Pinterest Nightmare #243: The Steering Wheel Desk

In today’s modern world, it’s hard to keep up. Our days are spent hustling from one obligation to the next, and there is never enough time to finish our to-do lists.

Where can we look for products to help us multitask even if we’re constantly on the go?

Pinterest to the rescue!!

Not only can you find quality timepieces to ensure you won’t be late to that important meeting, but now you can even find wonderful items like this:

Pinterest Nightmare #243: The Steering Wheel Desk


The Wheelmate Laptop Steering Wheel Desk from the folks at Go Office via

This is truly a multitasker’s dream.

I shudder to think of how much time I waste driving around in the car. How many minutes on end am I expected to do nothing but watch passing cars and pedestrians without getting some work done? I’m a busy woman. I don’t have time for that!

With the steering wheel desk I can whip out the checkbook and pay a few bills or make my grocery list! Heck, I can even sneak in a little “me time” and do a crossword puzzle or craft project!

But it gets even better!

According to the description on, the steering wheel desk is sturdy enough to hold a laptop! SCORE!

With this beauty I can pull out my trusty computer and maximize my drive time by writing blog posts! I can literally feel my productivity soaring!

Just think, for a mere $29.99, I can turn every carpool into an experience like this:


This photo “043_auto_fail” courtesy of stupid.fotos on

Oh, Pinterest. No…just no.




Pinterest Nightmare #243: The Steering Wheel Desk — 102 Comments

    • I’m guessing that the desk is propelled off the steering wheel when the airbag activates so nobody knows you were ever using it!

  1. Oh my. When I read the title I thought it was a quirky desk with a steering wheel on it, not a desk FOR your steering wheel. What kind of genius dreamed this up?

    • I’m guessing someone who owns a body shop…or has stock in a neck brace company? Put the steering wheel desk on the market then just sit back and let the accidents (and the big bucks) roll in!

  2. That is so wrong! Unless you’re waiting in the school pick-up line, that is. 😉 Some people I know get to school 30 minutes before school gets out…which is why I’m lucky I live close enough to walk!

    • Oh, don’t get us started on people that get to the pick up line an hour in advance and make the rest of us who get there on time look like we’re losers. You are making us all look bad, eager beavers!! Tone it down a notch. (they probably do have these things)

      • You know it! On-timers are slacker moms who don’t care about their children so that they are the last ones to be picked up!

          • I actually used to be one of those who got in the line early because it was the only time I had for “me!” I would catch up on my latest book or magazine….so, it was not to make anyone look bad, it just worked for my schedule!! (but yes, some or those moms just have to be first in line for simply that reason - ugh!)

  3. Whoa - really? Like Bev, I thought from the title that it was an actual desk shaped like a steering wheel. I’ve got nothing - totally speechless on this one.

  4. So my guess is that whoever designed it thought, “You can take advantage of WiFi at Micky D’s from your car in the lot while parked there,” vs. “I totally can do that last minute report on my laptop on the drive to work!” Let’s hope so. Either way, that totally creeps me out thinking that they enabling some people do some totally illegal things. They are a new form of pimp or dealer. Shall we call them the Unsafe Driver Pimps? UDPs? Pimps of Unsafe Drivers? PUDs? Dealers of Unsafe Drivers? DUDs? *shrugs* Seriously, that is one unsafe invention, and if someone ended up in the situation as depicted via your last photo because of said invention, the inventor should totally be held at least a little liable, don’t you think? Just my 2 cents! 🙂

    • I bet there are people sitting in McDonald’s parking lots all over the country on with their laptops on the steering wheel getting all of their office work DONE! They are careful to advise you never to drive with it…but you know people do!

      • I know they do! My hubby knew a guy who quite literally typed on his laptop or read his assignments for class WHILE HE DROVE, and he BRAGGED about doing it! YIKES! Talk about distracted driving…

  5. (Said in perky infomercial voice) And all this time I was letting my 7 year old drive so I could get some things done in the car! Now I can work and drive at the same time! Thank you, Dose of Reality!

    • Best. Comment. EVER!! Bwahahahahaha.
      Thanks to the steering wheel desk the kids can now go back to the back seat! Your productivity is restored! 😀

  6. I can’t wait to use this along with my tron watch without numbers and that contraption that is supposed to keep my boobs lifted and separated during the night. You guys rock! Thank you for bringing us these items that I will never know how I lived without! xo

    • It’s amazing what’s out there, right? I want to start a savings account to stash away some money to buy some of these stupid things. Someone has to keep these people in business so we can keep laughing at them!

