Two For the Price Of One

Change is in the air. Can you feel it?

It is time to liven this joint up, y’all.

The Dose of Reality would officially like to welcome the amazing Lisa to the club. See, what you may not all know is that Lisa has actually been a part of this blog from the beginning. She has proofread every single post I have ever written, because as she quickly learned I have a tendency to overcomma. Whatever. It could totally be a word. She helped me set up the site and y’all she even saved me from a rocking in the corner moment when I managed to erase EVERYTHING after we had worked for hours days setting up the site. So finally, after begging, pleading, threatening to publicly publish her emails against her will, I have finally gotten her to agree to share her talents with the world. You’re welcome, readers.

Happy Birthday to me, right? Supposedly, there are gifts coming my way, too, but honestly getting my real-life BFF to partner with me here is the best gift I could have asked for this year!

Enough about me, though, let’s talk about her. If you are a regular reader here, you know our girls are inseparable and that we ourselves have been known to spend just a little bit of time together. What I don’t think you all know, though, is that Lisa is a fantastically funny writer, especially when it comes to the topic of reality TV. With fall TV just days away, there is no better time to anticipate all of her hilarity on shows like The Voice, The Amazing Race, Survivor, Dancing With the Stars and many more.

Even better than all of that, she is also going to write regularly about motherhood, marriage and life in general because I firmly believe that the more women who keep it real, the better off we all will be on a daily basis! It takes a village, as you know, and my personal village just grew in population by one.

Let’s all make Lisa feel welcome in the comments and tell her what fall reality TV show you are most looking forward to watching!


Two For the Price Of One — 35 Comments

  1. Welcome to the party, Lisa. You sound like just the kind of girl we would love to hang with. And Ashley is pretty awesome herself. You two will be unstoppable. Erin

    • Thanks so much, Erin! I agree-Ashley is fantastic! We’ve worked on several projects together, but never something as big as this. I hope I can keep up with her! (or at least not embarrass myself) :)

    • I’m so excited to get started! I have nothing against the comma! I promise. (Frankly, I’m probably more liberal with the comma than Ashley is, but don’t tell her!)

  2. As a reality TV lover myself, I look forward to reading! As a woman who loves Ashley and anyone Ashley loves, welcome! I REALLY look forward to reading! As for which show I am most looking forward to…probably The Voice. I have a huge crush on Blake Shelton and think he is pretty funny. :)

    • Thanks, Annmarie! You’re too sweet! I am *really* looking forward to The Voice, too! I can’t believe I hadn’t even heard of Blake Shelton before the first season. Now I am a fan for life. He’s hysterical. (and I love his bromance with Adam. They are adorable together)

    • Thanks, Jamie! I promise I only give the side eye to a comma when Ashley is asking me to proofread. Otherwise, I am totally comma non-judgmental…especially since I am an avid ellipsis user…I just can’t help myself! 😉

  3. Hi Lisa, welcome :) I will love getting to know you better… I don’t think I will be watching much Reality TV this fall… but mostly due to issues with our TV reception! LOL! :)

    • Hi, Paloma! Thank you so much!
      Bad TV reception or a DVR hiccup failing to record my favorite shows is my nightmare scenario! I’m feeling a little anxious just thinking about it now, and I’ve got to go recheck my DVR to make sure it’s set properly. I’ll be sure to hit other topics too, though. I promise!!

  4. Welcome to the party Lisa! I honestly look forward to any reality TV stuff you want to throw my way - I rarely watch it and I love reading people’s opinions about it :)

    • Thanks, Kristin! I watch enough reality tv for the both of us so I have it covered! I’m starting with The Voice which beings next week. (HOORAY!) I hope Cee Lo and Kristina bring their A-grade crazy to their dressing.

  5. Welcome, Lisa! So excited for you and Ash and so happy you are besties! Her mom was my BFF, and it is a very unique and wonderful relationship to have between women! No problems with the comma….but I must say, I tend to overuse the exclamation point!!!! (See?!!? - LOL) Looking forward to reading your “stuff!”

    • Thank you, Debbie! I know *exactly* who you are! No explanation needed! Ashley gushes about you on a near daily basis! I feel like I know you already, but I hope to actually meet you sometime!

      I, too, love the exclamation point! I have actually had to edit them out of emails so I wouldn’t seem so perky and enthusiastic! (see…all exclamation points here!)

      • Thank you, Lisa! I feel like I know you, too, based on all Ashley shares….and I feel like I know Lucy, too! Such a cutie pie! Your comment made me burst out laughing about the exclam pt - the perkiness of it all! See….I can’t stop myself!!!!! :)

    • Hi, John! Yes, indeed! Lucy (the girl with the glasses who is often smack dab by Emma’s side) is my daughter! I frequently go by “Lucy’s Mom” in general company…well, that and “Bobby’s Mom” as I also have a near 13 yo son. (Who, out of sheer reflex like all middle schoolers, is likely feeling red-faced and embarrassed because I just mentioned him even though he doesn’t even know it)

  6. Yay for proofreading best friends! I need one of those… I think there is at least one typo in everything I posted last week! Of course, the would mean I’d actually have to tell someone IRL about my blog.

    Welcome Lisa!

    • Thank you!
      The first few weeks of back to school time are so busy and sleep-deprived, how could you not have a few typos?! (I’m not sure proofreading BFFs are that efficient, to be honest. Frequently Ashley and I will *both* miss one… only to find it after the entry is already posted on the blog…OF COURSE!!)

  7. i have a bff that i insist reads all my posts, too! but she lives far far away. but we chat everyday. so when she gets online. i’m always like. hey! how are you! what’d you do today! i have a post to write. so let’s get to work. boom!

    your bff sounds fun!

    visiting from sits.

    • That’s how Ashley and I always do it, Winn! We get on line (and the phone) and get to work. Luckily for me Ashley and I are in the same town. If she were far, far away I’d have to switch to one of those internet long distance services or else I’d go broke!

  8. Hooray!!!….

    Looking forward to reading your public writing! You should write about the Hard Knocks HBO show :)

    and Ashley, if you need some more blackmail email’s let me know.

    • You know I love me some HBO Hard Knocks, honey!! Now that the preseason is over, I think the show is gone until next year, when they’ll move on to another team. I’m really going to miss some of those guys! *sniff*. Hey maybe they will chose my beloved Titans or maybe the Panthers for next year!

      Also, don’t think I didn’t catch your little note to Ashley there. Just remember, blackmail is a two way street, my love, and you tend to talk in your sleep! 😉

  9. Sorry I missed this announcement, I really have no excuse…oh wait, I do. I was an overnight chaperone for four days for my daughter’s environmental camp. I know you ladies are feeling me. :) Ellen

  10. HA! We do feel you, Ellen. You’re right. Overnight chaperone for a 4 day trip…I’m surprised you even have the energy to type! You rock. (Oh, and environmental camp sounds really cool!)

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