Passing It On

I love voting for reality TV shows and for everyone who rallied to vote for Chris Mann on The Voice, my hat is off to you. Audience participation is always great fun.

Yesterday, though, in the state of North Carolina, I got to participate in a real vote, as we had a primary election here. It was a reminder to me of the value of living in our country and how important it is to use our voices to participate in our democracy.

I took Abby with me to vote, just as my mother used to take my sister and me with her when she voted. Like my mother did, I talked to her about what we were doing and why. I even let her press one of the buttons on the machine, so that she could feel like she was genuinely a part of the process.

She was so proud to receive her “I Voted” sticker.

I was proud to carry on a tradition passed on from my mother and to stand on the side of all families by voting against Amendment One. I just wish the majority of North Carolinians had felt the same way.



Passing It On — 17 Comments

  1. There is no way that ridiculous amendment passed….did it? I am horrified by the ignorance of so many. Even if you have super conservative views, that was just so horribly written, all it will do is damage. I’m so sorry.

    • Thank you Stace. It is incredibly sad for so many. I am genuinely hopeful it will be repealed as it was poorly written and definitely hurts many people…gay AND straight. :(

  2. I wanted to take Katie with me but went to vote straight from work so couldn’t. I was thinking that in November maybe I can go first thing in the morning so she can come with. I really would love for her to learn the process early.

    It was crazy busy last night. It took me 45 minutes to get through the line and cast my vote. I spent a lot of the time wondering if the people there were for, against, or indifferent about Amendment One. I’m sad that the majority of our state (not Charlotte, but the state of NC) thought this amendment was necessary. Sad and angry, actually. And disappointed. So very disappointed.

    • Very well said Kim. So very disappointed. I do recommend taking Katie to vote in November. I will definitely take both my girls then! :)

  3. I took Conley with me and although she is just shy of three I explained what we were doing and why were doing it. She was proud of her sticker and told everyone in Target that we voted. I am sad, but not surprised that this passed. I hope that this will make those of that believe that family should not be defined by Bible passages or hate-mongers even more adamant to repel this archaic amendment. We can only hope because our children’s children are going to be so ashamed of us if not.

    • Thank you Sosha. How sweet that she was so proud of voting! Love it! :)
      I hope that the opponents of this amendment will work to make sure it is repealed, as it needs to be ASAP.

  4. Abby is so cute.
    Funny you mention this, I was watching the news last night scrolling across the bottom of the screen and it said North Carolina passes gay marriage amendment. I thought that’s funny, I wouldn’t expect North Carolina to support gay marriage. Then the next line on the scroll explained it banned them.

    • Yeah, you were right. NC doesn’t support them. It is legal here to marry your cousin, just not your gay cousin. Obviously, we have standards. Stay classy NC.

  5. Colorado Republican elected officials turned down a measure to approve gay marriage yesterday. This in spite of a poll in April that indicated 53% of Coloradans approve it while only 40% do not - the remainder being undecided. Makes you think those in power are ignoring public opinion in favor of pushing their own agenda. Disturbing.

  6. Kind of thought North Carolina was a little more advanced than that. It lost badly too. At least you got a super cute picture of sweet Abby. I think it is cool that you let her vote. I really enjoy voting, too bad they also allow idiots (anyone who disagrees) to vote also.

    • You make me laugh! I do wonder if this amendment had been on our general election ballot if the result would have been the same.

  7. I will definitely start taking the boys to vote with me and actually discuss the importance with them. Great idea!

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