  7. Well now when I read and drive I can actually put my book on the desk and turn the pages. I might do a little solitaire while I am at it too. Ridiculous…….someone somewhere has it I just know they do.

    • Good idea! It would be perfect for solitaire!
      I’m 100% sure that there is SOMEONE out there driving and desking as we speak, Kita. You know it!

    • ok, so I had to go and check the product out on Amazon. The reviews are priceless if you need a good chuckle!

      Happy to report there is a warning to not use while driving! DUH!!!

      • They do say that…but you KNOW there are people driving and desking right this minute. They probably take the corners easy so their crosswords don’t end up on the floor, though.

    • They really should put crash helmets and medical supplies in the “You may also want to buy” item list at the end of the entry. They’d make a mint.

  8. OMG! The whole time I was reading it, I was thinking, “What a horrible idea!” We are trying to get people to stop texting and driving and here Pinterest is promoting driving while doing everything else. I mean, I get that they probably meant for you to work while not driving but that’s not what it looks like.

  9. Funny article. The must be selling some of these, unfortunately. I used to actually work from my car and I still wouldn’t have ever gotten one of these. Also, when you do inevitably crash, doesn’t it sever your midsection?

    • I think it would, John, especially if you have an air bag. That would send it propelling right into your abdomen at high speed. What’s a little risk of internal bleeding when you’ve got things to do?!!

    • YES! I didn’t let myself read them until I finished because I didn’t want to be influenced, but the one where the pilots use the desk on boring trans-atlantic flights was hysterical!

      I think we’ve got the banana slicer on the “Oh, Honey…No!” Pinterest board. If we don’t…we should!

      • I don’t know you, Rabia, but thank you for also providing the banana slicer on here - went to those comments and have been bursting out laughing while at work - not a good combo, but hey, it’s Friday! There are over 3000 comments, so at some point, I will have to stop - but so funny!

  10. What on earth are people thinking? I saw your post on FB and I clicked on Amazon to see if it seriously was something you could actually buy…and it was!!! The reviews were hysterical…I have to admit I wasted a good 15 minutes reading those. You guys find the funniest stuff. Well it’s funny in a “I can’t believe anyone would actually make this let alone buy this way.” Have a great day!

    • Thanks, Michelle!
      Yes, they are SO funny. I didn’t read them so I wouldn’t be influenced by them for the post, but they are great. And this stupid product deserves every last one! 😀

  11. A-ha! This whole time I was blaming all the bad driving I see on cell phones. I bet they were using the steering wheel desk. So sorry. Never mind folks, carry on.

    • We’ve all been focusing on the wrong evil, haven’t we?! The next PSA campaign will be Don’t Desk and Drive.

  12. That’s crazy! I guess I could see it if you were sitting in your car waiting on somebody or parked somewhere swiping someones Wi-Fi.

    • Right, Jeanne?! I’m sure *some* people are using it that way…but I bet there are people driving down the road working on their desks, too! You just know it!

  13. I have no words. But I suppose in some states I could put my cell phone on it, put it on speaker, and talk on the phone without breaking the law. And there you have it. 😛

    • There you go, Carli! Very positive way to look at it! (as long as you didn’t stop short and the thing was heaved into your abdomen. That would sting)

  14. The funny thing is, I could actually use that! Not while driving, OBVIOUSLY, but I’ve spent a fair bit of time in the car waiting, whether it’s for my husband’s ship to be secured so he can get off, or even just letting the kids finish a little snooze in the driveway so I can have some peace and quiet. I’ve often balanced my laptop on the two armrests in the front of my van, but this would be a lot easier on my neck! But I can see how some people would definitely abuse it - and therefore it shouldn’t really exist. I’ll just be sure to buy one before I submit a complaint to someone, haha. 🙂

      • This is only our second (or our 12th if you include the post where we had 10 of them together)-but there is nothing funny about the number 2 or 12. We had to wing it. Sort of like how you can order checks starting with whatever numbers you want. (But don’t tell anyone else)

    • I want you to get one to save your neck! It would be helpful to you!!!…then have someone take a photo of you using it (but make it look like you are driving) and then we will add it to this post.) Pretty please?! 😀

  15. This *cannot* be a real thing! What kind of world to we live in? Although I have imagined that someday robots will drive my car while i just work or read and enjoy the ride…

    • Isn’t it just crazy Stephanie??!! I always envy the people in NYC with cars and drivers…as you know they are just sitting in the back seat soaking up the life of luxury! 😉

  16. I’m with everyone else - there are no words. But you must check out the banana slicer Rabia posted above. Just too funny for words when reading the reviews - this is a comic’s dream! Thanks for a fun Friday, ladies!

