Is It Really All You Thought It Would Be?

Waking up over the weekend to a broken computer and then spending too much money stocking up for back-to-school items, but secretly celebrating because “Hey, at least it’s tax-free shopping weekend” made me reflect back to this particular column. Truly, this is adulthood, right? I mean, I have obviously arrived, haven’t I? It made me think about all the ways I thought it would be different. How did you imagine life as a grown-up would be when you were playing house as a kid?

Remember back when you were a kid and you would fantasize about being a grown-up? What that would be like? How things would be in your world … when you were in charge?

For me, my first order of business would be no more damn Chicken McNuggets. My parents never allowed me to get anything other than Chicken McNuggets on a road trip because McDonald’s took so long making special orders, and I would not eat a hamburger with anything on it other than ketchup.

That’s right, I was the child version of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. So when I grew up, if I wanted a Quarter Pounder with no pickles or onions I would be able to wait while they made my special order, and I would be happy every time I got to hear “Please pull forward ma’am, we’ll bring your food out to you when it is ready.” It would be no problem, right? Except that in real adult life, when you have two hungry, tired, screaming and/or crying children in the backseat then, well, your order actually sounds something like this, “Two Happy Meals and an adult order of McNuggets, please, and make it quick!”

When I was growing up, sometimes I used to go to the office with my dad on a Saturday. While he did work, I did “work” too. Looking back, I realize his work probably involved like actual reports for real people and were less exciting to do than my fake charts in the full array of available rainbow markers on the totally awesome white board (hey, my future wedding to Kirk Cameron wasn’t going to plan itself, ok?) while turning my fingers orange from Doritos purchased from the vending machine in the break room.


The break room alone could keep me busy for at least half an hour. They not only had four different vending machines to choose from, but one of them was the kind that spins around like a carousel of snack heaven. I’d watch what seemed to be hundreds of food choices circle past, and think wow, there are so many choices, or these adults who work here are SO lucky.

Every single day they got to choose between delicious Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs or Beefaroni; and maybe they even got to throw caution to the wind and have a FULL-SIZED candy bar with their lunch!

The possibilities were endless. And this was before you even got to the drinks! I grew up in a time when kids used to drink full-sugared soda, so it was always tricky to decide with my fifty cents whether I was in a Coke kind of mood or wanted an Orange Crush to go with orange-themed Doritos fingers?

And I used to say that when I grew up I was just going to watch whatever I wanted on TV and stay up as late as I wanted … but I gotta say, this has pretty much turned out to be as good as I expected. Because even with all the episodes of The Jetsons I watched, who could have ever DREAMED of the invention of TiVo. It is, quite frankly, and don’t judge me too harshly, the best thing that has happened in my lifetime.

I have a feeling my mom probably would have been a lot nicer to us at bedtime if she could have paused her previously-recorded episode of Big Brother to give us that one last drink of water. Hmmm, though, now that I think of it, I can actually pause my previously-recorded episode of Big Brother to give Emma that water, and somehow I still don’t do it with a wink and a smile, so maybe bedtime sucks for moms no matter what the capability of the remote control.


What you don’t expect when you grow up is the actual STUFF that comes with being a “grown-up.” Like bills and laundry and grocery shopping with clipped out coupons and the constant list making, and cars breaking down or needing oil changes, and water pipes bursting and roofs needing to be replaced, and jobs being lost and parents dying and children, oh the children, how come no one prepares you for that part?

I played more than my fair share of The Game of Life back in the day, and I certainly don’t remember ever landing on the space that said “Husband forgets to turn off sprinkler overnight, water bill $300.00,” or “Pull over into a parking lot during a hail storm and runaway shopping cart crashes into back of your car, live with the dent or pay $500.00 to get it repaired.”

I remember spaces more along the lines of “Go on a game show, win $25,000,” or “Write a best-selling novel, make $500,000,” which is so totally typical of a child’s board game, reinforcing those fantasy expectations for the someday real life they will actually face. The Game of Life was totally fantastic, and I really expected mine to follow a similar path:

You went to college, you got a fabulous job, with a guaranteed salary, you got married, you had a few kids, they fit perfectly in the back of your car, nobody got a divorce, you hit a few bumps in the road, but eventually you still landed on retirement, counted up your remaining money and called it a day.

Or how about when you got a mansion in my other favorite game, MASH? I bet it never occurred to you that all those rooms would need to be vacuumed and decorated, right? But at this point, if I was replaying MASH, I would happily circle the “A” for apartment … less maintenance, less upkeep, less monthly spending. Let someone else hire the housekeeper and full-time chef for the Beverly Hills hacienda up the street … I hear Kirk Cameron has a pretty strict dietary routine these days, so I am certain that if I had been saddled with him, a chef would have needed to be the first thing on my bridal registry.

When I was young, I planned on having no fewer than 4 children. After all, I was a top-notch babysitter, and I thought kids were just the be all and end all of joy. I loved rocking babies, especially. I remember I would stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom when I babysat and shamelessly pretend they were mine. I was also excellent with the school-age set, because I loved playing Candyland, Sorry, or Go Fish, and when the toys came out with them, I could return for a brief period of time to my own childhood, but it was totally “okay” because I was doing it for the good of the children.

I was being a COOL babysitter.

What I didn’t realize about actually having the children is that they are so much more than Goldfish and a few games of Old Maid. No wonder those parents I babysat for were always in need of a night out. Children require not just your physical presence, but every ounce of your emotional energy, from the moment that they are born, until, well, the jury is out on that statement. Your heart literally hurts at the end of the day wondering if today is the day that you perhaps damaged them forever by something you said or did, or something you didn’t say or do. You watch them try to navigate their way through Life and all you want to do is make it so that they just have to spin a big wheel and land on the “good” spaces.

