Big Brother Is Watching You, Um, More Like I Am Watching Big Brother

It looks like CBS listened to my suggestion (who even knew I had this kind of power…quick, Mark Burnett, call me, I have lots of other ideas, too!) and gave Jeff and Jordan a reality show that begins tonight! It is called “Jeff and Jordan Do America”, and it will be featured online. In honor of their show’s debut and because I am in the process of writing about the brand new season of “Big Brother” (look for that Friday) I wanted to share one of my best memories of 2012 again.

Reality TV when done well, can hook you for life. That, my friends, is exactly what happened to me when I started watching Big Brother. I blame my mother and her best friend Debbie for getting me hooked in the first place, by the way. They were totally my Big Brother pushers…”Here, little girl, just try it, one little episode won’t kill you” until pretty soon I was a full-blown addict just like them.

Now for those of you who have never had the Big Brother experience, just know that it is a summer show where a group of around sixteen people enter a house and live together, totally sequestered from the outside world. I have watched many, many seasons of this show and have had many favorite houseguests (if you want to play the game, you have to know the lingo), but none have captured my undying love and devotion like Jordan Lloyd and Jeff Schroeder from seasons 11 and 13. See, here is the thing, y’all, Jordan is from Charlotte, so I immediately felt a kinship to her, and then during her original season, she met a boy (totally the HOTTEST one in the house) from Chicago named Jeff, and I, as a viewer, got a chance to watch them fall in love right on my screen over the summer. It was the stuff of Hollywood movies and frankly, my daily imagination. And then, week by week, Jordan got closer and closer to the end, and I got more and more devoted to my hometown girl, until finally she capped off my summer (and hers, I suppose) with a win! And Jeff was right there by her side, and I was crying, and it was FANTASTIC.

I then went on to watch them on Amazing Race together, interspersing their absence from my TV screen with articles I would find online and videos of them from that fateful summer on YouTube. Huh, what, you mean I don’t actually know them in real life, please, as if that has ever stopped me before from believing I am moments away from becoming their next best friend.

And then last summer, I got a tiny little gift (I like to think it came from my mom, just to make sure I didn’t drop the Big Brother habit in her absence), when it was announced that for season 13, Jordan and Jeff would be back AGAIN. I am pretty sure just reading the news article made me cry. I did what any good friend would do and totally forced my good girlfriend Lisa to watch it with me, promising a summer of fun. Let’s just say that Lisa totally caved into the pressure and by the end of the summer, it is *possible* that we might have both subscribed to the live feeds. As if watching the show three times a week on TV is not enough, you can purchase the opportunity to watch the houseguests 24 hours a day on your computer from multiple camera angles, all while surfing internet websites reading minute to minute updates of all the happenings inside the house. It is probably the equivalent of going from being a casual smoker to a crack addict for Big Brother viewers, but totally healthy for you, of course!

And once again, I spent the summer season loving me some Jordan Lloyd and Jeff Schroeder. They just make me happy, honestly, and Lisa totally nailed it when she described Jordan as everything that is right with the world. When we are trying to look on the bright side of a situation, she will always tell me that we are “channeling our inner Jordan”!

For my birthday, Lisa gifted me with possibly one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given. She had a special Season 13 Big Brother T-shirt made just for me. I told her at the time that the only thing that could possibly ever make it any better would be if she could somehow arrange for Jordan to sign my shirt, because the thing is that Lisa actually knows Jordan from her hair salon where Jordan works, like in real life, not just from You Tube videos and hours of Big Brother viewing like me.

Cut to a random Thursday in January, when I am sitting on the couch with the kids watching Never Say Never, right around the part where Scooter Braun is making some fan’s dreams come true, when my cell phone buzzes with Lisa telling me that right then, at that exact moment, she is seeing Jordan for the first time since the summer, and she will ask her about signing my shirt. OH.MY.GOD. Now, at the moment of reading this text, I am in a warm-up suit with absolutely no make-up on and my children already in their jammies, but what I respond with is something along the lines of “I can come right now, my children can stay in the car, who cares that I have a terrible case of laryngitis, OH.MY.GOD.!!!”

Thankfully, Lisa wrote me back quickly to say that actually, the next day will be fine, and we would meet up to see Jordan the following morning, when I will be A) showered and wearing cosmetics and B) child-free. I take to Facebook and Twitter to announce my good fortune, and I am not even kidding that within ten minutes of posting this news on Twitter, I had at least eight new people following me and sending me messages and asking if I was going to be writing a column about Jordan. The pressure was really on then, because as much as I thought I was a fan of hers, these people were FANS of hers!