  17. See what’s so freaking funny about this horrific thing is how you present it! I mean…you always say the most PERFECT things to make it just simply catch on FIRE!! I mean, I am still laughing and not really at the dumbass ridiculous wheel desk…but simply because you guys rock the funny so hard!!! Oh how I adore you!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Oh Chris, you make us smile! 🙂 Thank you so much! We appreciate the fact that you enjoy the presentation! You rock! 🙂

  18. I just don’t understand how this is supposed to work…or is that I don’t see how this could POSSIBLY be a good idea? Either way…NOOOOO to this idea!

  19. That just screams several simultaneous accidents waiting to happen!
    I’m so glad you shared this! I have to show this to everyone and tell them to stay away.
    Someone should sue the moron who came up with this and the people who allowed it to be available for people to buy.

  20. Honestly, there was a point in my life I would have wanted this. Don’t hate me. My house was on the market, my husband was out of the country, I had two kids in diapers, and the only place they would nap was the car.

    So every freaking day I would put them in the car, drive until they fell asleep, and then sit in the driveway in the car with two sleeping boys. I spent HOURS in my driveway.

    So yeah, I did use my laptop in my car. Using free wifi from my house. Most of the time the car wasn’t even running at that point.

    But there’s probably only 100 women in the entire country that would fit that story. I seriously can’t believe this product exists. Sad.

    oh - and if you’re stuck in my situation - NAPPING is an awesome way to pass the time. seriously.

    • I totally get that, actually! And you are right, this would be perfect for that situation…as you said, though, you know that most people would abuse the privilege! 😉

  21. Honestly, there was a point in my life I would have wanted this. Don’t hate me. My house was on the market, my husband was out of the country, I had two kids in diapers, and the only place they would nap was the car.

    So every freaking day I would put them in the car, drive until they fell asleep, and then sit in the driveway in the car with two sleeping boys. I spent HOURS in my driveway.

    So yeah, I did use my laptop in my car. Using free wifi from my house. Most of the time the car wasn’t even running at that point.

    But there’s probably only 100 women in the entire country that would fit that story. I seriously can’t believe this product exists. Sad.

    oh - and if you’re stuck in my situation - NAPPING is an awesome way to pass the time. seriously.

  22. I always enjoy a multi-tasking tip but this product brings it to a whole new level - can you say CRAZY???! Love the picture you included!!!!

  23. I’d really prefer it if it came with up-lighting like a vanity and was re branded as a mobile makeup counter. The dome light in my car isn’t great for applying my makeup while I drive.

    Seriously though, thanks for the laugh. The user uploaded photos and reviews were fantastic.

    • That is such a good point Leah. Plus, it would totally keep all the compacts from sliding all over the place and falling between the seats! 😉

  24. I imagine the same people who shave their faces and put on all their makeup in the car will pick this beauty up. Thanks for sharing such a practical and time saving tool 🙂

  25. There are two things wrong with this, well actually I’m sure there’s more, but here’s what I noticed. #1 the steering wheel is upside down ( or at least mine would have to be) #2 it is impossible to put your seat back far enough if you have carseats in the back. On obviously this was not designed by a mom!! LOL

    • Great points Tracy! The not being able to put your seat back would definitely be a point in the con column! 😉

  26. Oh wow this is a technology facepalm! I mean I suppose it would be ok if you had to eat in your car (stationary) or had some last minute notes to write out before exiting. I thought the iPotty was my least favourite item in the technology world at the moment but this wins hands down. Nice find.

    Thanks for RT’ing my post on Twitter via SITSsharefest today 😉

  27. If you buy that & actually use it - I’d advise anyone to have the # of their lawyer handy - lol

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for #SITSsharefest

    • You are so right! Seems like the types of people who would use this probably have an attorney on retainer! 😉

  28. Oh my…what have we become. Although, I must admit I did think-just for a SPLIT second-about how this would be awesome to whip out while I’m waiting for the kids at pickups from school, sports practices, dances, etc. But no. You’re right. No.

  29. I love that the desk instantly (obviously) pops off during air bag deployment! I mean, who could prove you were really using that, right? MUST GET ONE! Lol.

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