Playing grown-up is just so much easier than actually being one.

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Is It Really All You Thought It Would Be? — 39 Comments

  1. I remember thinking it would be neat to go to Dairy Queen whenever I wanted. And it is.
    Did Robert really leave the water on overnight? Tell him I’ve done that. I blamed Mashell, she’s supposed to hear it and tell me.

    • Yes, he really did. It has actually happened a couple times, but it has been awhile, thank God.
      I totally agree with you about being able to go fun places whenever you want…I feel that way about being to eat candy!

  2. Oh I remember not being able to wait until I grew up - then I can have my own freaking television and phone and I don’t have to fight with someone over either!

    Now, my husband hogs the TV and the toddler steals my phone.

  3. You were such a cool kid that I thought you could do whatever you wanted to in life. And you became successful professionally as a registered nursse and then successful as a mom of two great kids. So, even if it is harder than you thought it would be, you still attained some wonderful things.

    • Well thank you so much! I have done okay…it is no trip to the Academy Awards as I once imagined, but I suppose that is for the best since then cameramen would follow me to Target! 😉

  4. I actually preferred playing the grown-up…lol…I remember when I first got an apartment and thought, man, this is the life (I was still in college) and being so excited when I got that final bill paid only to discover the onslaught that they keep recurring. Oh what a bubble buster that was. 😉
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog for my SITS Day. Losing my brother and my mom has been an awful experience and I wish no one in life the same. Time does heal the pain but never erases from memory.
    I hope you have a fab week!!

    • I know, right? The bills, especially, they are just so defeating every single month. And then something breaks and you have to be the one to fix it. Ugh.
      Thank you for returning the blog visit.

  5. My 8yo just said to me yesterday that she didn’t think she’d be having children. “It’s just too much work,” she sighed. Yep. Grown-up stuff is nowhere near what I imagined in the Game of Life either. I think we got to buy our houses outright in that game, right? No mortgage.

    • I totally agree with your 8 yr. old. And yes, there was no mortgage in the game of Life. Clearly, we were very unprepared!

    • I totally taught my 8 yr.old MASH this summer and honestly really felt a great sense of pride. I know, right? Seriously, that is not good mothering.

  6. You were the BEST. BABYSITTER. EVER! (no offense to a few who read this blog and also babysat for us and were fabulous) - but you were our “first” for Austin, and our only for a very long time - and I know you learned a lot from those days - which is why you can have humor AND reality at the same time. Awesome article - and yes, I would prefer having fantasyland when it comes to laundry, housecleaning, bills, illness, death, etc, etc!

    • It is okay. This is my blog. You should totally call me the best here. If those other babysitters want to be called the best then they should get their own blogs! 😉
      Thank you for the high praise, by the way, but Austin made it super easy with his adorable cuteness and all! :)

  7. Oh I could hardly wait to grow up myself. I thought I would do things so differently than my mother and I would be so much nicer . . . Ha! Ha! Making your own choices is great, it’s paying for them that stinks!

  8. Playing house, playing office, pretending to be mommy - WAY easier than *actually* keeping a house, working a real job and have *real* kids with you 24/7. Ugh. If I knew then what I know now… I’d have eaten way more dessert! LOL! 😉

    • SO much easier. And yes, I would have eaten so much more dessert, too. And worn a bikini. Because, yeah, I am not getting that body back again!!

  9. I’ve got an essay done for about this. I thought it’d be a lot simpler than it is… esp. with publishing books. It took me a long time to realize I didn’t DESERVE to be published.

  10. What a great post Ashley!! Ah yes…life is SO misleading isn’t it? And when we are kids, we have NO CLUE what being a grown up really entails until, well…it hits us like a TON of bricks. Heavy ones. 😉

  11. {Melinda} Love this post!! So much truth in there. Just posted today about that “damaging them for life” part!

    My daughter (who is 15) tells me often that she is going to let her kids do whatever they want when she’s a mom. Should I burst her bubble or let her hold onto that fantasy until she’s faced with the reality?! Yeah, no need to let reality intrude prematurely. It’s the best teacher!

    • Let her believe for a little longer. It is really all she has…one day she will thank you for not bursting her bubble…or yell at you because you didn’t! 😉 You never know with daughters!!

  12. I agree, playing the grown up is a lot easier! No one tells you about all the other stress and worry you will have when a spouse loses their job or your teenager runs a $700 phone bill (sigh). It was fun to put on an apron, serve plastic fruit and lemonade in little cups from my playhouse. Those were the days! :)

    • Totally. No one tells you. And they really should. Not that we would have listened, anyway, of course!
      A $700 phone bill, huh?

  13. SOOOOO TRUE!!!!
    I remember thinking that I would live in a BARBIE dream house and drive around in one of those zippy hot-pink cars … FAR CRY in my out of date mini-van. SIGH …

    • That is so funny about the Barbie Dream House, as we have one now and honestly it is so much nicer than our actual home…like Barbie has a hot tub, and I don’t! 😉

  14. I remember thinking when I am a grownup I can stay up as late as I want and watch whatever I wanted. Reality- would love to go to bed as soon early as possible most nights and let my little dvr record my must see tv.

  15. Pingback: Your Parents Dressed You Up For Halloween As A WHAT?! | The Dose of RealityThe Dose of Reality

  16. Pingback: My Parents Tried To Ruin Halloween

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