The big day arrived, and I made sure that I had my shirt, two different permanent markers, my camera and my best hope that I would be able to croak out a few words with my lingering lack of voice. Driving over to the salon, it hit me full force that my mother would LOVE this story, she thought Jordan was adorable on her first season, and it started to get me super emotional. Oh no, I could not go into this situation and cry! Talk about a total fangirl move, people, she would never want to be my friend with that kind of display.

So, we walk into the salon and there is Jordan, like right there, like right in front of me, and Lisa introduces me, and I immediately apologize for my inability to speak and then of course for my laryngitis, too…ha, ha, ha! And here is what happened next that was so totally the stuff of every famous person encounter fantasy I have ever had, Jordan just totally starting chatting with us and with her best friend Megan who works with her (and she is totally adorable, too!), as if the four of us were total besties. She was so open and friendly and funny and kind, and I kind of forgot after about two minutes that she was also the girl I had watched on TV for many, many hours, because she was just so REAL. We talked about her upcoming move to California, how skinny the girls are there and how like me, she is an eater, which was probably one of my favorite moments of the experience, because she was able to accurately describe eating in a way that normal, skinny, non-eating girls don’t. We talked about reality TV and jobs and traveling and shows that we liked and didn’t like. I told her about my mom, and she was so sweet. We talked about her upcoming to trip to Cambodia with Build A City and how likely she might be to come home with armfuls of children, because in addition to being beautiful and kind, she is also a humanitarian. I know, right?! So much fantasticness from one person! Overall, I just felt like I walked out of there having made a connection with her, which honestly, not that it was even possible, made me love her more.

So, of course, I tweeted her a huge thank you and GUESS WHAT, she totally tweeted me back! Here is what she said:

Ummm, let me get this straight, not only does she think I am easy to talk to, but she is offering to have Jeff sign my shirt, too?! There was no way to play it cool, except to say, YES, that would be GREAT, all while screaming like a little girl on the inside.

Sadly, unless they trek through the jungle on Survivor, I think they have run out of CBS shows to do, but I am going to cross my fingers and channel my inner Jordan and hope that the CBS executives give them their own personal reality show!


Big Brother Is Watching You, Um, More Like I Am Watching Big Brother — 46 Comments

  1. Ashley you have had an experience I would love to have myself!!! It’s so cool that you were able to meet Jordan and that she was the sweetheart we all think she is from what we’ve seen of her on TV. I think she bewitches everybody she meets, I call it the Magic of Jordan. Someday I would love to meet her also!!! I’m very happy you had such a great time with her!!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us who love Jordan too!!!

    • Thank you so much Deena! :) I am so glad you read it and enjoyed and commented on it, that means a lot to me! We writers live for comments! She is magical, I totally agree with you.
      And I was so glad she was every bit as fantastic as she appears on TV, too! :)

  2. Thank you, Ashley, for sharing this great experience with us. You definitely sound like you’ve been “Jordanized!” It would have been difficult for me to speak also and probably would have remained speechless while standing there staring. You did a great job bringing your interview with Jordan to life and made us feel as we were there with you. Thank you again!

    • Thank you so much Elizabeth! I really appreciate you reading and taking the time to leave a comment, too! :) I promise if you ever meet her, you will be able to talk because she is so adorable and delightful, she will put you at ease immediately!

  3. Ashley, so glad you have that JeJo feeling all over. It’s a good one. One time on her Jordan at home show, an elderly man called in to talk to her, his voice breaking up, you could tell he started to cry. He said he never felt this way in his whole life that two people could affect him the way she and Jeff do. It was touching but I knew exactly what he meant. I have seen couples fall in love, but I wasn’t there to see their actual staring at each other or holding hands, and hugging, and teasing, and the respect for decency toward each other, and the kindness toward each other. So I fell in love with both of them Now I am very invested in them, and want the best for them. Thank you for showing your feelings toward Jordan, cause there are some who may think we are both a little crazy. LOL

    • Awww, that is the BEST story ever! :) I am so glad you shared it with me, as I had not heard that in the many hours of reading online about them I have done. I LOVE IT! :)
      Thank you so much for reading this and taking the time to leave this comment, I really appreciate it!
      Here is the way I see it, if loving Jeff and Jordan is wrong, then I don’t want to be right! 😉

