocks you not at all that Abby also greatly enjoys being without her clothes as well! I am a firm believer in backing up the teachers…they work hard!

  22. Lol hilarious! I think it just means she thought the play was boring and she just wanted to spice it up! AND she’s comfortable with her body, which to me is priceless!! :)

  23. Oh so totally a parenting win!! I have the same dilemma when I’m with the kids. You just gotta try and hope that the choice you make is the right one. I’m still trying to reverse the engraved effects of You Tube and cursing. I just take it as a win that my son uses it in context….while my faces burns bright red and I’m looking for the nearest shovel to dig myself a grave…and she is just adorable!!!

    • He gets full credit for using it in context…personally, I totally call *that* a parenting win! :)

  24. I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face trying to scold her. You’ll just have to keep her in granny panties til she turns 18 so she will be too ashamed to drop trou!

    • I am thinking I might need to put her in a training bra, too, so she can keep from flashing her non-existent boobs! 😉

  25. Miss Abby is so sweet. This just goes to further prove that it sometimes doesn’t matter what we do as parents, little “ideas” just pop in their heads and they run with them. And you know what they say, there’s no business like “show” business. Kidding aside, glad she feels so comfortable on stage and with her classmates…that is a great sign of positive development! Very funny.

  26. This is probably why I don’t have kids. If a teacher told me that, I think I would just stand there, completely dumbfounded. And then probably say something like, “You exposed yourself!?!? To everyone!?!? Why weren’t you born with the knowledge not to do that?!?!?”

    • Oh Kristen, I love every single thing about this comment…I have been laughing at it for five minutes!! Awesome.

  27. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read about her “offense”. I’m sure I would NOT think it was funny if my daughter did that, but it makes for a great story, especially the way you tell it!

  28. Oh my goodness! She is such a doll! I’m just too taken with her cuteness to to be able to suggest anything about handling the flashing 😉 If my children are this cute at that age, I will be a complete pushover!

  29. Somebody’s kid has to be the wild one, right? For what it’s worth, those kids are always the one that make the shows worth watching. 😉

    • ALL THE WAY UP Andrea, all the way. Like strippers might have been embarrassed for her! 😉

  30. The all night rave and glow stick comment at the end just killed me!!! Love the pictures too. I bet the performance itself was a real nail biter for you - sitting there praying it would not actually be “show time”!
    Sweet Abby - she is just too cute to be mad at for long …

    • HA HA HA!! Praying it would not actually be show time is HILARIOUS!! Didn’t she totally look like she had been to a rave?! 😉

  31. Oh that is freaking HILARIOUS!!! You gotta save this story for later when she’s in her late twenties and at that point where she will TOTALLY APPRECIATE it!! I actually love it when these kinds of “totally out of crazy, where that came from” moments happen, because they always make such great stories… to tell over and over again. Later- of course, once the trauma wears off. 😉 GO ABBY!! I love that girl.

    • This will definitely be a story for the record books…and I will certainly remind her of it for YEARS to come! 😉

  32. I regularly get reports of Frat Boy The Younger rolling his eyes at his teachers. He’s three. Three! And he was doing it before he even turned three.

    I have no idea where he gets his sass.

    • Ha ha ha! I am sure the teachers totally deserve it. They are probably saying something ridiculous! 😉

  33. LMBO!!! “Do you warn against the dangers of stripping at such a young age?” Yes! She should at least wait until college, like I did! Lol! (Someone won’t know that I’m kidding.) This is one of my favorite Dose post to date. Cracking up.

    • Well, you know if you start stripping at age 5 then really where do you go from there?! 😉 So glad you liked this one! :)

  34. I had an exposer. She grew out of it - but has moved onto other things, like being sent to the principal for fooling around in the bathroom. These are the kids who test the waters always - not a bad thing when you think about it! I just hope that my girl tests the waters in ways that will make her grow past her comfort zone in good ways - i suppose that’s our hope for all of our kids.

    • Great comment Ilene. There are definite advantages to having a child who is not afraid to test the waters…I just hope mine tries it with her clothes on! 😉

  35. This is too funny! I’m so glad your warning was heeded. That would have scared me and embarrassed me as well. Joys of motherhood! She will enjoy reading this one day!

    • So glad you enjoyed it Joi! It was definitely one of those classic motherhood moments! 😉

  36. You never know what to expect from the little ones. My mouth would have hit the floor if a teacher told me my daughter did that! I was mortified that when my “darling” little girl and her cousin got in trouble on the school bus… in head start! The bus driver threatened not to let her on the bus again. Thank goodness a good talking to helped.

    • I definitely feel like if you can correct the behavior with a good talking to then you are already winning parenting! :)

  37. A definite parenting win. I think I might have to prepare a talk about the stripping thing with my youngest son before he starts kindergarten. He’s a bit fond of mooning me lately. And slapping his butt when he does it. :)

  38. Heheh…Abby sounds so much FUN!! I was super boring at school. I never spoke up, but chatted endlessly to whoever sat next to me, and I never ever got into trouble. EVER! And so nobody really knew me until eight grade.
    I love the before and after pictures! Looks like she had a blast 😀
    Also, the almost stripping was probably a one-time thing. Or so I hope.

    • I hope so, too Xae! So so much! 😉
      I remember girls like you in school…somehow, my endless chatter to the person next to me always landed me in trouble! :)

  39. I’m sure her panties were clean. It’s all good.


    Oh, it’s so much funnier when it’s someone else’s child!

    • The panties were the least of my problem…it was the fully exposed frontal chest area that concerned me! 😉

  40. My son said he didn’t have time to put underwear on the other day. Then proceeded to tell everyone that, and go see??? As he would pull his pants out for someone to take a look. Thankfully no one took him up on that offer, and we remedied the situation quickly!

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