Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad

I get along with 2 out of 3 magical creatures just fine. I’m not talking unicorns here.( I mean, who can’t handle a unicorn?) No, I’m talking about the magical creatures who visit your children at holiday times or for special events. You know,THE BIG THREE: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, & The Tooth Fairy.

(Please don’t ask where The Elf on the Shelf is in the above list. I despise him. He irritates me to no end with constant demands for attention every. single. day. Pinterest suggests that I let him wreck up my house by making snow angels in flour or have him toilet paper my Christmas tree. Yeah, antics like that are never going to win my favor. He makes my daughter cry and ruins my Christmas card pictures. At the end of the day, his whole purpose in life is to be a creeper in my house and rat out my kids—and they are the ones who actually like him! He’s a damn jerk. He is not fit to be associated with The Big Three and I refuse to count him when tallying up my record with magical creatures.)


Santa and I have a good relationship. He’s totally jolly and brings things to kids all over the world. You can track him via NORAD so he’s even kept up with technology and today’s times. Impressive. I’ve seen him in person and, except for one time that he kind of smelled like whiskey and complained about his bursitis acting up (true story), he’s always been perfectly kind and sweet. Plus, have you SEEN the stuff he brings by on Christmas Eve?! It’s much better stuff than I ever give my kids. He’s a hero.

The Easter Bunny and I are also buddies. He’s adorable and fluffy. He brings baskets full of chocolate that you can eat without guilt at 7:30 in the morning. He leaves behind brightly colored, sugary Peeps which taste more horrible than anything with marshmallow has a right to taste [Honestly, I am shocked and saddened by this revelation, because everyone knows that Peeps are delicious-Ashley], but they are *so* cute! Even better, he delivers Cadbury Crème Eggs right to my house without fail. How can you not love a creature who will do all that?! He’s even got a fun and mischievous side because the rascal hides our dyed eggs-sometimes so well we can’t even find the stragglers for days! A creature with that much personality is always welcome at our house!

But it all starts to fall apart when you bring The Tooth Fairy into things. It’s not that I don’t respect her gig. It’s not glamorous, but it’s necessary. She’s kind of like the medical waste container at your doctor’s office. Our little ones leave her actual pieces of their bodies that have fallen right out of their heads, and she not only whisks the grizzly things away, she generally leaves monetary compensation for them. That’s fair. Now, I’m not sure what she does with them afterward (and I’m not sure I want to know), but she’s providing a service of sorts. I don’t fault her for that.

Here’s my problem: Santa and The Easter Bunny are kind enough to let me know when they will be arriving each year well in advance. They understand the value of courtesy and manners. The Tooth Fairy obviously never read Emily Post because she has NO PROBLEM showing up on my doorstep with little or no warning. It’s really quite rude if you think about it.

It happens without fail. Five minutes before bedtime just as you are getting ready to see if Cee Lo is going to wear white or red satin lounging pajamas on The Voice, your child bursts into your room holding a bloody tooth high in the air triumphantly and declares that The Tooth Fairy will be making an appearance in her room that very night!

WHAT??? What kind of magical creature makes plans to come to my house right before bedtime when I haven’t been to the ATM in a week, and I’m already in my nightgown? The rude and unwelcome kind! It happens every time!

Yes, you could say that I should keep my house and my wallet ready for company when I know that my child has a loose tooth, but that’s asking a lot. Lucy is the kind of kid who will have a tooth hanging on by a sliver of gum and a wish for two weeks before she decides she’s ready to part with it. It’s too stressful for me to live in that kind of Code Red atmosphere for days on end. Sooner or later I end up dropping my guard and using the cash set aside in my wallet for a latte at Starbucks.

As if her lack of etiquette isn’t enough, The Tooth Fairy has actually forgotten to come to our house more than once. I’m not kidding. She came faithfully to Bobby’s room every single time he lost a tooth way back in the day, but the Tooth Fairies of today are not as conscientious. They must have decreased the training requirements because not once but TWICE over the years, Lucy has woken up only to see her gross tooth and broken dreams staring back at her from under her pillow.

Unacceptable! The only thing more inconsiderate than a visitor who shows up without warning is one who says they are coming and then never bothers to show up!

Now, The Tooth Fairy did always arrive the following nights to retrieve the teeth. She had notes for Lucy decorated with glitter glue and written in an adorable pink font that were filled with excuses and begged Lucy’s forgiveness. I think she even paid double for those semi-forgotten teeth. But really, isn’t that the least she could do since she f-ed up her job?

You know, someone with no sense of etiquette and so little work ethic should really seek out a different sort of career. Maybe Customer Service Rep at a cell phone carrier store or telemarketer perhaps?

Oh, well. I suppose I’m content that I have solid relationships with 2 out of The Big Three magical creatures. It’s not a bad record, really. And while the Tooth Fairy certainly has a thing or two to learn from Santa and The Easter Bunny, at least she’s not the stupid Elf.



Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad — 48 Comments

  1. I agree, it is very hard to have a positive relationship with someone who visits without notice - extra money in the wallet *does* equal coffee. She does have a tough gig, but a little extra notice would be nice.

    • Exactly, Kim. That’s all I’m asking. I just need a little extra notice and my relationship with her could get right on track. I have a feeling I’m out of luck, though. She’s been this way for years and doesn’t seem to respect that I can’t be bothered with her once I’m wearing my pjs.

    • Do not worry! While some Tooth Fairies are extravagant (a child in Lucy’s class got a BIKE for a tooth this year. Yes, a BIKE), our Tooth Fairy is a total cheapo. She is not a big spender, and I approve of her frugal ways.

  2. I agree…Elves are freaky and don’t deserve to be in the Big 3. Totally creep me out.

    I think the Tooth Fairy needs to polish up her resume, if you get me! Shame on her! One of these days, I think, she’ll be using PayPal to make her payments instead of cash to make her job just that much easier (like it’s that hard to begin with). Then she can be lazy AND make it look trendy. Nice. Oh, Tooth Fairy, how I loathe you. :(

    • Bwahahahaha. I am laughing so hard I can hardly stand it. (PayPal hahahahah…and you know that Tooth Fairy will do it, too!!)
      I feel very glad and also vindicated to know there is someone else out there who feels as passionately about this as I do. It’s like we’re family now!

  3. So much hate for the elf. Poor guy. This from the girl that doesn’t own one so can easily point fingers. Actually, my first thought when I first read this post was “that bunny is scary!”. What happened to cute Easter bunnies? Where on earth did they pick this one up? I’m glad I haven’t had to deal with the tooth fairy yet.

    • I don’t have one ounce of sympathy for that little menace. I wish I could, but he killed it. You only have to be woken up in a cold sweat at 3am realizing you forgot about him then rushing to do your part so many times before you heart will harden toward him.
      That Bunny was really scary! I can’t believe they saw that face and ever thought it was a good idea to introduce him to children!

  4. I heard about that elf book from friends and the whole idea is SO CREEPY! I’m probably doing everything wrong by encouraging (lying) my kiddos with these holiday rituals but none of the stories I tell involve “eyes on you with a leaning suspicion towards your bad behavior.” I am so glad my mom didn’t do that to me!

    • Preach it, Angi! The idea behind the Elf is seriously creepy! He’s the opposite of jolly Santa! I can’t imagine the anxiety I would have felt as a child if I thought someone was spying on me from inside my own house. YIKES!!
      My oldest never had an elf and neither did my daughter until she saw one at a friend’s house and the friend told her all about it. My daughter was devastated that she didn’t have one and thought she must be deficient… and that’s how Elfy came to live in our house from December 1-December 24 each year. And I still feel mean about it. :)

    • BWAH!!! I did get a little ranty there, didn’t I. Not much can send me into a blind rage more quickly that talking about Elfy. I hate him just that much. BAH.

  5. Good one, Lisa. I think my tooth fairy gave me about a nickel, so it was pretty available from the change dish on the dresser. I Iike how you relate it to paying for body parts, like the you expect the kid to be in a bathtub fllled with ice.
    Ashley, Peeps are not good. They technically aren’t even food. More of a petroleum distillate/packing material.

    • Although our Tooth Fairy isn’t extravagant, it’s surprising some kids don’t wake up in a bathtub of ice because it’s crazy out there.

      The problem is that now with debit cards, I don’t usually have any cash on hand even if it’s just a dollar. Modern convenience has foiled me when it comes to the Tooth Fairy!

      I’m also so glad that you agree with me about the Peeps. I was STUNNED to read that she thinks they actually taste good. I think they are adorable and festive, but I can’t believe she EATS them. *shiver*

  6. I just found out about the elf on a shelf this year (thankfully) and I’m ready to stab whomever invented it. It’s annoying and I don’t get it and WTF people?!

    • I’m totally with you, Tara. It was created by a mother and daughter team so it will take both of us to get the job done. I’m totally on board! No jury in the land would convict us. (not if any of them had kids)

  7. Hysterical. I laughed so hard. I’ve told my kids that they need to request a different fairy because ours forgets to show up so often. Clearly she hasn’t earned her wings. And sadly, she is the only magical creature we do at our house so I don’t have too many guests to worry about!

    • That is so lucky. But if you are going to have one magical creature, she is the WORST ONE EVER seeing that her arrival is always so unpredictable.
      I’m very glad you have a slacker Tooth Fairy just like us. I was worried we were the only ones! :)

  8. Both the elf and the tooth fairy struggle in our house because they require way too much effort more than one night a year. Our tooth fairy (before my oldest discovered the truth when she discovered a bunch of old teeth in a ziploc bag in my nightstand drawer because that’s as far as my lazy self ever made it with them - for real) forgot often enough that several rules for why the tooth fairy couldn’t come on a given night were created that made it even more complicated. She didn’t work on weekends. She couldn’t come if you failed to sleep in your bed (vs. on the couch) and on a pillow. She couldn’t come if you left your TV on because she’d probably think you were still awake. Sometimes she’d find a dollar bill - other times she’d scrounge up change. I don’t miss her.