  4. Ashley, what a wonderful blog about meeting Jordan. Like you, I have been watching Big Brother since season 1. It has been my guilty pleasure for all these summers but I have never rooted for a houseguest like I did for Jordan. I remember sitting there nervously watching finale night in hopes Jordan would win. She was my favorite from day 1. I paced the floor, I jumped for joy when she won and even cried for her. I, like many others saw something special develop between her and Jeff even though I did not subscribe to live feeds, I quickly found myself subscribing to watch the flashbacks of the season and was hooked on their budding “love story”. I am extremely happy you were able to meet Jordan and thank you for sharing your experience with us :)

    • Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I really appreciate it so much! :) I am so glad I was not the only one in America crying when she won, I mean the only one who was not a member of her actual family! 😉
      I so wish I had known more about the feeds back in their original season, because I totally would have subscribed for the flashbacks. Instead, I had to satisfy myself with You Tube videos, which was good, but that probably would have been better! :)

  5. What a great story. While I don’t get nearly as excited over celebrities as you do, I have to admit that I 100% LOVE Jordan. Who didn’t fall in love with Jeff and Jordan while watching them fall in love with each other? I can totally picture you throughout this experience and am sure that that t-shirt will be a treasured possession for life! So glad you had such a fun time meeting her!

    • She is the greatest, right? Thanks for leaving a comment Stace! :) Lisa really wanted me to put the T-shirt on after it had been signed to take a picture for this blog entry, and I was like, NO WAY, something could happen to it. Treasured possession is right! If Jeff signs it, I am totally getting it encased in glass like those athletes and musicians do with their jerseys and gold records! 😉

  6. Ashley….what a wonderful article!!! IMO you are one of the best bloggers EVER. Jordan and Jeff are the sweetest couple though both claim to be imperfect. They are real! They have had more real life experiences in the last two and a half years than most of us have in a lifetime. and have remained the same …very respectful and protective of each other.
    In my heart, Jordan is like my other daughter. My daughter understands this and when we talk on the phone, she always asks about Jordan. You are right, Ashley, she is whats right in the world.
    Thank you, Ashley for your wonderful and very sweet blog about the wonderful and very sweet Jordan.

    • Wow, Jennifer, thank you SO MUCH! :) You just made my whole day! How cute is that about your daughter asking about Jordan when you talk to her? Love it!
      I am glad you enjoyed this, I had a great time writing it!

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your wonderful blog about the sweetest, kindest and most beautiful girl inside and out..Jordan Lloyd! She along with Jeff, captured my heart almost three years ago on a silly show called Big Brother which I never really watched, and once it was over, I knew I had to find out more about this amazing couple! Needless to say, I never missed a show THAT season an episode of Big Brother After Dark! LOL Like others when finale night came on BB11, I was sitting there biting my nails and praying that this sweet girl who I knew could really use that money to help her family out and who had such a huge and beautiful heart, would win…and she did!! I was jumping and screaming around my house to the point that my husband came in the room and thought something was wrong with me! LOL It was truly such a wonderful moment and my next thought as I’m sure was on many folks minds at the time was, “What will happen between her and Jeff?” I thought there was no way these two could just go their separate ways because it was so apparent at least to me, that these two had developed such a strong bond between each other and that even though they both tried hard to fight it and deny it, they had fallen in love. Who would think that something so pure and so real would happen on a show like Big Brother, but it did! I have always said that Jordan is like a light in a dark harbor, there is just a feeling of goodness that surrounds her and it’s infectious! I too like so many others, have been Jordanized! I was fortunate enough to meet Jeff twice and like Jordan, Jeff is an amazing person with a huge heart and a very unique sense of humor! I hope to one day meet Jordan, but if not, I will continue to love and support her from afar. I hope you get Jeff to sign your shirt Ashley, something tells me that you will. Maybe one day you’ll even get the opportunity to write a blog about the two of them that you will be able to share with us! That would be wonderful! Thank you again for bringing Jordan to us in your writing Ashley, so glad you too have been Jordanized! : )

    • Mary, thank you so much for this FANTASTIC comment! :) I love it! You are SO LUCKY to have met Jeff, not once, but twice! Seriously, that is awesome!
      Getting to blog about Jeff AND Jordan together would be a total dream come true for me, I would definitely attempt to them both justice in their fabulousness! :)
      Thank you again for reading and leaving such a great response!

