How Will I “Survive” This Season?

Dear Jeff Probst and the Survivor Casting People,

I am a loyal viewer of your show. I have watched many seasons. I have endured contestants I absolutely despised, sometimes more than once (I am looking at you Russell Hantz) because Survivor is a show that my husband and I watch together, and quite honestly, those just don’t come along very much these days.

He wants to watch cricket.

I want to gouge out my eyes.

I want to watch The Good Wife.

He just wants me to be a good wife and leave him in peace.

See where I am going here?

So, when we happen upon a show that we both enjoy, we lap it up like an oasis in the desert. We look forward to our Wednesday night date in front of the TV all week long, because we know we will always be entertained and have lots to talk about.

It is no surprise that this new season has brought a lot of talking to our household.

Specifically, about one contestant.

You probably don’t even need me to tell you which one, right?

But I will, just in case you are not sure.

It is Colton.

And here is the thing, Jeff Probst and the rest of the CBS Casting people, Colton is not a villain we love to hate.

He is just simply someone we hate.

Because, he himself, is so very full of it. And, honestly, just between you and me, it really isn’t fun to watch that.

Leif=Kind, Genuine Family Man

For instance, watching him call Leif, the first little person in Survivor history, who has been described by other players as genuinely one of the nicest people out there and a real family man, slurs based on his size or seeing him target Bill, the only African American on his tribe, who has been described as the player who often kept up the tribe’s moral, with blatant racial slurs is astonishing. Hearing him describe his wealthy upbringing and how he simply does not like to be around anyone who is less fortunate than him is mind-boggling. His eye rolls and overdramatic hand gestures don’t take away the sting when he is denigrating race, class, size, as if he is somehow above everyone else simply because he knows how to tie his sweater around his neck in a jaunty way.

I can’t help but wonder in a time in this country when our civil discourse has lost all signs of civility if this is truly the time to be giving a voice to pure, unadulterated hate, especially on a show that happens to air during “the family hour” of viewing time. There is nothing redeeming about it, and the fact that the people he was disparaging handled it with grace and class doesn’t make it acceptable as entertainment. I understand reality TV and the fact that we need villains to root against, I just don’t find watching actual hate entertaining.

Bill Posley=Definition of Class

Your Disgusted Viewer,




How Will I “Survive” This Season? — 16 Comments

  1. I agree, Ashley. I’m not even watching this season, but I’ve heard enough about this guy to nod in agreement. Not enough to make me tune in, though (more proof that your ratings whoring isn’t working, network!) We can’t police people’s personalities. Jackasses are allowed to be jackasses. But we don’t need to give them a public platform. Step up and boot the guy off the show.

    • Trust me, I wouldn’t recommend starting. And, you know me, I am a total reality TV show pusher, so if I am not recommending it, it is not good. It is just really a shame, because it is otherwise a really good season, and I think without him, it would still be that way.

  2. Well, I second your opinion in all you said! That kind of evil and ignorance should not be used for entertainment PERIOD. Get that ugly no good man off of the show and hmm…..can think of many ‘uncomfortable places’ I’d like him to go! I don’t watch Survivor anymore, my hubby and I used to watch survivor also! I totally get the “trying to find common ground in tv shows!!!” My hubby and I now watch “Modern Family” as our one unified tv interest.

    • I love Modern Family. Robert watched a few episodes with me, but he is not much of a sitcom person, so it was not one he could stick with for long.
      It is just a shame because I love Survivor, but this season has really made me sad.

  3. Colton is a waste of space. He really needs an attitude adjustment. I would hope that during casting his disdain for fellow human beings was not apparent. I can not understand why the other men follow him like little puppies. I have truly been in shock from what I’ve seen this season on Survivor. I can only hope that Colton is voted out, soon, like this week!!!! He’s the poster child for ignorance, IMO!!!

    • I really have to hope the same thing Deena. I really have to hope that they could not see his blatant disgusting human behavior in the casting process because honestly that would be unforgivable to me. I am not normally a fan of Jeff giving a ton of airtime to one person in the live reunion show, but in this case, I really hope he absolutely slays Colton on live TV.

  4. I don’t watch, but I completely agree with your sentiment here. Yes, all shows have those we love to hate, but actual hate is not entertaining (or worth anyone’s time). So well said.

    • Thank you Becca. I just felt like now more than ever to be purposefully stirring the pot of hate seemed so unnecessary to me.

    • I have to tell you that this comment made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and then made Robert laugh out loud when I read it to him!

  5. I just realized I never commented on this post. I agree with everything you wrote. I just can’t stand Colton. He’s just vile, and it’s not enjoyable. Watching actual hate is not enjoyable or entertaining. Blech. I’m not gleefully awaiting his demise, I just want him GONE. I hope it will happen this week so the show can get back on track. I literally cringe when he’s on screen. (or maybe it’s more like recoiling in disgust)

    • Totally agree with you. What is sad is that I actually think it is a really good season, and he just brings it down. I cannot wait until he is gone for good.

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