    • You are a genius. I think we need to lay down more laws and rules for our Tooth Fairy. If she didn’t work weekends and didn’t come until the next day if you lost your tooth after 4pm (because she already has her schedule set, she just might be more welcome at our house.
      (My ziplocks of teeth are in my closet. I keep them by my husband’s shirts because he finds them disgusting. Every now and then he’ll run across them and shiver…then I laugh and laugh.)

    • Lucy does, too! In fact she has 3 loose teeth right now. One is just barely wiggly so it will last awhile. The second has the permanent tooth GROWING IN FRONT OF THE BABY TOOTH (that is all loose and gross and has been for about a month). She looks like a shark with two rows of teeth in that spot. It’s disgusting. Her third tooth is only attached by one corner of gum and the rest swings completely free in the most nauseating way. She complains that it bothers her, yet she doesn’t want us to pull it out.
      I predict that with 3 teeth coming out so close together, our Tooth Fairy is likely to forget at least one of them one random night.

  9. I won’t say the “E” word, I promise Lisa!!! But, boy if I could tell you all that has transpired since I wrote my post! But as for the three good ones… I TOTALLY agree with you about the tooth fairy! She forgets alot around here too! Such an irresponsible twit isn’t she? I mean…over and over AND OVER again she has forgotten and left my kids’ hearts in pieces!! Wait- I wrote a post about one of her little incidents: My poor daughter. Another permanent scar in her childhood.

    • I had not read that one, Chris! I am not one bit surprised that we are leading parallel lives yet again! (and I cannot WAIT to hear what has happened since your Elf post! You’ve got to promise to either blog about it or email me!! You know I love a good “hate the elf” story)

  10. I used to be sad that these magical creatures never visited me when I was a kid…but this post is making me think again. Because, since we never had them, we never expected them. I guess it’s better than being disappointed.

    I love it that you have such feelings towards the tooth fairy and the elf on the shelf. Fun post :)

    • Exactly, Xae! It’s completely disappointing when those creatures mess up. The Tooth Fairy and the Elf are especially liable to break a kid’s heart. (At least at my house!)

  11. I once lost a tooth at a cousin’s house and the tooth fairy managed to make a visit to me there (she always left me a dollar and some little prize). It didn’t occur to me until right now how prepared my mom had to have been to have that on her on an out-of-state visit. Somehow I don’t think I will be that kind of tooth fairy when the day comes…

    • Aw! How sweet! Yes, your mom was very organized (and your Aunt was on the ball, too!) I bet you will do just fine when the time comes. In fact your Tooth Fairy will probably leave behind beautiful jewelry pieces that will put all the other fairies to shame. Yes, I think your Tooth Fairy will be be great! :)

  12. Funny because we just went to rise of the guardians the night before last and it features this whole lot, plus the sandman (who all moms love, right?)… It’s hard not to think of the toothfairy as that hummingbird lady now.

    • Oh, we haven’t seen that movie yet!! I had no idea that’s what was in it! I’ll have to see that hummingbird tooth fairy lady now!!

  13. I’m happy I missed out on Elf on a Shelf. My youngest, 8, I think knows all about Santa but he’s still pretending - I think he’s worried about losing the present (my oldest announced he’d figured it out at 5). The tooth fairly can be brutal. But she’s pretty generous if you have to hit up the ATM!

    • OMG…you are so right! If you are desperate and hit up the ATM that Tooth Fairy has no choice but to be VERY generous! HA!

  14. I’m so with you. It never fails. I use those straggling two bucks to tip the pizza guy, and bam! First bite through the crust, and the darn tooth falls out. And the tooth fairy is searching through the couch at 11:42pm for lost quarters and nickels. And the kid wakes up to 5 quarters a nickel and three pennies. And that’s IF the tooth fairy remembers! She’s a total slacker!

    • Oh, that pizza scenario makes me laugh and laugh because that is EXACTLY how things work!! The very thing that ate up your money would be the thing responsible for the tooth extraction—and it’s not happening at 10am. Typical!! :)

  15. First off, I love Meatloaf so you had me at the title and then…I hate the elf so much (today’s post was dedicated to just how much) so in general…I love this post a whole lot! I could not wait until my kids found out about the tooth fairy. I always got caught off guard with that one.

  16. We *just* started Tooth Fairy territory in our house. I promptly went out, got a $20, and made them give it in singles. And by I, I of course mean I asked my husband to do it and he did.

    These singles are rolled up in my sock drawer, NOT to be touched by anyone (because only I know where they are) and are only used for fairy money. Now…lets hope I can stick to that plan.

  17. I’m just thankful that The Elf On The Shelf came about after my sons were in college. I get tired just watching his antics on my friends’ Facebook posts. I can guarantee our Elf would have been much lazier!

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