  8. Ashley thank you for writing this blog and sharing your experience. I am the biggest big brother fan.Season 11 was probably one of my favorite the first year I got the live feeds just to listen to Jeff and Jordan stories and funny jokes. My mom pass away last january and to be honest watching big brother last summer helped me in many ways excape the pain I was feeling from her death. Jeff and Jordan with their true love for each other and Jeff way of encourage people with his words really helped alot. Now my kids would say I am addicted to JeJo Fan site because I watch flashback and really enjoy checking everyday to see if their any new project coming up and I guess I admit I am. However until people watch the story of JeJo and learn how special they are they don’t understand. Thanks again for writing the blog and I hope you get that signature from Jeff too.

    • Thank you Nancy. I am so sorry about your mom. My mother died last February, and I agree with you about Big Brother helping to serve as an escape. That first year of loss is tough.
      I am so glad you enjoyed this blog column. :)
      It was fun to write, and I adore Jordan (and Jeff, despite not having been lucky to meet him…YET! ;))

  9. Loved the blog! Easy to see you fell in love with Jordan just as we did. We call it being ‘Jordanized’. LOL! Love your friends quote “Jordan is everything that is right with the world”. She is a one of a kind that is for sure and she and Jeff bring light and hope to many because they are something ‘right’ in a world too often gone wrong. Love your humor and your ‘style’. Keep it up. I’ll be reading!

    • Thank you so much Peggy! Love ‘Jordanized’! That is fantastic! :)
      I appreciate you reading and commenting, and I certainly hope you will keep doing both, because I will definitely keep writing!

  10. WOW! you are SO LUCKY !! I wanna meet them so BADLY!! ..well congrats to you :) you deserve it! AND THANK YOU for sharing your wonderful story with all of us JEJO fans !!! you the besstt!! god bless yah! <3

    • Thank you so much for this fantastic and adorable comment! :) It totally made me smile! I really appreciate you reading! Glad you enjoyed the story!

  11. That was such a fun morning! :) I don’t ever think I’ve seen you so excited. Not even laryngitis could keep you down! :) I’m so glad I got to be a part of it!!

  12. Hi Ashley, thank you for your wonderful blog about meeting Jordan. I too have been a fan since bb11 i had the feeds and fell in love with the most beautiful, sweetest down to earth reality contestant i have ever seen. I watched her and Jeff fall in love and have been hooked and invested in their relationship ever since. I am in it for the long haul and am waiting for the day they get married, have kids and live happily ever after. I think it was her story that made me fall so hard for her, how she was on the show to win money to buy a house for her mom and brother, how she had to share a room with her mother. I too was on pins and needles that finally night praying she would win and was so happy when she did. Don’t feel bad for crying because i did too and i’m a grown ass man i’m embarresed to say LOL. I hope one day you will get to meet Jeff and he can sign the shirt for you.

    • Oh Paul, I just love this comment so much I cannot even stand it. I love that you are a man who is not afraid to admit his love for Jordan and Jeff. Thank you so much for reading and for writing this fantastic note! :)

  13. On behalf of your Mom, we will take full credit for this exciting event! Since we WERE the ones who got you hooked! I do miss “dissing” with your mom about the show, the players, etc. I, too, was once addicted to the “live feed,” but then I had to start working for a living and being a single mom - totally got in the way of my live feed watching; however, we do have Showtime, so I can watch the “After Dark” show sometimes late at night if I can’t sleep. Love eavesdropping on the houseguests!!

    • Full credit definitely goes to the two of you on this particular addiction! 😉
      Yeah, the live feeds are killing me. I can’t look away!

  14. Ashley…..I absolutely just LOVED your new blog about Jordan AND Jeff!! It was so nice to revisit your time in February when you first met Jordan at her job and now to read about it five months later…I can just feel the excitement you were feeling in your very descriptive words! They’re truly both such amazing people and have captured the hearts of America! It appears so much positive and wonderful changes have happened for both Jeff and Jordan since you first wrote your blog five months ago, and I am sitting her on pins and needles eagerly awaiting the posting of their first episode of their new show “Jeff And Jordan Do America” today! I’m sure you are as well!! Thank you once again for this visit down memory lane and for the eloquent words you used to describe this special couple! I hope you consider writing a blog about #JeJoDoAmerica ! EVERYONE will be clamoring to read it!! : )

    • I will definitely write a blog about the show…I watched all 10 of them last night! Hi, my name is Ashley, and I just really like Jeff and Jordan! 😉
      Thank you for your sweet comment…so glad you enjoyed the trip down memory lane!

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